1: # include   "monitor.h"
   2: # include   <ingres.h>
   3: # include   <version.h>
   4: # include   <opsys.h>
   5: # include   <pv.h>
   6: # include   <func.h>
   7: # include   <signal.h>
   8: # include   <pipes.h>
   9: # include   <setjmp.h>
  10: # include   <sccs.h>
  12: SCCSID(@(#)ttymon.c	8.1	12/31/84)
  16: # define    ERRDELIM    '~'
  18: /*
  20: **
  21: **	The monitor gathers text from the standard input and performs
  22: **	a variety of rudimentary editting functions.  This program
  23: **	is the main setup.  Monitor() is then called, which does the
  24: **	real work.
  25: **
  26: **	variables:
  27: **	Nodayfile -- zero prints all messages; positive one suppresses
  28: **		dayfile and logout but not prompts; negative one
  29: **		suppresses all printed material except results from \p.
  30: **	Newline -- set when the last character in the query buffer
  31: **		is a newline.
  32: **	Prompt -- set when a prompt character is needed.
  33: **	Autoclear -- set when the query buffer should be cleared before
  34: **		putting another character in.
  35: **	Nautoclear -- if set, suppresses the autoclear function
  36: **		entirely.
  37: **
  38: **	flags:
  39: **	-M -- trace flag
  40: **	-d -- suppress dayfile
  41: **	-s -- suppress prompt (sets -d)
  42: **	-a -- disable autoclear function
  43: **
  44: **	The last three options can be set by stating "+x".
  45: **
  46: **	Trace Flags:
  47: **		9
  48: **		11 (proc_err)
  49: */
  51: extern char *Usercode;
  52: extern      tm_mon();
  53: extern      tm_init();
  54: extern      tm_intr();
  55: short       tTttymon[100];
  57: struct fn_def   TtyMonFn =
  58: {
  59:     "MONITOR",
  60:     tm_mon,
  61:     tm_init,
  62:     tm_intr,
  63:     NULL,
  64:     0,
  65:     tTttymon,
  66:     100,
  67:     'M',
  68:     0
  69: };
  71: tm_init(argc, argv)
  72: int argc;
  73: char    *argv[];
  74: {
  75:     register int    ndx;
  76:     register char   *p;
  77:     extern      quit();
  78:     extern int  (*ExitFn)();
  79:     extern int  Equel;
  80:     char        buff[100];
  81:     extern char *getufield();
  82:     extern jmp_buf  CmReset;
  83:     extern char SysIdent[];
  86:     /* insure that permissions are ok */
  87:     setuid(getuid());
  88: #	ifndef xB_UNIX
  89:     setgid(getgid());
  90: #	endif
  92:     setjmp(CmReset);
  93:     signal(SIGPIPE, quit);
  95:     ExitFn = quit;
  96:     set_si_buf();
  98:     /* process arguments */
  99:     if (!setflag(argv, 'd', 1))
 100:         Nodayfile = 1;
 101:     if (!setflag(argv, 's', 1))
 102:         Nodayfile = -1;
 103:     Nautoclear = !setflag(argv, 'a', 1);
 105:     /* preinitialize macros */
 106:     macinit(0, 0, 0);
 107:     macdefine("{pathname}", Pathname, 1);
 109:     /* print the dayfile */
 110:     if (Nodayfile >= 0)
 111:     {
 112:         time(buff);
 113:         printf("%s login\n%s", SysIdent, ctime(buff));
 114:     }
 115:     if (Nodayfile == 0 && (Qryiop = fopen(ztack(ztack(Pathname, "/files/dayfile"), VERSION), "r")) != NULL)
 116:     {
 117:         while ((ndx = getc(Qryiop)) > 0)
 118:             putchar(ndx);
 119:         fclose(Qryiop);
 120:     }
 123:     concat("/tmp/INGQ", Fileset, Qbname);
 124:     if ((Qryiop = fopen(Qbname, "w")) == NULL)
 125:         syserr("main: open(%s)", Qbname);
 127:     /* GO TO IT ... */
 128:     Prompt = Newline = TRUE;
 129:     Userdflag = Nodayfile;
 130:     Nodayfile = -1;
 132:     /* run the system initialization file */
 133:     setjmp(CmReset);
