.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)mail6.nr 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/23/86 .\" .bp .sh 1 "Command line options" .pp This section describes command line options for .i Mail and what they are used for. .ip \-N Suppress the initial printing of headers. .ip \-d Turn on debugging information. Not of general interest. .ip "\-f file" Show the messages in .i file instead of your system mailbox. If .i file is omitted, .i Mail reads .i mbox in your home directory. .ip \-i Ignore tty interrupt signals. Useful on noisy phone lines, which generate spurious RUBOUT or DELETE characters. It's usually more effective to change your interrupt character to control\-c, for which see the .i stty shell command. .ip \-n Inhibit reading of /usr/lib/Mail.rc. Not generally useful, since /usr/lib/Mail.rc is usually empty. .ip "\-s string" Used for sending mail. .i String is used as the subject of the message being composed. If .i string contains blanks, you must surround it with quote marks. .ip "\-u name" Read .i names's mail instead of your own. Unwitting others often neglect to protect their mailboxes, but discretion is advised. Essentially, .b "\-u user" is a shorthand way of doing .b "\-f /usr/spool/user". .ip "\-v" Use the .b \-v flag when invoking sendmail. This feature may also be enabled by setting the the option "verbose". .pp The following command line flags are also recognized, but are intended for use by programs invoking .i Mail and not for people. .ip "\-T file" Arrange to print on .i file the contents of the .i article-id fields of all messages that were either read or deleted. .b \-T is for the .i readnews program and should NOT be used for reading your mail. .ip "\-h number" Pass on hop count information. .i Mail will take the number, increment it, and pass it with .b \-h to the mail delivery system. .b \-h only has effect when sending mail and is used for network mail forwarding. .ip "\-r name" Used for network mail forwarding: interpret .i name as the sender of the message. The .i name and .b \-r are simply sent along to the mail delivery system. Also, .i Mail will wait for the message to be sent and return the exit status. Also restricts formatting of message. .pp Note that .b \-h and .b \-r , which are for network mail forwarding, are not used in practice since mail forwarding is now handled separately. They may disappear soon.