1: # include   <ingres.h>
   2: # include   <aux.h>
   3: # include   <catalog.h>
   4: # include   <symbol.h>
   5: # include   <tree.h>
   6: # include   "../decomp/globs.h"
   7: # include   "strategy.h"
   8: # include   <btree.h>
   9: # include   <sccs.h>
  10: # include   <errors.h>
  12: SCCSID(@(#)strategy.c	8.4	2/8/85)
  14: /*
  15: ** STRATEGY
  16: **
  17: **	Attempts to limit access scan to less than the entire De.ov_source
  18: **	relation by finding a key which can be used for associative
  19: **	access to the De.ov_source reln or an index thereon.  The key is
  20: **	constructed from domain-value specifications found in the
  21: **	clauses of the qualification list using sub-routine findsimp
  22: **	in findsimp.c and other subroutines in file key.c
  23: */
  25: strategy()
  26: {
  27:     register int        i, j, allexact;
  28:     struct accessparam  sourceparm, indexparm;
  29:     struct index        itup, rtup;
  30:     struct key      lowikey[MAXKEYS+1], highikey[MAXKEYS+1];
  31:     struct key      lowbkey[MAXKEYS+1], highbkey[MAXKEYS+1];
  32:     register DESC       *d;
  33:     DESC            *openindex();
  34:     extern DESC     Inddes;
  35:     char            *tp;
  36:     long            l_lid[MAXLID], h_lid[MAXLID];
  37:     int         keytype;
  38:     long            last_lid();
  39:     long            page, l, t;
  40:     int         lidsize;
  41:     struct locator      tidloc;
  42:     extern int      Btree_fd;
  44: #	ifdef xOTR1
  45:     if (tTf(70, 0))
  46:         printf("STRATEGY\tSource=%.12s\tNewq = %d\n",
  47:                De.ov_source ? De.ov_source->reldum.relid : "(none)",
  48:                De.de_newq);
  49: #	endif
  51:     while (De.de_newq)  /* if De.de_newq=TRUE then compute a new strategy */
  52:             /* NOTE: This while loop is executed only once */
  53:     {
  54:         De.ov_scanr = De.ov_source;
  56:         if (!De.ov_scanr)
  57:             return (1); /* return immediately if there is no source relation */
  59:         De.ov_fmode = NOKEY;    /* assume a find mode with no key */
  61:         if (!De.ov_qlist)
  62:             break;  /* if no qualification then you must scan entire rel */
  63:         /*
  64: 		** Here we check for the special condition
  65: 		** of a where clause consisting only of a tid.
  66: 		*/
  67:         if (tid_only_test())
  68:             return(1);
  70:         /* copy structure of source relation into sourceparm */
  71:         paramd(De.ov_source, &sourceparm);
  73:         /* if source is unkeyed and has no sec index then give up */
  74:         if (sourceparm.mode == NOKEY && De.ov_source->reldum.relindxd <= 0 && !De.ov_source->reldum.reldim)
  75:             break;
  77:         /* find all simple clauses if any */
  78:         if (!findsimps())
  79:             break;  /* break if there are no simple clauses */
  81:         /* Four steps are now performed to try and find a key.
  82: 		** First if the relation is hashed then an exact key is search for
  83: 		**
  84: 		** Second if there are secondary indexes, then a search is made
  85: 		** for an exact key. If that fails then a  check is made for
  86: 		** a range key. The result of the rangekey check is saved.
  87: 		**
  88: 		** A step to check for possible use of Btrees is made here,
  89: 		** although in actuality, an exact btreekey search is used
  90: 		** after an exact range key search but before a range key search.
  91: 		** A BTree range search is used only as a last alternative
  92: 		** to a no key search.
  93: 		**
  94: 		** Third if the relation is an ISAM a check is  made for
  95: 		** an exact key or a range key.
  96: 		**
  97: 		** Fourth if there is a secondary index, then if step two
  98: 		** found a key, that key is used.
