.\" Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)0.t 6.7 (Berkeley) 4/15/86 .\" .EH 'SMM:12-%''Bug Fixes and Changes in 4.3BSD' .OH 'Bug Fixes and Changes in 4.3BSD''SMM:12-%' .de IR \fI\\$1\\|\fR\\$2\\fR\\fR .. .TL Bug Fixes and Changes in 4.3BSD .sp April 15, 1986 .AU Marshall Kirk McKusick James M. Bloom Michael J. Karels .AI Computer Systems Research Group Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 (415) 642-7780 .AB This document briefly describes the changes in the Berkeley version of .UX for the VAX\(dd .FS \(dd \s-2DEC\s0, \s-2VAX\s0, \s-2PDP\s0, \s-2MASSBUS\s0, \s-2UNIBUS\s0, \s-2Q-bus\s0 and \s-2ULTRIX\s0 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. .FE between the 4.2BSD distribution of July 1983 and this, its revision of March 1986. It attempts only to summarize the changes that have been made. .AE .SH .ce .LG Notable improvements .SM .sp .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The performance of the system has been improved to be at least as good as that of 4.1BSD, and in many instances is better. This was accomplished by improving the performance of kernel operations, rewriting C library routines for efficiency, and optimization of heavily used utilities. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 Many programs were rewritten to do I/O in optimal blocks for the filesystem. Most of these programs were doing their own I/O and not using the standard I/O library. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The system now supports the Xerox Network System network communication protocols. Most of the remaining Internet dependencies in shared common code have been removed or generalized. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The signal mechanism has been extended to allow selected signals to interrupt pending system calls. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The C and Fortran 77 compilers have been modified so that they can generate single precision floating point operations. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The Fortran 77 compiler and associated I/O library have undergone extensive changes to improve reliability and performance. Compilation may, optionally, include optimization phases to improve code density and decrease execution time. Many minor bugs in the C compiler have been fixed. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The math library has been completely rewritten by a group of numerical analysts to improve both its speed and accuracy. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 Password lookup functions now use a hashed database rather than linear search of the password file. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 C library string routines and several standard I/O functions were recoded in VAX assembler for greater speed. The C versions are available for portability. Standard error is now buffered within a single call to perform output. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 The symbolic debugger, \fIdbx\fP, has been dramatically improved. \fIDbx\fP works on C, Pascal and Fortran 77 programs and allows users to set break points and trace execution by source code line numbers, references to memory locations, procedure entry, etc. \fIDbx\fP allows users to reference structured and local variables using the program's programming language syntax. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 A new internet name domain server has been added to allow sites to administer their name space locally and export it to the rest of the Internet. Sites not using the name server may use a static host table with a hashed lookup mechanism. .IP \s+1\(bu\s0 A new time synchronization server has been added to allow a set of machines to keep their clocks within tens of milliseconds of each other. .br .ne 10 .LP