 134:     Phase++;
 135:     include(ztack(Pathname, "/files/startup"));
 137:     /* find out what the user initialization file is */
 138:     setjmp(CmReset);
 139:     if (getuser(Usercode, buff) == 0)
 140:     {
 141:         p = getufield(buff, 7);
 142:         if (*p != 0)
 143:             include(p);
 144:     }
 145:     getuser(0, 0);
 147:     Nodayfile = Userdflag;
 149:     /*
 150: 	**  Get user input from terminal
 151: 	**
 152: 	**	THIS CODE IS A CLUDGE!!!
 153: 	**
 154: 	**	This code should return right after the setbuf call,
 155: 	**	but it doesn't because we want the monitor to be in
 156: 	**	control initially.  The way the control module is
 157: 	**	written, this will work.  But we are definitely
 158: 	**	cheating....
 159: 	*/
 161:     Input = stdin;
 162:     setbuf(stdin, NULL);
 163:     monitor(FALSE);
 164:     quit();
 165: }
 166: /*
 168: **
 169: **	clear out pipes and respond to user
 170: **
 171: **	Uses trace flag 10
 172: */
 174: tm_intr(typ)
 175: int typ;
 176: {
 177:     register int    i;
 179:     if (typ != 2)
 180:         syserr("tm_intr: typ %d", typ);
 182:     if (Xwaitpid == 0)
 183:         printf("\nInterrupt\n");
 185:     lseek(stdin->_file, 0L, 2);
 186:     Newline = Prompt = TRUE;
 187:     Nodayfile = Userdflag;
 188:     Oneline = FALSE;
 189:     Idepth = 0;
 190:     setbuf(stdin, NULL);
 191:     Input = stdin;
 192:     xwait();
 193: }
 194: /*
 196: **
 197: **	This routine takes an error message off of the pipe and
 198: **	processes it for output to the terminal.  This involves doing
 199: **	a lookup in the .../files/error? files, where ? is the thous-
 200: **	ands digit of the error number.  The associated error message
 201: **	then goes through parameter substitution and is printed.
 202: **
 203: **	In the current version, the error message is just printed.
 204: **
 205: **	We unquestionably cheat, by doing a longjmp rather than a
 206: **	return here -- this is so that the synchronization works right.
 207: **
 208: **	Trace Flags:
 209: **		30
 210: */
 212: proc_err(ppb, pc, pv)
 213: pb_t    *ppb;
 214: int pc;
 215: PARM    pv[];
 216: {
 217:     register char   c;
 218:     register char   *p;
 219:     int     i;
 220:     char        buf[512];
 221:     int     err;
 222:     FILE        *iop;
 223:     char        *errfilen();
 224:     extern char *mcall();
 225:     bool        fatal;
 226:     extern jmp_buf  GoJmpBuf;
 228:     if (pc <= 0 || pv[0].pv_type != PV_INT)
 229:         syserr("proc_err: pc %d pv0type %d", pc, pv[0].pv_type);
 230:     err = pv[0].pv_val.pv_int;
 231:     Error_id = err;
 232:     fatal = !bitset(PB_INFO, ppb->pb_stat);
 234:     /* try calling the {catcherror} macro -- maybe not print */
 235:     p = buf;
 236:     p += smove("{catcherror; ", p);
 237:     p += smove(iocv(err), p);
 238:     p += smove("}", p);
 240:     p = mcall(buf);
 241:     if (sequal(p, "0"))
 242:         return (1);
 244:     /* open the appropriate error file */
 245:     p = errfilen(err / 1000);
 247: #	ifdef xMTR3
 248:     if (tTf(30, -1))
 249:         printf("proc_error: ");
 250:     if (tTf(30, 0))
 251:         printf("%d, %s", err, p);
 252: #	endif
 254:     if ((iop = fopen(p, "r")) == NULL)
 255:         syserr("proc_error: open(%s)", p);
 257:     /* read in the code and check for correct */
 258:     for (;;)
 259:     {
 260:         p = buf;
 261:         while ((c = getc(iop)) != '\t')
 262:         {
 263:             if (c <= 0)
 264:             {
