.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)b.t 6.2 (Berkeley) 6/3/86 .\" .\".ds RH "Device Defaulting Rules .bp .LG .B .ce APPENDIX B. RULES FOR DEFAULTING SYSTEM DEVICES .sp .R .NL .PP When \fIconfig\fP processes a ``config'' rule which does not fully specify the location of the root file system, paging area(s), device for system dumps, and device for argument list processing it applies a set of rules to define those values left unspecified. The following list of rules are used in defaulting system devices. .IP 1) 3 If a root device is not specified, the swap specification must indicate a ``generic'' system is to be built. .IP 2) 3 If the root device does not specify a unit number, it defaults to unit 0. .IP 3) 3 If the root device does not include a partition specification, it defaults to the ``a'' partition. .IP 4) 3 If no swap area is specified, it defaults to the ``b'' partition of the root device. .IP 5) 3 If no device is specified for processing argument lists, the first swap partition is selected. .IP 6) 3 If no device is chosen for system dumps, the first swap partition is selected (see below to find out where dumps are placed within the partition). .PP The following table summarizes the default partitions selected when a device specification is incomplete, e.g. ``hp0''. .DS .TS l l. Type Partition _ root ``a'' swap ``b'' args ``b'' dumps ``b'' .TE .DE .SH Multiple swap/paging areas .PP When multiple swap partitions are specified, the system treats the first specified as a ``primary'' swap area which is always used. The remaining partitions are then interleaved into the paging system at the time a .IR swapon (2) system call is made. This is normally done at boot time with a call to .IR swapon (8) from the /etc/rc file. .SH System dumps .PP System dumps are automatically taken after a system crash, provided the device driver for the ``dumps'' device supports this. The dump contains the contents of memory, but not the swap areas. Normally the dump device is a disk in which case the information is copied to a location at the back of the partition. The dump is placed in the back of the partition because the primary swap and dump device are commonly the same device and this allows the system to be rebooted without immediately overwriting the saved information. When a dump has occurred, the system variable \fIdumpsize\fP is set to a non-zero value indicating the size (in bytes) of the dump. The \fIsavecore\fP\|(8) program then copies the information from the dump partition to a file in a ``crash'' directory and also makes a copy of the system which was running at the time of the crash (usually ``/vmunix''). The offset to the system dump is defined in the system variable \fIdumplo\fP (a sector offset from the front of the dump partition). The .I savecore program operates by reading the contents of \fIdumplo\fP, \fIdumpdev\fP, and \fIdumpmagic\fP from /dev/kmem, then comparing the value of \fIdumpmagic\fP read from /dev/kmem to that located in corresponding location in the dump area of the dump partition. If a match is found, .I savecore assumes a crash occurred and reads \fIdumpsize\fP from the dump area of the dump partition. This value is then used in copying the system dump. Refer to \fIsavecore\fP\|(8) for more information about its operation. .PP The value \fIdumplo\fP is calculated to be .DS \fIdumpdev-size\fP \- \fImemsize\fP .DE where \fIdumpdev-size\fP is the size of the disk partition where system dumps are to be placed, and \fImemsize\fP is the size of physical memory. If the disk partition is not large enough to hold a full dump, \fIdumplo\fP is set to 0 (the start of the partition).