  99: 		**
 100: 		**  Lastly, give up and scan the  entire relation
 101: 		*/
 103:         /* step one. Try to find exact key on primary */
 104:         if (exactkey(&sourceparm, De.ov_lkey_struct))
 105:         {
 106:             De.ov_fmode = EXACTKEY;
 107:             break;
 108:         }
 110:         /* step two. If there is an index, try to find an exactkey on one of them */
 111:         if (De.ov_source->reldum.relindxd > 0)
 112:         {
 114:             opencatalog("indexes", OR_READ);
 115:             setkey(&Inddes, &itup, De.ov_source->reldum.relid, IRELIDP);
 116:             setkey(&Inddes, &itup, De.ov_source->reldum.relowner, IOWNERP);
 117:             if (i = find(&Inddes, EXACTKEY, &De.ov_lotid, &De.ov_hitid, (char *)&itup))
 118:                 syserr("strategy:find indexes %d", i);
 120:             while (!(i = get(&Inddes, &De.ov_lotid, &De.ov_hitid, (char *)&itup, NXTTUP)))
 121:             {
 122: #				ifdef xOTR1
 123:                 if (tTf(70, 3))
 124:                     printup(&Inddes, (char *)&itup);
 125: #				endif
 126:                 if (!bequal(itup.irelidp, De.ov_source->reldum.relid, MAXNAME) ||
 127:                     !bequal(itup.iownerp, De.ov_source->reldum.relowner, 2))
 128:                     continue;
 129:                 parami(&itup, &indexparm);
 130:                 if (exactkey(&indexparm, De.ov_lkey_struct))
 131:                 {
 132:                     De.ov_fmode = EXACTKEY;
 133:                     d = openindex(itup.irelidi);
 134:                     /* temp check for 6.0 index */
 135:                     if ((int) d->reldum.relindxd == -1)
 136:                         ov_err(BADSECINDX);
 137:                     De.ov_scanr = d;
 138:                     break;
 139:                 }
 140:                 if (De.ov_fmode == LRANGEKEY)
 141:                     continue;   /* a range key on a s.i. has already been found */
 142:                 if (allexact = rangekey(&indexparm, lowikey, highikey))
 143:                 {
 144:                     bmove((char *)&itup, (char *)&rtup, sizeof itup);   /* save tuple */
 145:                     De.ov_fmode = LRANGEKEY;
 146:                 }
 147:             }
 148:             if (i < 0)
 149:                 syserr("stragery:bad get from index-rel %d", i);
 150:             /* If an exactkey on a secondary index was found, look no more. */
 151:             if (De.ov_fmode == EXACTKEY)
 152:                 break;
 153:         }
 155:         /* attempt to use Btree in aiding search */
 156:         if (i = btreekey(lowbkey, highbkey))
 157:         {
 158:             if (i > 0)
 159:                 De.ov_fmode = BTREEKEY;
 160:             else if (De.ov_fmode != LRANGEKEY)
 161:             /* use range key search over btree range search */
 162:             {
 163:                 keytype = i;
 164:                 De.ov_fmode = BTREERANGE;
 165:             }
 166:         }
 168:         /* step three. Look for a range key on primary */
 169:         if (i = rangekey(&sourceparm, De.ov_lkey_struct, De.ov_hkey_struct))
 170:         {
 171:             if (i < 0)
 172:                 De.ov_fmode = EXACTKEY;
 173:             else if (De.ov_fmode == BTREEKEY)
 174:             /* use exact btree search over range search */
 175:             {
 176:                 bmove((char *) lowbkey, (char *) De.ov_lkey_struct, sizeof lowbkey);
 177:                 bmove((char *) highbkey, (char *) De.ov_hkey_struct, sizeof highbkey);
 178:             }
 179:             else
 180:                 De.ov_fmode = LRANGEKEY;
 181:             break;
 182:         }
 184:         if (De.ov_fmode == BTREEKEY)
 185:         {
 186:             bmove((char *) lowbkey, (char *) De.ov_lkey_struct, sizeof lowbkey);
 187:             bmove((char *) highbkey, (char *) De.ov_hkey_struct, sizeof highbkey);
 188:             break;
 189:         }
 191:         /* last step. If a secondary index range key was found, use it */
 192:         if (De.ov_fmode == LRANGEKEY)
 193:         {
 194:             if (allexact < 0)
 195:                 De.ov_fmode = EXACTKEY;
 196:             d = openindex(rtup.irelidi);
 197:             /* temp check for 6.0 index */
 198:             if ((int) d->reldum.relindxd == -1)
 199:                 ov_err(BADSECINDX);
 200:             De.ov_scanr = d;
 201:             bmove((char *)lowikey, (char *)De.ov_lkey_struct, sizeof lowikey);
 202:             bmove((char *)highikey, (char *)De.ov_hkey_struct, sizeof highikey);
 203:             break;
 204:         }
 206:         /* nothing will work. give up! */
 207:         break;
 209:     }
 211:     /* check for De.de_newq = FALSE and no source relation */
 212:     if (!De.ov_scanr)
 213:         return (1);
 214:     /*
 215: 	** At this point the strategy is determined.
 216: 	**
 217: 	** If De.ov_fmode is EXACTKEY then De.ov_lkey_struct contains
 218: 	** the pointers to the keys.
 219: 	**
 220: 	** If De.ov_fmode is LRANGEKEY then De.ov_lkey_struct contains
 221: 	** the pointers to the low keys and De.ov_hkey_struct
 222: 	** contains pointers to the high keys.
