.\" @(#)jove.4 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/86 .\" .bp .NH 1 Alphabetical List of Commands and Variables .dc "Prefix-1" "Escape" This reads the next character and runs a command based on the character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before typing the next character, the message "ESC" will be printed on the message line to remind you that \s-2JOVE\s0 is waiting for another character. .dc "Prefix-2" "C-X" This reads the next character and runs a command based on the character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before typing another character, the message "C-X" will be printed on the message line to remind you that \s-2JOVE\s0 is waiting for another character. .dc "Prefix-3" "Not Bound" This reads the next character and runs a command based on the character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before typing the next character, the character that invoked Prefix-3 will be printed on the message line to remind you that \s-2JOVE\s0 is waiting for another one. .dc "allow-^S-and-^Q" "(variable)" This variable, when set, tells \s-2JOVE\s0 that your terminal does not need to use the characters C-S and C-Q for flow control, and that it is okay to bind things to them. This variable should be set depending upon what kind of terminal you have. .dc "allow-bad-filenames" "(variable)" If set, this variable permits filenames to contain "bad" characters such as those from the set *&%!"`[]{}. These files are harder to deal with, because the characters mean something to the shell. The default value is "off". .dc "append-region" "Not Bound" This appends the region to a specified file. If the file does not already exist it is created. .dc "apropos" "Not Bound" This types out all the commands, variables and macros with the specific keyword in their names. For each command and macro that contains the string, the key sequence that can be used to execute the command or macro is printed; with variables, the current value is printed. So, to find all the commands that are related to windows, you type .DS ESC X apropos window .DE .dc "auto-case-abbrev" "(variable)" When this variable is on (the default), word abbreviations are adjusted for case automatically. For example, if "jove" were the abbreviation for "jonathan's own version of emacs", then typing "jove" would give you "jonathan's own version of emacs", typing "Jove" would give you "Jonathan's own version of emacs", and typing "JOVE" would give you "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs". When this variable is "off", upper and lower case are distinguished when looking for the abbreviation, i.e., in the example above, "JOVE" and "Jove" would not be expanded unless they were defined separately. .dc "auto-execute-command" "Not Bound" This tells \s-2JOVE\s0 to execute a command automatically when a file whose name matches a specified pattern is visited. The first argument is the command you want executed and the second is a regular expression pattern that specifies the files that apply. For example, if you want to be in show-match-mode when you edit C source files (that is, files that end with ".c" or ".h") you can type .ID ESC X auto-execute-command show-match-mode .*\.[ch]$ .DE .dc "auto-execute-macro" "Not Bound" This is like .IQ auto-execute-command except you use it to execute macros automatically instead of built-in commands. .dc "auto-fill-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on Auto Fill mode (or off if it's currently on) in the selected buffer. When \s-2JOVE\s0 is in Auto Fill mode it automatically breaks lines for you when you reach the right margin so you don't have to remember to hit Return. \s-2JOVE\s0 uses 78 as the right margin but you can change that by setting the variable .IQ right-margin to another value. See the .IQ set command to learn how to do this. .dc "auto-indent-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on Auto Indent mode (or off if it's currently on) in the selected buffer. When \s-2JOVE\s0 is in Auto Indent mode, Return indents the new line to the same position as the line you were just on. This is useful for lining up C code (or any other language (but what else is there besides C?)). This is out of date because of the new command called .IQ newline-and-indent but it remains because of several "requests" on the part of, uh, enthusiastic and excitable users, that it be left as it is. .dc "backward-character" "C-B" This moves point backward over a single character. If point is at the beginning of the line it moves to the end of the previous line. .dc "backward-paragraph" "ESC [" This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or previous paragraph. Paragraphs are bounded by lines that begin with a Period or Tab, or by blank lines; a change in indentation may also signal a break between paragraphs, except that \s-2JOVE\s0 allows the first line of a paragraph to be indented differently from the other lines. .dc "backward-s-expression" "ESC C-B" This moves point backward over a s-expression. It is just like .IQ forward-s-expression with a negative argument. .dc "backward-sentence" "ESC A" This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or previous sentence. \s-2JOVE\s0 considers the end of a sentence to be the characters ".", "!" or "?" followed by a Return or by one or more spaces. .dc "backward-word" "ESC B" This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or previous word. .dc "bad-filename-extensions" "(variable)" This contains a list of words separated by spaces which are to be considered bad filename extensions, and so will not be counted in filename completion. The default is ".o" so if you have jove.c and jove.o in the same directory, the filename completion will .IQ not complain of an ambiguity because it will ignore jove.o. .dc "beginning-of-file" "ESC <" This moves point backward to the beginning of the buffer. This sometimes prints the "Point Pushed" message. If the top of the buffer isn't on the screen \s-2JOVE\s0 will set the mark so you can go back to where you were if you want. .dc "beginning-of-line" "C-A" This moves point to the beginning of the current line. .dc "beginning-of-window" "ESC ," This moves point to the beginning of the current window. The sequence "ESC ," is the same as "ESC <" (beginning of file) except without the shift key on the "<", and can thus can easily be remembered. .dc "bind-to-key" "Not Bound" This attaches a key to an internal \s-2JOVE\s0 command so that future hits on that key invoke that command. For example, to make "C-W" erase the previous word, you type "ESC X bind-to-key kill-previous-word C-W". .dc "bind-macro-to-key" "Not Bound" This is like .IQ bind-to-key except you use it to attach keys to named macros. .dc "bind-macro-to-word-abbrev" "Not Bound" This command allows you to bind a macro to a previously defined word abbreviation. Whenever you type the abbreviation, it will first be expanded as an abbreviation, and then the macro will be executed. Note that if the macro moves around, you should set the mark first (C-@) and then exchange the point and mark last (C-X C-X). .dc "buffer-position" "Not Bound" This displays the current file name, current line number, total number of lines, percentage of the way through the file, and the position of the cursor in the current line. .dc "c-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on C mode in the currently selected buffer. This is one of currently four possible major modes: Fundamental, Text, C, Lisp. When in C or Lisp mode, Tab, "}", and ")" behave a little differently from usual: They are indented to the "right" place for C (or Lisp) programs. In \s-2JOVE\s0, the "right" place is simply the way the author likes it (but I've got good taste). .dc "case-character-capitalize" "Not Bound" This capitalizes the character after point, i.e., the character undo the cursor. If a negative argument is supplied that many characters .IQ before point are upper cased. .dc "case-ignore-search" "(variable)" This variable, when set, tells \s-2JOVE\s0 to treat upper and lower case as the same when searching. Thus "jove" and "JOVE" would match, and "JoVe" would match either. The default value of this variable is "off". .dc "case-region-lower" "Not Bound" This changes