.th NOCLOSE AM 9/13/77 .sh NAME noclose - update system catalogs for a relation .sh SYNOPSIS .nf noclose(d) struct descriptor *d; .fi .sh DESCRIPTION NOCLOSE is used to update the system catalogs for a relation just as CLOSER does, but without closing the relation. If a program repeatedly OPENR's and CLOSER's a relation so that the system catalogs will be up-to-date for use by other programs, NOCLOSE can be used to eliminate the overhead of physically opening and closing relations and still achieve the same results. .sh DIAGNOSTICS .nf AMWRITE_ERR -- pageflush failure AMREAD_ERR -- get_page failure 0 -- success 1 -- relation was not open .fi .sh "TRACE FLAGS" 21.12 .sh "SEE ALSO" closer, openr