 265:                 /* no code exists, print the args */
 266:                 printf("%d:", err);
 267:                 for (i = 0; i < pc; i++)
 268:                     printf(" `%s'", pv[i].pv_val.pv_str);
 269:                 printf("\n");
 270:                 fclose(iop);
 271:                 if (fatal)
 272:                     longjmp(CmReset, 1);
 273:                 else
 274:                     longjmp(GoJmpBuf, 1);
 275:             }
 276:             *p++ = c;
 277:         }
 278:         *p = 0;
 279:         i = atoi(buf);
 281:         if (i != err)
 282:         {
 283:             while ((c = getc(iop)) != ERRDELIM)
 284:                 if (c <= 0)
 285:                     syserr("proc_error: format err %d", err);
 286:             getc(iop);  /* throw out the newline */
 287:             continue;
 288:         }
 290:         /* got the correct line, print it doing parameter substitution */
 291:         printf("%d: ", err);
 292:         c = '\n';
 293:         for (;;)
 294:         {
 295:             c = getc(iop);
 296:             if (c <= 0 || c == ERRDELIM)
 297:             {
 298:                 printf("\n");
 299:                 fclose(iop);
 300:                 if (fatal)
 301:                     longjmp(CmReset, 1);
 302:                 else
 303:                     longjmp(GoJmpBuf, 1);
 304:             }
 305:             if (c == '%')
 306:             {
 307:                 c = getc(iop) - '0' + 1;
 308:                 if (c >= pc)
 309:                     syserr("proc_err: parm %d", c - 1);
 310:                 switch (pv[c].pv_type)
 311:                 {
 312:                   case PV_STR:
 313:                     for (p = pv[c].pv_val.pv_str; c = *p; p++)
 314:                         xputchar(c);
 315:                     continue;
 317:                   case PV_INT:
 318:                     printf("%d", pv[c].pv_val.pv_int);
 319:                     continue;
 321:                   default:
 322:                     syserr("proc_err: arg %d type %d", c, pv[c].pv_type);
 323:                 }
 324:             }
 325:             printf("%c", c);
 326:         }
 327:     }
 328: }
 329: /*
 330: **  TM_MON -- "function to implement this module"
 331: **
 332: **	Since we have cludged up this module to work, and hence
 333: **	the init routine should never return, this routine just
 334: **	syserr's.
 335: */
 337: tm_mon()
 338: {
 339:     syserr("tm_mon");
 340: }
 341: /*
 342: **  ACC_INIT, PAGEFLUSH -- dummy access method routines
 343: **
 344: **	Since the CM wants to do some basic access method functions,
 345: **	we will let it.
 346: */
 348: acc_init()
 349: {
 350: }
 352: pageflush(x)
 353: char    *x;
 354: {
 355:     return (0);
 356: }
 357: /*
 358: **  CLOSECATALOG -- dummy catalog close routine.
 359: **
 360: **	To keep from loading access methods.
 361: */
 363: closecatalog()
 364: {
 365: }

Defined functions

acc_init defined in line 348; never used
closecatalog defined in line 363; never used
pageflush defined in line 352; never used
proc_err defined in line 212; never used
tm_init defined in line 71; used 2 times
tm_intr defined in line 174; used 2 times
tm_mon defined in line 337; used 2 times

Defined variables

TtyMonFn defined in line 57; never used
tTttymon defined in line 55; used 1 times
  • in line 65

Defined macros

ERRDELIM defined in line 16; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-04-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
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