all the upper case letters in the region to their lower case equivalent. .dc "case-region-upper" "Not Bound" This changes all the lower case letters in the region to their upper case equivalent. .dc "case-word-capitalize" "ESC C" This capitalizes the current word by making the current letter upper case and making the rest of the word lower case. Point is moved to the end of the word. If point is not positioned on a word it is first moved forward to the beginning of the next word. If a negative argument is supplied that many words .IQ before point are capitalized. This is useful for correcting the word just typed without having to move point to the beginning of the word yourself. .dc "case-word-lower" "ESC L" This lower-cases the current word and leaves point at the end of it. If point is in the middle of a word the rest of the word is converted. If point is not in a word it is first moved forward to the beginning of the next word. If a negative argument is supplied that many words .IQ before point are converted to lower case. This is useful for correcting the word just typed without having to move point to the beginning of the word yourself. .dc "case-word-upper" "ESC U" This upper-cases the current word and leaves point at the end of it. If point is in the middle of a word the rest of the word is converted. If point is not in a word it is first moved forward to the beginning of the next word. If a negative argument is supplied that many words .IQ before point are converted to upper case. This is useful for correcting the word just typed without having to move point to the beginning of the word yourself. .dc "character-to-octal-insert" "Not Bound" This inserts a Back-slash followed by the ascii value of the next character typed. For example, "C-G" inserts the string "\\007". .dc "cd" "Not Bound" This changes the current directory. .dc "clear-and-redraw" "ESC C-L" This clears the entire screen and redraws all the windows. Use this when \s-2JOVE\s0 gets confused about what's on the screen, or when the screen gets filled with garbage characters or output from another program. .dc "comment-format" "(variable)" This variable tells \s-2JOVE\s0 how to format your comments when you run the command .IQ fill-comment. Its format is this: .ID %!%c%! .DE The %!, %c, and %! must appear in the format; everything else is optional. A newline (represented by %n) may appear in the open or close patterns. %% is the representation for %. The default comment format is for C comments. See .IQ fill-comment for more. .dc "compile-it" "C-X C-E" This compiles your program by running the UNIX command "make" into a buffer, and automatically parsing the error messages that are created (if any). See the .IQ parse-errors and .IQ parse-special-errors commands. To compile a C program without "make", use "C-U C-X C-E" and \s-2JOVE\s0 will prompt for a command to run instead of make. (And then the command you type will become the default command.) You can use this to parse the output from the C compiler or the "grep" or "lint" programs. .dc "continue-process" "Not Bound" This sends SIGCONT to the current interactive process, .IQ if the process is currently stopped. .dc "copy-region" "ESC W" This takes all the text in the region and copies it onto the kill ring buffer. This is just like running .IQ kill-region followed by the .IQ yank command. See the .IQ kill-region and .IQ yank commands. .dc "current-error" "Not Bound" This moves to the current error in the list of parsed errors. See the .IQ next-error and .IQ previous-error commands for more detailed information. .dc "date" "Not Bound" This prints the date on the message line. .dc "define-mode-word-abbrev" "Not Bound" This defines a mode-specific abbreviation. .dc "define-global-word-abbrev" "Not Bound" This defines a global abbreviation. .dc "delete-blank-lines" "C-X C-O" This deletes all the blank lines around point. This is useful when you previously opened many lines with "C-O" and now wish to delete the unused ones. .dc "delete-buffer" "C-X K" This deletes a buffer and frees up all the memory associated with it. Be careful! Once a buffer has been deleted it is gone forever. \s-2JOVE\s0 will ask you to confirm if you try to delete a buffer that needs saving. This command is useful for when \s-2JOVE\s0 runs out of space to store new buffers. .dc "delete-macro" "Not Bound" This deletes a macro from the list of named macros. It is an error to delete the keyboard-macro. Once the macro is deleted it is gone forever. If you are about to save macros to a file and decide you don't want to save a particular one, delete it. .dc "delete-next-character" "C-D" This deletes the character that's just after point (that is, the character under the cursor). If point is at the end of a line, the line separator is deleted and the next line is joined with the current one. .dc "delete-other-windows" "C-X 1" This deletes all the other windows except the current one. This can be thought of as going back into One Window mode. .dc "delete-previous-character" "Rubout" This deletes the character that's just before point (that is, the character before the cursor). If point is at the beginning of the line, the line separator is deleted and that line is joined with the previous one. .dc "delete-white-space" "ESC \\\\" This deletes all the Tabs and Spaces around point. .dc "delete-current-window" "C-X D" This deletes the current window and moves point into one of the remaining ones. It is an error to try to delete the only remaining window. .dc "describe-bindings" "Not Bound" This types out a list containing each bound key and the command that gets invoked every time that key is typed. To make a wall chart of \s-2JOVE\s0 commands, set .IQ send-typeout-to-buffer to "on" and \s-2JOVE\s0 will store the key bindings in a buffer which you can save to a file and then print. .dc "describe-command" "Not Bound" This prints some info on a specified command. .dc "describe-key" "Not Bound" This waits for you to type a key and then tells the name of the command that gets invoked every time that key is hit. Once you have the name of the command you can use the .IQ describe-command command to find out exactly what it does. .dc "describe-variable" "Not Bound" This prints some info on a specified variable. .dc "digit" "ESC [0-9]" This reads a numeric argument. When you type "ESC" followed by a number, "digit" keeps reading numbers until you type some other command. Then that command is executes with the numeric argument you specified. .dc "digit-1" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 1". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-2" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 2". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-3" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 3". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-4" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 4". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-5" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 5". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-6" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 6". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-7" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 7". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-8" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 8". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-9" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 9". