.\" @(#)ttcharset 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/23/86 .\" .bp .tr __ .nr VS 12 .vs 12p .1C .SH Appendix A: Phototypesetter Character Set (APS-5) .LP These characters exist in roman, italic, and bold. To get the one on the left, type the four-character name on the right. .sp .ta .2i .8i 1i 1.6i 1.8i 2.4i 2.6i 3.2i 3.4i 4.0i 4.2i 4.8i 5i 5.6i 5.8i .nf .in 0.5i \(ff \\(ff \(fi \\(fi \(fl \\(fl \(Fi \\(Fi \(Fl \\(Fl \(ru \\(ru \(em \\(em \(14 \\(14 \(12 \\(12 \(34 \\(34 \(co \\(co \(de \\(de \(dg \\(dg \(fm \\(fm \(ct \\(ct \(rg \\(rg \(bu \\(bu \(sq \\(sq \(hy \\(hy (In bold, \e(sq is \fB\(sq\fP.) .sp .in 0 .tr ~~ .ps 9 .fi The following are special-font characters: .sp .in 0.5i .tr ~~ .nf .ta .3i 1i 1.3i 2i 2.3i 3i 3.3i \(pl \\(pl \(mi \\(mi \(mu \\(mu \(di \\(di \(eq \\(eq \(== \\(== \(>= \\(>= \(<= \\(<= \(!= \\(!= \(+- \\(+- \(no \\(no \(sl \\(sl \(ap \\(ap \(~= \\(~= \(pt \\(pt \(gr \\(gr \(-> \\(-> \(<- \\(<- \(ua \\(ua \(da \\(da \(is \\(is \(pd \\(pd \(if \\(if \(sr \\(sr \(sb \\(sb \(sp \\(sp \(cu \\(cu \(ca \\(ca \(ib \\(ib \(ip \\(ip \(mo \\(mo \(es \\(es \(aa \\(aa \(ga \\(ga \(ci \\(ci \(bs \\(bs \(sc \\(sc \(dd \\(dd \(lh \\(lh \(rh \\(rh \(lt \\(lt \(rt \\(rt \(lc \\(lc \(rc \\(rc \(lb \\(lb \(rb \\(rb \(lf \\(lf \(rf \\(rf \(lk \\(lk \(rk \\(rk \(bv \\(bv \(ts \\(ts \(br \\(br \(or \\(or \(ul \\(ul \(rn \\(rn \(** \\(** .sp .in0 .ps 9 .fi These four characters also have two-character names. The \' is the apostrophe on terminals; the \` is the other quote mark. .sp .in .5i \' \e\(aa \` \e\(ga \(mi \e\(mi \_ \e\_ .sp .in 0 These characters exist only on the special font, but they do not have four-character names: .sp .in .5i .nf .tr ^^ " { } < > ~ ^ \e # @ .sp .in 0 .fi For greek, precede the roman letter by .BD \e(* to get the corresponding greek; for example, .BD \e(*a is \(*a. .sp .in 0.5i .nf .cs R 36 abgdezyhiklmncoprstufxqw \(*a\(*b\(*g\(*d\(*e\(*z\(*y\(*h\(*i\(*k\(*l\(*m\(*n\(*c\(*o\(*p\(*r\(*s\(*t\(*u\(*f\(*x\(*q\(*w .sp ABGDEZYHIKLMNCOPRSTUFXQW \(*A\(*B\(*G\(*D\(*E\(*Z\(*Y\(*H\(*I\(*K\(*L\(*M\(*N\(*C\(*O\(*P\(*R\(*S\(*T\(*U\(*F\(*X\(*Q\(*W .ps 9 .cs R .in 0 .fi