.\" @(#)5 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/26/86 .\" .ls 1 .bp .de CP .rt .po 4i .. .ch "Summary" .nf .ls 1 .mk notes [-sxi] [-a subsequencer] [-t type] nf-list .ft B Everywhere: .ft P ? help q,k quit Q,K Quit w/out save \(uaD Leave \fBNOW\fP w/out sequencer ! Fork Shell B Register suggestion .ft B Index Page: .ft P + Forward * Last page - Backward = First page 13 Read note 13 (requires RETURN) a,A Search for author d Director options j,J Jump to first unread note l,L Like j,J; leave if nothing unread n Nest notesfiles N Nest to this notesfile's archive o Set oldest date for sequencing O Set sequencer for today's notes p Read policy note r Replot the screen w Write a note x,X Search for title z like \(uaD but update sequencer .ft B Reading anything: .ft P spc Next page of current text - Previous page of text ; Next text + Next text ret Next note 7 Forward 7 responses (15 = 8 + 7) = Goto base note * Last Response a,A Search backwards (author) c,C Copy text to notesfile (C = w/editing) d Toggle director msg. D Delete (if yours) e Edit title E Edit text f,F Forward notestring to notesfile (F= w/editing) .CP i Index page j Next unread text J Next unread base note l,L Like j,J; leave if nothing unread m Mail to anyone M Mail w/text n Nest notesfiles N Nest to this notesfile's archive p,P Personal note to author (P = w/text) r,\(uaL Replot current text R Rotate text (simple decryption) s Save text S Save entire note string t Talk to author w Write response x,X Search backwards (title) z like \(uaD but update sequencer Z Delete (directors only!) .ft B Director Options: .ft P a Toggle anonymous A Toggle archive status c Compress notesfile D Change expire w/dirmsg flag e Change expiration threshold E Change expiration action l Change maximum text/article m Change director message n Toggle network availability o Toggle open status t Change notesfile title u Un-delete lots of notes w Write policy W Change working set size z Zap lots of notes p Access (permission) List: i insert d delete m modify u user g group s system r read access a answer access d director options w write access n null access .po .ls .fi