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "digit-0" "Not Bound" This pretends you typed "ESC 0". This is useful for terminals that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard. This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argument. .dc "dirs" "Not Bound" This prints out the directory stack. See the "cd", "pushd", "popd" commands for more info. .dc "disable-biff" "(variable)" When this is set, \s-2JOVE\s0 disables biff when you're editing and enables it again when you get out of \s-2JOVE\s0, or when you pause to the parent shell or push to a new shell. (This means arrival of new mail will not be immediately apparent but will not cause indiscriminate writing on the display). The default is "off". .dc "dstop-process" "Not Bound" Send the "dsusp" character to the current process. This is the character that suspends a process on the next read from the terminal. Most people have it set to C-Y. This only works if you have the interactive process feature, and if you are in a buffer bound to a process. .dc "edit-word-abbrevs" "Not Bound" This creates a buffer with a list of each abbreviation and the phrase it expands into, and enters a recursive edit to let you change the abbreviations or add some more. The format of this list is "abbreviation:phrase" so if you add some more you should follow that format. It's probably simplest just to copy some already existing abbreviations and edit them. When you are done you type "C-X C-C" to exit the recursive edit. .dc "end-of-file" "ESC >" This moves point forward to the end of the buffer. This sometimes prints the "Point Pushed" message. If the end of the buffer isn't on the screen \s-2JOVE\s0 will set the mark so you can go back to where you were if you want. .dc "end-of-line" "C-E" This moves point to the end of the current line. If the line is too long to fit on the screen \s-2JOVE\s0 will scroll the line to the left to make the end of the line visible. The line will slide back to its normal position when you move backward past the leftmost visible character or when you move off the line altogether. .dc "end-of-window" "ESC ." This moves point to the last character in the window. .dc "eof-process" "Not Bound" Sends EOF to the current interactive process. This only works on versions of \s-2JOVE\s0 which run under 4.2-3 BSD VAX UNIX. You can't send EOF to processes on the 2.9 BSD PDP-11 UNIX. .dc "erase-buffer" "Not Bound" This erases the contents of the specified buffer. This is like .IQ delete-buffer except it only erases the contents of the buffer, not the buffer itself. If you try to erase a buffer that needs saving you will be asked to confirm it. .dc "error-window-size" "(variable)" This is the percentage of the screen to use for the error-window on the screen. When you execute .IQ compile-it, .IQ error-window-size percent of the screen will go to the error window. If the window already exists and is a different size, it is made to be this size. The default value is 20%. .dc "exchange-point-and-mark" "C-X C-X" This moves point to mark and makes mark the old point. This is for quickly moving from one end of the region to another. .dc "execute-named-command" "ESC X" This is the way to execute a command that isn't bound to any key. When you are prompted with ": " you can type the name of the command. You don't have to type the entire name. Once the command is unambiguous you can type Space and \s-2JOVE\s0 will fill in the rest for you. If you are not sure of the name of the command, type "?" and \s-2JOVE\s0 will print a list of all the commands that you could possibly match given what you've already typed. If you don't have any idea what the command's name is but you know it has something to do with windows (for example), you can do "ESC X apropos window" and \s-2JOVE\s0 will print a list of all the commands that are related to windows. If you find yourself constantly executing the same commands this way you probably want to bind them to keys so that you can execute them more quickly. See the .IQ bind-to-key command. .dc "execute-keyboard-macro" "C-X E" This executes the keyboard macro. If you supply a numeric argument the macro is executed that many times. .dc "execute-macro" "Not Bound" This executes a specified macro. If you supply a numeric argument the macro is executed that many times. .dc "exit-jove" "C-X C-C" This exits \s-2JOVE\s0. If any buffers need saving \s-2JOVE\s0 will print a warning message and ask for confirmation. If you leave without saving your buffers all your work will be lost. If you made a mistake and really do want to exit then you can. If you are in a recursive editing level .IQ exit-jove will return you from that. .dc "file-creation-mode" "(variable)" This variable has an octal value. It contains the mode (see .IQ chmod(1) ) with which files should be created. This mode gets modified by your current umask setting (see .IQ umask(1) ). The default value is usually .IQ 0666 or .IQ 0644. .dc "files-should-end-with-newline" "(variable)" This variable indicates that all files should always have a newline at the end. This is often necessary for line printers and the like. When set, if \s-2JOVE\s0 is writing a file whose last character is not a newline, it will add one automatically. .dc "fill-comment" "Not Bound" This command fills in your C comments to make them pretty and readable. This filling is done according the variable .IQ comment-format. .DS L /* * the default format makes comments like this. */ .DE This can be changed by changing the format variable. Other languages may be supported by changing the format variable appropriately. The formatter looks backwards from dot for an open comment symbol. If found, all indentation is done relative the position of the first character of the open symbol. If there is a matching close symbol, the entire comment is formatted. If not, the region between dot and the open symbol is reformatted. .dc "fill-paragraph" "ESC J" This rearranges words between lines so that all the lines in the current paragraph extend as close to the right margin as possible, ensuring that none of the lines will be greater than the right margin. The default value for .IQ right-margin is 78, but can be changed with the .IQ set and .IQ right-margin-here commands. \s-2JOVE\s0 has a complicated algorithm for determining the beginning and end of the paragraph. In the normal case \s-2JOVE\s0 will give all the lines the same indent as they currently have, but if you wish to force a new indent you can supply a numeric argument to .IQ fill-paragraph (e.g., by typing C-U ESC J) and \s-2JOVE\s0 will indent each line to the column specified by the .IQ left-margin variable. See also the .IQ left-margin variable and .IQ left-margin-here command. .dc "fill-region" "Not Bound" This is like .IQ fill-paragraph, except it operates on a region instead of just a paragraph. .dc "filter-region" "Not Bound" This sends the text in the region to a UNIX command, and replaces the region with the output from that command. For example, if you are lazy and don't like to take the time to write properly indented C code, you can put the region around your C file and .IQ filter-region it through .IQ cb, the UNIX C beautifier. If you have a file that contains a bunch of lines that need to be sorted you can do that from inside \s-2JOVE\s0 too, by filtering the region through the .IQ sort UNIX command. Before output from the command replaces the region \s-2JOVE\s0 stores the old text in the kill ring, so if you are unhappy with the results you can easily get back the old text with "C-Y". .dc "find-file" "C-X C-F" This visits a file into its own buffer and then selects that buffer. If you've already visited this file in another buffer, that buffer is selected. If the file doesn't yet exist, \s-2JOVE\s0 will print "(New file)" so that you know. .dc "find-tag" "C-X T" This finds the file that contains the specified tag. \s-2JOVE\s0 looks up tags by default in the "tags" file in the current directory. You can change the default tag name by setting the .IQ tag-file variable to another name. If you specify a numeric argument to this command, you will be prompted for a tag file. This is a good way to specify another tag file without changing the default. If the tag cannot be found the error is reported and point stays where it is. .dc "find-tag-at-point" "Not Bound" This finds the file that contains the tag that point is currently on. See .IQ find-tag. .dc "first-non-blank" "ESC M" This moves point back to the indent of the current line. .dc "forward-character" "C-F" This moves forward over a single character. If point is at the end of the line it moves to the beginning of the next one. .dc "forward-paragraph" "ESC ]" This moves point forward to the end of the current or next paragraph. Paragraphs are bounded by lines that begin with a Period or Tab, or by blank lines; a change in indentation may also signal a break between paragraphs, except that \s-2JOVE\s0 allows the first line of a paragraph to be indented differently from the other lines. .dc "forward-s-expression" "ESC C-F" This moves point forward over a s-expression. If the first significant character after point is "(", this moves past the matching ")". If the character begins an identifier, this moves just past it. This is mode dependent, so this will move over atoms in LISP mode and C identifiers in C mode. \s-2JOVE\s0 also matches "{". .dc "forward-sentence" "ESC E" This moves point forward to the end of the current or next sentence. \s-2JOVE\s0 considers the end of a sentence to be the characters ".", "!" or "?" followed by a Return, or one or more spaces. .dc "forward-word" "ESC F" This moves point forward to the end of the current or next word. .dc "fundamental-mode" "Not Bound" This sets the major mode to Fundamental. This affects what \s-2JOVE\s0 considers as characters that make up words. For instance, Single-quote is not part of a word in Fundamental mode, but is in Text mode. .dc "goto-line" "ESC G" If a numeric argument is supplied point moves to the beginning of that line. If no argument is supplied, point remains where it is. This is so you don't lose your place unintentionally, by accidentally hitting the "G" instead of "F". .dc "grind-s-expr" "Not Bound" When point is positioned on a "(", this re-indents that LISP expression. .dc "grow-window" "C-X ^" This makes the current window one line bigger. This only works when there is more than one window and provided there is room to change the size. .dc "paren-flash" ") } ]" This handles the C mode curly brace indentation, the Lisp mode paren indentation, and the Show Match mode paren/curly brace/square bracket flashing. .dc "handle-tab" "Tab" This handles indenting to the "right" place in C and Lisp mode, and just inserts itself in Text mode. .dc "i-search-forward" "Not Bound" Incremental search. Like search-forward except that instead of prompting for a string and searching for that string all at once, it accepts the string one character at a time. After each character you type as part of the search string, it searches for the entire string so far. When you like what it found, type the Return key to finish the search. You can take back a character with Rubout and the search will back up to the position before that character was typed. C-G aborts the search. .dc "i-search-reverse" "Not Bound" Incremental search. Like search-reverse except that instead of prompting for a string and searching for that string all at once, it accepts the string one character at a time. After each character you type as part of the search string, it searches for the entire string so far. When you like what it found, type the Return key to finish the search. You can take back a character with Rubout and the search will back up to the position before that character was typed. C-G aborts the search. .dc "insert-file" "C-X C-I" This inserts a specified file into the current buffer at point. Point is positioned at the beginning of the inserted file. .dc "internal-tabstop" "(variable)" The number of spaces \s-2JOVE\s0 should print when it displays a tab character. The default value is 8. .dc "interrupt-process" "Not Bound" This sends the interrupt character (usually C-C) to the interactive process in the current buffer. This is only for versions of \s-2JOVE\s0 that have the interactive processes feature. This only works when you are inside a buffer that's attached to a process. .dc "i-shell" "Not Bound" This starts up an interactive shell in a window. \s-2JOVE\s0 uses "shell-1" as the name of the buffer in which the interacting takes place. See the manual for information on how to use interactive processes. .dc "i-shell-command" "Not Bound" This is like .IQ shell-command except it lets you continue with your editing while the command is running. This is really useful for long running commands with sporadic output. See the manual for information on how to use interactive processes. .dc "kill-next-word" "ESC D" This kills the text from point to the end of the current or next word. .dc "kill-previous-word" "ESC Rubout" This kills the text from point to the beginning of the current or previous word. .dc "kill-process" "Not Bound" This command prompts for a buffer name or buffer number (just as select-buffer does) and then sends the process in that buffer a kill signal (9). .dc "kill-region" "C-W" This deletes the text in the region and saves it on the kill ring. Commands that delete text but save it on the kill ring all have the word "kill" in their names. Type "C-Y" to yank back the most recent kill. .dc "kill-s-expression" "ESC C-K" This kills the text from point to the end of the current or next s-expression. .dc "kill-some-buffers" "Not Bound" This goes through all the existing buffers and asks whether or not to kill them. If you decide to kill a buffer, and it turns out that the buffer is modified, \s-2JOVE\s0 will offer to save it first. This is useful for when \s-2JOVE\s0 runs out of memory to store lines (this only happens on PDP-11's) and you have lots of buffers that you are no longer using. .dc "kill-to-beginning-of-sentence" "C-X Rubout" This kills from point to the beginning of the current or previous sentence. .dc "kill-to-end-of-line" "C-K" This kills from point to the end of the current line. When point is at the end of the line the line separator is deleted and the next line is joined with current one. If a numeric argument is supplied that many lines are killed; if the argument is negative that many lines .IQ before point are killed; if the argument is zero the text from point to the beginning of the line is killed. .dc "kill-to-end-of-sentence" "ESC K" This kills from point to the end of the current or next sentence. If a negative numeric argument is supplied it kills from point to the beginning of the current or previous sentence. .dc "left-margin" "(variable)" This is how far lines should be indented when auto-indent mode is on, or when the .IQ newline-and-indent command is run (usually by typing LineFeed). It is also used by fill-paragraph and auto-fill mode. If the value is zero (the default) then the left margin is determined from the surrounding lines. .dc "left-margin-here" "Not Bound" This sets the .IQ left-margin variable to the current position of point. This is an easy way to say, "Make the left margin begin here," without having to count the number of spaces over it actually is. .dc "lisp-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on Lisp mode. Lisp mode is one of four mutually exclusive major modes: Fundamental, Text, C, and Lisp. In Lisp mode, the characters Tab and ) are treated specially, similar to the way they are treated in C mode. Also, Auto Indent mode is affected, and handled specially. .dc "list-buffers" "C-X C-B" This types out a list containing various information about each buffer. Right now that list looks like this: .DS .ta \w'NO111'u +\w'Lines1'u +\w'Scratch111'u +\w'*1'u +\w'commands.doc111'u \ (* means the buffer needs saving) \ NO Lines Type Name File \ -- ----- ---- ---- ---- \ 1 1 File Main [No file] \ 2 1 Scratch * Minibuf [No file] \ 3 519 File * commands.doc commands.doc .DE The first column lists the buffer's number. When \s-2JOVE\s0 prompts for a buffer name you can either type in the full name, or you can simply type the buffer's number. The second column is the number of lines in the buffer. The third says what type of buffer. There are four types: "File", "Scratch", "Process", "I-Process". "File" is simply a buffer that holds a file; "Scratch" is for buffers that \s-2JOVE\s0 uses internally; "Process" is one that holds the output from a UNIX command; "I-Process" is one that has an interactive process attached to it. The next column contains the name of the buffer. And the last column is the name of the file that's attached to the buffer. In this case, both Minibuf and commands.doc have been changed but not yet saved. In fact Minibuf won't be saved since it's an internal \s-2JOVE\s0 buffer that I don't even care about. .dc "list-processes" "Not Bound" This makes a list somewhat like "list-buffers" does, except its list consists of the current interactive processes. Right now the list looks like this: .DS .ta \w'shell-111111111111'u +\w'Running1111111111'u \ Buffer Status Command name \ ------ ------ ------- ---- \ shell-1 Running