.\" @(#)u0 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/22/86 .\" ...TM 78-1273-8 .EH 'USD:1-%''UNIX For Beginners' .OH 'UNIX For Beginners''USD:1-%' .ND October 2, 1978 ...old TM -74-1273-18, October 29, 1974 .\".RP .TL UNIX For Beginners \(em Second Edition .AU Brian W. Kernighan .AI .MH .AU (Updated for 4.3BSD by Mark Seiden) .AB .PP This paper is meant to help new users get started on the .UX operating system. It includes: .IP "\ \(bu" basics needed for day-to-day use of the system \(em typing commands, correcting typing mistakes, logging in and out, mail, inter-terminal communication, the file system, printing files, redirecting I/O, pipes, and the shell. .IP "\ \(bu" document preparation \(em a brief discussion of the major formatting programs and macro packages, hints on preparing documents, and capsule descriptions of some supporting software. .IP "\ \(bu" .UC UNIX programming \(em using the editor, programming the shell, programming in C, other languages and tools. .IP "\ \(bu" An annotated .UC UNIX bibliography. .AE