 223: 	**
 224: 	** If De.ov_fmode is BTREEKEY then De.ov_lkey_struct contains
 225: 	** pointers to the key lid.
 226: 	**
 227: 	** If De.ov_fmode is BTREERANGE then lowbkey contains pointers
 228: 	** to the low key lid and highbkey contains pointers to the
 229: 	** high key lid.
 230: 	**
 231: 	** If De.ov_fmode is NOKEY, then a full scan will be performed
 232: 	*/
 233: #	ifdef xOTR1
 234:     if (tTf(70, -1))
 235:         printf("De.ov_fmode= %d\n",De.ov_fmode);
 236: #	endif
 238:     if (De.ov_fmode == BTREERANGE)
 239:     /* requires special type of search to limit tid scan */
 240:     {
 241:         for (i = 0; i < De.ov_scanr->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 242:         {
 243:             l_lid[i] = 0;
 244:             h_lid[i] = 0;
 245:         }
 246:         lidsize = LIDSIZE * De.ov_scanr->reldum.reldim;
 247:         /* get low lids */
 248:         if (keytype == -1 || keytype == -3)
 249:         {
 250:             tp = De.ov_keyl + De.ov_scanr->reldum.relwid - lidsize;
 251:             bmove(l_lid, tp, lidsize);
 252:             setallkey(lowbkey, De.ov_keyl);
 253:             bmove(tp, l_lid, lidsize);
 254:         }
 255:         /* get high lids */
 256:         if (keytype == -2 || keytype == -3)
 257:         {
 258:             tp = De.ov_keyh + De.ov_scanr->reldum.relwid - lidsize;
 259:             bmove(h_lid, tp, lidsize);
 260:             setallkey(highbkey, De.ov_keyh);
 261:             bmove(tp, h_lid, lidsize);
 262:         }
 263:         Btree_fd = De.ov_scanr->btree_fd;
 264:         /* scan through lids to fill in unprovided lids and to check
 265: 		** for lids that are too big
 266: 		*/
 267:         page = RT;
 268:         for (i = 0; i < De.ov_scanr->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 269:         {
 270:             if (l_lid[i] <= 0)
 271:                 l_lid[i] = 1;
 272:             l = last_lid(page) - 1;
 273:             if (h_lid < 0)
 274:                 return(0);
 275:             if (!h_lid[i] || h_lid[i] > l)
 276:                 h_lid[i] = l;
 277:             if ((t = get_tid(page, h_lid[i], &tidloc)) < 0)
 278:                 syserr("bad gettid in strategy, lid = %ld\n", h_lid[i]);
 279:             page = t;
 280:         }
 281:         /* check whether lo > hi */
 282:         for (i = 0; i < De.ov_scanr->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 283:             if (l_lid[i] < h_lid[i])
 284:                 break;
 285:             else if (l_lid[i] > h_lid[i])
 286:                 return(0);
 287: #		ifdef xOTR1
 288:         if (tTf(70,0))
 289:             for (i = 0 ; i < De.ov_scanr->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 290:                 printf("hi = %ld, lo = %ld\n", h_lid[i], l_lid[i]);
 291: #		endif
 292:         /* find the smallest and largest possible tids of the lids
 293: 		** within the provided range */
 294:         btreerange(De.ov_scanr, l_lid, h_lid, &De.ov_lotid, &De.ov_hitid);
 295:     }
 296:     else
 297:     {
 298:         /* set up the key tuples */
 299:         if (De.ov_fmode != NOKEY)
 300:         {
 301:             if (setallkey(De.ov_lkey_struct, De.ov_keyl))
 302:                 return (0); /* query false. There is a simple
 303: 						** clause which can never be satisfied.
 304: 						** These simple clauses can be choosey!
 305: 						*/
 306:         }
 308:         if (i = find(De.ov_scanr, De.ov_fmode, &De.ov_lotid, &De.ov_hitid, De.ov_keyl))
 309:             syserr("strategy:find1 %.12s, %d", De.ov_scanr->reldum.relid, i);
 311:         if (De.ov_fmode == LRANGEKEY)
 312:         {
 313:             setallkey(De.ov_hkey_struct, De.ov_keyh);
 314:         if (i = find(De.ov_scanr, HRANGEKEY, &De.ov_lotid, &De.ov_hitid, De.ov_keyh))
 315:                 syserr("strategy:find2 %.12s, %d", De.ov_scanr->reldum.relid, i);
 316:         }
 317:     }
 319: #	ifdef xOTR1
 320:     if (tTf(70, 1))
 321:     {
 322:         printf("Lo");
 323:         dumptid(&De.ov_lotid);
 324:         printf("Hi");
 325:         dumptid(&De.ov_hitid);
 326:     }
 327: #	endif
 329:     return (1);
 330: }

Defined functions

strategy defined in line 12; never used
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