i-shell \ fgrep Done fgrep -n Buffer *.c .DE The first column has the name of the buffer to which the process is attached. The second has the status of the process; if a process has exited normally the status is "Done" as in fgrep; if the process exited with an error the status is "Exit N" where N is the value of the exit code; if the process was killed by some signal the status is the name of the signal that was used; otherwise the process is running. The last column is the name of the command that is being run. .dc "mailbox" "(variable)" Set this to the full pathname of your mailbox. \s-2JOVE\s0 will look here to decide whether or not you have any unread mail. This defaults to /usr/spool/mail/$USER, where $USER is set to your login name. .dc "mail-check-frequency" "(variable)" This is how often (in seconds) \s-2JOVE\s0 should check your mailbox for incoming mail. See also the .IQ mailbox and .IQ disable-biff variables. .dc "make-backup-files" "(variable)" If this variable is set, then whenever \s-2JOVE\s0 writes out a file, it will move the previous version of the file (if there was one) to "#filename". This is often convenient if you save a file by accident. The default value of this variable is "off". .IQ Note: this is an optional part of \s-2JOVE\s0, and your guru may not have it enabled, so it may not work. .dc "make-buffer-unmodified" "ESC ~" This makes \s-2JOVE\s0 think the selected buffer hasn't been changed even if it has. Use this when you accidentally change the buffer but don't want it considered changed. Watch the mode line to see the * disappear when you use this command. .dc "make-macro-interactive" "Not Bound" This command is meaningful only while you are defining a keyboard macro. Ordinarily, when a command in a macro definition requires a trailing text argument (file name, search string, etc.), the argument you supply becomes part of the macro definition. If you want to be able to supply a different argument each time the macro is used, then while you are defining it, you should give the make-macro-interactive command just before typing the argument which will be used during the definition process. Note: you must bind this command to a key in order to use it; you can't say ESC X make-macro-interactive. .dc "mark-threshold" "(variable)" This variable contains the number of lines point may move by before the mark is set. If, in a search or something, point moves by more than this many lines, the mark is set so that you may return easily. The default value of this variable is 22 (one screenful, on most terminals). .dc "marks-should-float" "(variable)" When this variable is "off", the position of a mark is remembered as a line number within the buffer and a character number within the line. If you add or delete text before the mark, it will no longer point to the text you marked originally because that text is no longer at the same line and character number. When this variable is "on", the position of a mark is adjusted to compensate for each insertion and deletion. This makes marks much more sensible to use, at the cost of slowing down insertion and deletion somewhat. The default value is "on". .dc "match-regular-expressions" "(variable)" When set, \s-2JOVE\s0 will match regular expressions in search patterns. This makes special the characters ., *, [, ], ^, and $, and the two-character sequences \e<, \e>, \e\|{, \e\|} and \e\||. See the .IQ ed(1) manual page, the tutorial "Advanced Editing in .UX ", and the section above "Searching with Regular Expressions" for more information. .dc "meta-key" "(variable)" You should set this variable to "on" if your terminal has a real Meta key. If your terminal has such a key, then a key sequence like ESC Y can be entered by holding down Meta and typing Y. .dc "mode-line" "(variable)" The format of the mode line can be determined by setting this variable. The items in the line are specified using a printf(3) format, with the special things being marked as "%x". Digits may be used between the '%' and the 'x' to mean repeat that many times. \&'x' may be: .DS I .ta .5i 1i 1.5i C check for new mail, and displays "[New mail]" if there is any (see also the mail-check-interval and disable-biff variables) F the current file name, with leading path stripped M the current list of major and minor modes b the current buffer name c the fill character (-) d the current directory e end of string--this must be the last item in the string f the current file name l the current load average (updated automatically) m the buffer-modified symbol (*) n the current buffer number s space, but only if previous character is not a space t the current time (updated automatically) [ ] the square brackets printed when in a recursive edit ( ) items enclosed in %( ... %) will only be printed on the bottom mode line, rather than copied when the window is split .DE In addition, any other character is simply copied into the mode line. Characters may be escaped with a backslash. To get a feel for all this, try typing "ESC X print mode-line" and compare the result with your current mode line. .dc "mode-line-should-standout" "(variable)" If set, the mode line will be printed in reverse video, if your terminal supports it. The default for this variable is "off". .dc "name-keyboard-macro" "Not Bound" This copies the keyboard macro and gives it a name freeing up the keyboard macro so you can define some more. Keyboard macros with their own names can be bound to keys just like built in commands can. See the .IQ read-macros-file-file and .IQ write-macros-to-file commands. .dc "newline" "Return" This divides the current line at point moving all the text to the right of point down onto the newly created line. Point moves down to the beginning of the new line. .dc "newline-and-backup" "C-O" This divides the current line at point moving all the text to the right of point down onto the newly created line. The difference between this and "newline" is that point does not move down to the beginning of the new line. .dc "newline-and-indent" "LineFeed" This behaves the same was as Return does when in Auto Indent mode. This makes Auto Indent mode obsolete but it remains in the name of backward compatibility. .dc "next-error" "C-X C-N" This moves to the next error in the list of errors that were parsed with .IQ parse-errors or .IQ parse-special-errors. In one window the list of errors is shown with the current one always at the top. In another window is the file that contains the error. Point is positioned in this window on the line where the error occurred. .dc "next-line" "C-N" This moves down to the next line. .dc "next-page" "C-V" This displays the next page of the buffer by taking the bottom line of the window and redrawing the window with it at the top. If there isn't another page in the buffer \s-2JOVE\s0 rings the bell. If a numeric argument is supplied the screen is scrolled up that many lines; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled down. .dc "next-window" "C-X N" This moves into the next window. Windows live in a circular list so when you're in the bottom window and you try to move to the next one you are moved to the top window. It is an error to use this command with only one window. .dc "number-lines-in-window" "Not Bound" This displays the line numbers for each line in the buffer being displayed. The number isn't actually part of the text; it's just printed before the actual buffer line is. To turn this off you run the command again; it toggles. .dc "over-write-mode" "Not Bound" This turns Over Write mode on (or off if it's currently on) in the selected buffer. When on, this mode changes the way the self-inserting characters work. Instead of inserting themselves and pushing the rest of the line over to the right, they replace or over-write the existing character. Also, Rubout replaces the character before point with a space instead of deleting it. When Over Write mode is on "OvrWt" is displayed on the mode line. .dc "page-next-window" "ESC C-V" This displays the next page in the next window. This is exactly the same as "C-X N C-V C-X P". .dc "paren-flash-delay" "(variable)" How long, in tenths of seconds, \s-2JOVE\s0 should pause on a matching parenthesis in .IQ Show Match mode. The default is 5. .dc "parse-errors" "Not