.th INTRODUCTION INGRES 10/31/84 .s3 This manual is a reference manual for the \*(II data base system. It documents the use of \*(II in a very terse manner. To learn how to use \*(II, refer to the document called ``A Tutorial on \*(II''. .s3 The \*(II reference manual is subdivided into four parts: .lp +10 8 Quel describes the commands and features which are used inside of \*(II. .lp +10 8 Unix describes the \*(II programs which are executable as \*(UU commands. .lp +10 8 Files describes some of the important files used by \*(II. .lp +10 8 Error lists all the user generatable error messages along with some elaboration as to what they mean or what we think they mean. .i0 .s3 Each entry in this manual has one or more of the following sections: .s3 .in +5 .ti -5 NAME section .br This section repeats the name of the entry and gives an indication of its purpose. .s3 .ti -5 SYNOPSIS section .br This section indicates the form of the command (statement). The conventions which are used are as follows: .s3 .in +10 .ti -7 Bold face names are used to indicate reserved keywords. .ti -7 Lower case words indicate generic types of information which must be supplied by the user; legal values for these names are described in the DESCRIPTION section. .ti -7 Square brakets ( [] ) indicate that the enclosed item is optional. .ti -7 Braces ( {} ) indicate an optional item which may be repeated. In some cases they indicate simple (non-repeated) grouping; the usage should be clear from context. .in -10 .s3 When these conventions are insufficient to fully specify the legal format of a command a more general form is given and the allowable subsets are specified in the DESCRIPTION section. .s3 .ti -5 DESCRIPTION section .br This section gives a detailed description of the entry with references to the generic names used in the SYNOPSIS section. .s3 .ti -5 EXAMPLE section .br This section gives one or more examples of the use of the entry. Most of these examples are based on the following relations: .ce 5 emp(name,sal,mgr,bdate) and newemp(name,sal,age) and parts(pnum, pname, color, weight, qoh) .s3 .ti -5 SEE ALSO section .br This section gives the names of entries in the manual which are closely related to the current entry or which are referenced in the description of the current entry. .s3 .ti -5 BUGS section .br This section indicates known bugs or deficiencies in the command. .s3 .in -5 To start using \*(II you must be entered as an \*(II user; this is done by the \*(II administrator who will enter you in the ``users'' file (see users(files)). To start using ingres see the section on ingres(unix), quel(quel), and monitor(quel).