.\" @(#)4.4 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/26/86 .\" .se "Statistics" The notesfile system keeps statistics on where notes and responses originate, the number of network accesses, duplications and orphaned responses. Combined with the use of the log maintained by the notesfile networking software, monitoring notesfile traffic is quite easy. The -s option specifies that only a summary is to be produced, skipping the individual reports. Wildcard constructs with '*', '?', '[', and ']' are recognized by nfstats. Invoke the statistics program with: nfstats [ -s ] topic1 [ ... ] Typical output is: .KS .nf .ls 1 rbenotes on uiucdcs at 6:24 pm May 7, 1982 .ta 1.5i 2.25i 3.0i NOTES RESPS TOTALS Local Reads 359 115 474 Local Written 53 55 108 Networked in 0 0 0 Networked out 0 0 0 Network Dropped 0 0 0 .TA Network Transmissions: 0 Network Receptions: 0 Orphaned Responses Received: 0 Entries into notesfile: 109 Total time in notesfile: 66.57 minutes Average Time/entry: 0.61 minutes Created at 10:04 pm May 5, 1982, Used on 3 days .ls .fi .KE A combined set of statistics is produced at the end of listings of more than one notesfile. The statistics are largely self explanatory.