Bound" This takes the list of C compilation errors (or output from another program in the same format) in the current buffer and parses them for use with the .IQ next-error and .IQ previous-error and .IQ current-error commands. This is a very useful tool and helps with compiling C programs and when used in conjunction with the "grep" UNIX command very helpful in making changes to a bunch of files. This command understands errors produced by cc, cpp, and lint; plus any other program with the same format (e.g., "grep -n"). \s-2JOVE\s0 visits each file that has an error and remembers each line that contains an error. It doesn't matter if later you insert or delete some lines in the buffers containing errors; \s-2JOVE\s0 remembers where they are regardless. .IQ next-error is automatically executed after one of the parse commands, so you end up at the first error. .dc "parse-special-errors" "Not Bound" This parses errors in an unknown format. Error parsing works with regular expression search strings with \\('s around the the file name and the line number. So, you can use .IQ parse-special-errors to parse lines that are in a slightly different format by typing in your own search string. If you don't know how to use regular expressions you can't use this command. .dc "parse-spelling-errors-in-buffer" "Not Bound" This parses a list of words in the current buffer and looks them up in another buffer that you specify. This will probably go away soon. .dc "pause-jove" "ESC S" This stops \s-2JOVE\s0 and returns control to the parent shell. This only works for users using the C-shell, and on systems that have the job control facility. To return to \s-2JOVE\s0 you type "fg" to the C-shell. .dc "physical-tabstop" "(variable)" How many spaces your terminal prints when it prints a tab character. .dc "pop-mark" "Not Bound" This gets executed when you run .IQ set-mark with a numeric argument. \s-2JOVE\s0 remembers the last 16 marks and you use .IQ pop-mark to go backward through the ring of marks. If you execute " .IQ pop-mark enough times you will eventually get back to where you started. .dc "popd" "Not Bound" This pops one entry off the directory stack. Entries are pushed with the .IQ pushd command. The names were stolen from the C-shell and the behavior is the same. .dc "previous-error" "C-X C-P" This is the same as .IQ next-error except it goes to the previous error. See .IQ next-error for documentation. .dc "previous-line" "C-P" This moves up to the previous line. .dc "previous-page" "ESC V" This displays the previous page of the current buffer by taking the top line and redrawing the window with it at the bottom. If a numeric argument is supplied the screen is scrolled down that many lines; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled up. .dc "previous-window" "C-X P and C-X O" This moves into the next window. Windows live in a circular list so when you're in the top window and you try to move to the previous one you are moved to the bottom window. It is an error to use this command with only one window. .dc "print" "Not Bound" This prints the value of a \s-2JOVE\s0 variable. .dc "print-message" "Not Bound" This command prompts for a message, and then prints it on the bottom line where \s-2JOVE\s0 messages are printed. .dc "process-bind-to-key" "Not Bound" This command is identical to bind-to-key, except that it only affects your bindings when you are in a buffer attached to a process. When you enter the process buffer, any keys bound with this command will automatically take their new values. When you switch to a non-process buffer, the old bindings for those keys will be restored. For example, you might want to execute .DS I process-bind-to-key stop-process ^Z process-bind-to-key interrupt-process ^C .DE Then, when you start up an interactive process and switch into that buffer, C-Z will execute stop-process and C-C will execute interrupt- process. When you switch back to a non-process buffer, C-Z will go back to executing scroll-up (or whatever you have it bound to). .dc "process-newline" "Return" This this only gets executed when in a buffer that is attached to an interactive-process. \s-2JOVE\s0 does two different things depending on where you are when you hit Return. When you're at the end of the I-Process buffer this does what Return normally does, except it also makes the line available to the process. When point is positioned at some other position that line is copied to the end of the buffer (with the prompt stripped) and point is moved there with it, so you can then edit that line before sending it to the process. This command .IQ must be bound to the key you usually use to enter shell commands (Return), or else you won't be able to enter any. .dc "process-prompt" (variable) What a prompt looks like from the i-shell and i-shell-command processes. The default is "% ", the default C-shell prompt. This is actually a regular expression search string. So you can set it to be more than one thing at once using the \\| operator. For instance, for LISP hackers, the prompt can be .DS "% \\|-> \\|<[0-9]>: ". .DE .dc "push-shell" "Not Bound" This spawns a child shell and relinquishes control to it. This works on any version of UNIX, but this isn't as good as .IQ pause-jove because it takes time to start up the new shell and you get a brand new environment every time. To return to \s-2JOVE\s0 you type "C-D". .dc "pushd" "Not Bound" This pushes a directory onto the directory stack and cd's into it. It asks for the directory name but if you don't specify one it switches the top two entries no the stack. It purposely behaves the same as C-shell's .IQ pushd. .dc "pwd" "Not Bound" This prints the working directory. .dc "quadruple-numeric-argument" "C-U" This multiplies the numeric argument by 4. So, "C-U C-F" means forward 4 characters and "C-U C-U C-N" means down 16 lines. .dc "query-replace-string" "ESC Q" This replaces the occurrences of a specified string with a specified replacement string. When an occurrence is found point is moved to it and then \s-2JOVE\s0 asks what to do. The options are: .DS I .ta \w'Rubout111'u Space to replace this occurrence and go on to the next one. Period to replace this occurrence and then stop. Rubout to skip this occurrence and go on to the next one. C-R to enter a recursive edit. This lets you temporarily suspend the replace, do some editing, and then return to continue where you left off. To continue with the Query Replace type "C-X C-C" as if you were trying to exit \s-2JOVE\s0. Normally you would but when you are in a recursive edit all it does is exit that recursive editing level. C-W to delete the matched string and then enter a recursive edit. U to undo the last replacement. P or ! to go ahead and replace the remaining occurrences without asking. Return to stop the Query Replace. .DE The search for occurrences starts at point and goes to the end of the buffer, so to replace in the entire buffer you must first go to the beginning. .dc "quit-process" "Not Bound" This is the same as typing "C-\\" (the Quit character) to a normal UNIX process, except it sends it to the current process in \s-2JOVE\s0. This is only for versions of \s-2JOVE\s0 that have the interactive processes feature. This only works when you are inside a buffer that's attached to a process. .dc "quoted-insert" "C-Q" This lets you insert characters that normally would be executed as other \s-2JOVE\s0 commands. For example, to insert "C-F" you type "C-Q C-F". .dc "read-word-abbrev-file" "Not Bound" This reads a specified file that contains a bunch of abbreviation definitions, and makes those abbreviations available. If the selected buffer is not already in Word Abbrev mode this command puts it in that mode. .dc "read-macros-from-file" "Not Bound" This reads the specified file that contains a bunch of macro definitions, and defines all the macros that were currently defined when the file was created. See .IQ write-macros-to-file to see how to save macros. .dc "redraw-display" "C-L" This centers the line containing point in the window. If that line is already in the middle the window is first cleared and then redrawn. If a numeric argument is supplied, the line is positioned at that offset from the top of the window. For example, "ESC 0 C-L" positions the line containing point at the top of the window. .dc "recursive-edit" "Not Bound" This enters a recursive editing level. This isn't really very useful. I don't know why it's available for public use. I think I'll delete it some day. .dc "rename-buffer" "Not Bound" This lets you rename the current buffer. .dc "replace-in-region" "Not Bound" This is the same as .IQ replace-string except that it is restricted to occurrences between Point and Mark. .dc "replace-string" "ESC R" This replaces all occurrences of a specified string with a specified replacement string. This is just like .IQ query-replace-string except it replaces without asking. .dc "right-margin" "(variable)" Where the right margin is for .IQ "Auto Fill" mode and the .IQ justify-paragraph and .IQ justify-region commands. The default is 78. .dc "right-margin-here" "Not Bound" This sets the .IQ right-margin variable to the current position of point. This is an easy way to say, "Make the right margin begin here," without having to count the number of spaces over it actually is. .dc "save-file" "C-X C-S" This saves the current buffer to the associated file. This makes your changes permanent so you should be sure you really want to. If the buffer has not been modified .IQ save-file refuses to do the save. If you really do want to write the file you can use "C-X C-W" which executes .IQ write-file. .dc "scroll-down" "ESC Z" This scrolls the screen one line down. If the line containing point moves past the bottom of the window point is moved up to the center of the window. If a numeric argument is supplied that many lines are scrolled; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled up instead. .dc "scroll-step" "(variable)" How many lines should be scrolled if the .IQ previous-line or .IQ next-line commands move you off the top or bottom of the screen. You may wish to decrease this variable if you are on a slow terminal. .dc "scroll-up" "C-Z" This scrolls the screen one line up. If the line containing point moves past the top of the window point is moved down to the center of the window. If a numeric argument is supplied that many lines are scrolled; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled down instead. .dc "search-exit-char" "(variable)" Set this to the character you want to use to exit incremental search. The default is Newline, which makes i-search compatible with normal string search. .dc "search-forward" "C-S" This searches forward for a specified search string and positions point at the end of the string if it's found. If the string is not found point remains unchanged. This searches from point to the end of the buffer, so any matches before point will be missed. .dc "search-reverse" "C-R" This searches backward for a specified search string and positions point at the beginning if the string if it's found. If the string is not found point remains unchanged. This searches from point to the beginning of the buffer, so any matches after point will be missed. .dc "select-buffer" "C-X B" This selects a new or already existing buffer making it the current one. You can type either the buffer name or number. If you type in the name you need only type the name until it is unambiguous, at which point typing Escape or Space will complete it for you. If you want to create a new buffer you can type Return instead of Space, and a new empty buffer will be created. .dc "self-insert" "Most Printing Characters" This inserts the character that invoked it into the buffer at point. Initially all but a few of the printing characters are bound to .IQ self-insert. .dc "send-typeout-to-buffer" "(variable)" When this is set \s-2JOVE\s0 will send output that normally overwrites the screen (temporarily) to a buffer instead. This affects commands like .IQ list-buffers, .IQ list-processes, and other commands that use command completion. The default value is "off". .dc "set" "Not Bound" This gives a specified variable a new value. Occasionally you'll see lines like "set this variable to that value to do this". Well, you use the .IQ set command to do that. .dc "set-mark" "C-@" This sets the mark at the current position in the buffer. It prints the message "Point pushed" on the message line. It says that instead of "Mark set" because when you set the mark the previous mark is still remembered on a ring of 16 marks. So "Point pushed" means point is pushed onto the ring of marks and becomes the value of "the mark". To go through the ring of marks you type "C-U C-@", or execute the .IQ pop-mark command. If you type this enough times you will get back to where you started. .dc "shell" "(variable)" The shell to be used with all the shell commands command. If your SHELL environment variable is set, it is used as the value of .IQ shell; otherwise "/bin/csh" is the default. .dc "shell-command" "C-X !" This runs a UNIX command and places the output from that command in a buffer. \s-2JOVE\s0 creates a buffer that matches the name of the command you specify and then attaches that buffer to a window. So, when you have only one window running this command will cause \s-2JOVE\s0 to split the window and attach the new buffer to that window. Otherwise, \s-2JOVE\s0 finds the most convenient of the available windows and uses that one instead. If the buffer already exists it is first emptied, except that if it's holding a file, not some output from a previous command, \s-2JOVE\s0 prints an error message and refuses to execute the command. If you really want to execute the command you should delete that buffer (saving it first, if you like) or use .IQ shell-command-to-buffer, and try again. .dc "shell-command-to-buffer" "Not Bound" This is just like .IQ shell-command except it lets you specify the buffer to use instead of \s-2JOVE\s0. .dc "shell-flags" "(variable)" This defines the flags that are passed to shell commands. The default is "-c". See the .IQ shell variable to change the default shell. .dc "show-match-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on Show Match mode (or off if it's currently on) in the selected buffer. This changes "}" and ")" so that when they are typed the are inserted as usual, and then the cursor flashes back to the matching "{" or "(" (depending on what was typed) for about half a second, and then goes back to just after the "}" or ")" that invoked the command. This is useful for typing in complicated expressions in a program. You can change how long the cursor sits on the matching paren by setting the "paren-flash-delay" variable in tenths of a second. If the matching "{" or "(" isn't visible nothing happens. .dc "shrink-window" "Not Bound" This makes the current window one line shorter, if possible. Windows must be at least 2 lines high, one for the text and the other for the mode line. .dc "source" "Not Bound" This reads a bunch of \s-2JOVE\s0 commands from a file. The format of the file is the same as that in your initialization file (your ".joverc") in your main directory. There should be one command per line and it should be as though you typed "ESC X" while in \s-2JOVE\s0. For example, here's part of my initialization file: .DS I bind-to-key i-search-reverse ^R bind-to-key i-search-forward ^S bind-to-key pause-jove ^[S .DE What they do is make "C-R" call the .IQ i-search-reverse command and "C-S" call .IQ i-search-forward and "ESC S" call .IQ pause-jove. .dc "spell-buffer" "Not Bound" This runs the current buffer through the UNIX .IQ spell program and places the output in buffer "Spell". Then \s-2JOVE\s0 lets you edit the list of words, expecting you to delete the ones that you don't care about, i.e., the ones you know are spelled correctly. Then the .IQ parse-spelling-errors-in-buffer command comes along and finds all the misspelled words and sets things up so the error commands work. .dc "split-current-window" "C-X 2" This splits the current window into two equal parts (providing the resulting windows would be big enough) and displays the selected buffer in both windows. Use "C-X 1" to go back to 1 window mode. .dc "start-remembering" "C-X (" This starts remembering your key strokes in the Keyboard macro. To stop remembering you type "C-X )". Because of a bug in \s-2JOVE\s0 you can't stop remembering by typing "ESC X stop-remembering"; .IQ stop-remembering must be bound to "C-X )" in order to make things work correctly. To execute the remembered key strokes you type "C-X E" which runs the .IQ execute-keyboard-macro command. Sometimes you may want a macro to accept different input each time it runs. To see how to do this, see the .IQ make-macro-interactive command. .dc "stop-process" "Not Bound" This sends a stop signal (C-Z, for most people) to the current process. It only works if you have the interactive process feature, and you are in a buffer attached to a process. .dc "stop-remembering" "C-X )" This stop the definition of the keyboard macro. Because of a bug in \s-2JOVE\s0, this must be bound to "C-X )". Anything else will not work properly. .dc "string-length" "Not Bound" This prints the number of characters in the string that point sits in. Strings are surrounded by double quotes. \s-2JOVE\s0 knows that "\\007" is considered a single character, namely "C-G", and also knows about other common ones, like "\\r" (Return) and "\\n" (LineFeed). This is mostly useful only for C programmers. .dc "suspend-jove" "ESC S" This is a synonym for .IQ pause-jove. .dc "sync-frequency" "(variable)" The temporary files used by \s-2JOVE\s0 are forced out to disk every .IQ sync-frequency modifications. The default is 50, which really makes good sense. Unless your system is very unstable, you probably shouldn't fool with this. .dc "tag-file" "(variable)" This the name of the file in which \s-2JOVE\s0 should look up tag definitions. The default value is "./tags". .dc "text-mode" "Not Bound" This sets the major mode to Text. Currently the other modes are Fundamental, C and Lisp mode. .dc "transpose-characters" "C-T" This switches the character before point with the one after point, and then moves forward one. This doesn't work at the beginning of the line, and at the end of the line it switches the two characters before point. Since point is moved forward, so that the character that was before point is still before point, you can use "C-T" to drag a character down the length of a line. This command pretty quickly becomes very useful. .dc "transpose-lines" "C-X C-T" This switches the current line with the one above it, and then moves down one so that the line that was above point is still above point. This, like .IQ transpose-characters, can be used to drag a line down a page. .dc "unbind-key" "Not Bound" Use this to unbind .IQ any key sequence. You can use this to unbind even a prefix command, since this command does not use "key-map completion". For example, "ESC X unbind-key ESC [" unbinds the sequence "ESC [". This is useful for "turning off" something set in the system-wide ".joverc" file. .dc "update-time-frequency" "(variable)" How often the mode line is updated (and thus the time and load average, if you display them). The default is 30 seconds. .dc "use-i/d-char" "(variable)" If your terminal has insert/delete character capability you can tell \s-2JOVE\s0 not to use it by setting this to "off". In my opinion it is only worth using insert/delete character at low baud rates. WARNING: if you set this to "on" when your terminal doesn't have insert/delete character capability, you will get weird (perhaps fatal) results. .dc "version" "Not Bound" Displays the version number of this \s-2JOVE\s0. .dc "visible-bell" "(variable)" Use the terminal's visible bell instead of beeping. This is set automatically if your terminal has the capability. .dc "visible-spaces-in-window" "Not Bound" This displays an underscore character instead of each space in the window and displays a greater-than followed by spaces for each tab in the window. The actual text in the buffer is not changed; only the screen display is affected. To turn this off you run the command again; it toggles. .dc "visit-file" "C-X C-V" This reads a specified file into the current buffer replacing the old text. If the buffer needs saving \s-2JOVE\s0 will offer to save it for you. Sometimes you use this to start over, say if you make lots of changes and then change your mind. If that's the case you don't want \s-2JOVE\s0 to save your buffer and you answer "NO" to the question. .dc "window-find" "C-X 4" This lets you select another buffer in another window three different ways. This waits for another character which can be one of the following: .DS I .ta .5i 1i 1.5i T Finds a tag in the other window. F Finds a file in the other window. B Selects a buffer in the other window. .DE This is just a convenient short hand for "C-X 2" (or "C-X O" if there are already two windows) followed by the appropriate sequence for invoking each command. With this, though, there isn't the extra overhead of having to redisplay. In addition, you don't have to decide whether to type "C-X 2" or "C-X O" since "C-X 4" does the right thing. .dc "word-abbrev-mode" "Not Bound" This turns on Word Abbrev mode (or off if it's currently on) in the selected buffer. Word Abbrev mode lets you specify a word (an abbreviation) and a phrase with which \s-2JOVE\s0 should substitute the abbreviation. You can use this to define words to expand into long phrases, e.g., "jove" can expand into "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs"; another common use is defining words that you often misspell in the same way, e.g., "thier" => "their" or "teh" => "the". See the information on the .IQ auto-case-abbrev variable. .sp 1 There are two kinds of abbreviations: mode specific and global. If you define a Mode specific abbreviation in C mode, it will expand only in buffers that are in C mode. This is so you can have the same abbreviation expand to different things depending on your context. Global abbreviations expand regardless of the major mode of the buffer. The way it works is this: \s-2JOVE\s0 looks first in the mode specific table, and then in the global table. Whichever it finds it in first is the one that's used in the expansion. If it doesn't find the word it is left untouched. \s-2JOVE\s0 tries to expand words as they are typed, when you type a punctuation character or Space or Return. If you are in Auto Fill mode the expansion will be filled as if you typed it yourself. .dc "wrap-search" "(variable)" If set, searches will "wrap around" the ends of the buffer instead of stopping at the bottom or top. The default is "off". .dc "write-files-on-make" "(variable)" When set, all modified files will be written out before calling make when the .IQ compile-it command is executed. The default is "on". .dc "write-word-abbrev-file" "Not Bound" This writes the currently defined abbreviations to a specified file. They can be read back in and automatically defined with .IQ read-word-abbrev-file. .dc "write-file" "C-X C-W" This saves the current buffer to a specified file, and then makes that file the default file name for this buffer. If you specify a file that already exists you are asked to confirm over-writing it. .dc "write-macros-to-file" "Not Bound" This writes the currently defined macros to a specified file. The macros can be read back in with .IQ read-macros-from-file so you can define macros and still use them in other instantiations of \s-2JOVE\s0. .dc "write-modified-files" "C-X C-M" This saves all the buffers that need saving. If you supply a numeric argument it asks for each buffer whether you really want to save it. .dc "write-region" "Not Bound" This writes the text in the region to a specified file. If the file already exists you are asked to confirm over-writing it. .dc "yank" "C-Y" This undoes the last kill command. That is, it inserts the killed text at point. When you do multiple kill commands in a row, they are merged so that yanking them back with "C\-Y" yanks back all of them. .dc "yank-pop" "ESC Y" This yanks back previous killed text. \s-2JOVE\s0 has a kill ring on which the last 10 kills are stored. .IQ Yank yanks a copy of the text at the front of the ring. If you want one of the last ten kills you use "ESC Y" which rotates the ring so another different entry is now at the front. You can use "ESC Y" only immediately following a "C-Y" or another "ESC Y". If you supply a negative numeric argument the ring is rotated the other way. If you use this command enough times in a row you will eventually get back to where you started. Experiment with this. It's extremely useful.