1: # include   <ingres.h>
   2: # include   <aux.h>
   3: # include   <tree.h>
   4: # include   <symbol.h>
   5: # include   "parser.h"
   6: # include   <sccs.h>
   7: # include   <errors.h>
   9: SCCSID(@(#)att_fcn.c	8.2	2/8/85)
  11: /*
  12: ** fake attribute stash entries for tid nodes (and sid in dist version)
  13: **	these are provided by the system to a program only for debugging
  14: **	the system source and do not have well defined (over time) meanings.
  15: */
  16: struct atstash  Faketid =
  17: {
  18:     0,  INT,    4,  "tid",  0
  19: };
  20: #ifdef  DISTRIB
  21: struct atstash  Fakesid
  22: {
  23:     0,  INT,    4,  "sid",  0
  24: };
  25: #endif
  27: struct atstash      Attable[MAXATT];/* attrib stash space, turned into a list later */
  28: struct atstash      *Freeatt;   /* free list of attrib stash */
  30: /*
  31: **  ATT_FCN.C  --  attribute list manipulation routines
  32: **
  33: **	ATT_FCN ~~ trace flags = 40, 41
  34: **
  35: **	Defines:
  36: **		Attable
  37: **		Freeatt
  38: **		attinit()
  39: **		attlookup()
  40: **		attadd()
  41: **		attfnd()
  42: **		attcheck()
  43: **		attfree()
  44: **		attalloc()
  45: **		attcount()
  46: **
  47: **	History:
  48: **		modified for 6.3 (jiw)
  49: */
  51: /*
  52: **   ATTINIT -- initializes attribute table
  53: **
  54: **	Parameters:
  55: **		none
  56: **
  57: **	Trace Flags:
  58: **		attinit ~~ 40.0
  59: */
  61: attinit()
  62: {
  63:     register struct atstash     *atptr;
  64:     register int            i;
  66: # ifdef xPTR3
  67:     tTfp(40, 0, "attinit");
  68: # endif
  70:     atptr = Attable;
  72:     for (i = 0; i < MAXATT - 1; i++)
  73:     {
  74:         atptr->atbnext = atptr + 1;
  75:         atptr++;
  76:     }
  78:     atptr->atbnext = NULL;
  80:     Freeatt = Attable;      /* the first attribute in chain */
  81: }
  83: /*
  84: **  ATTLOOKUP -- finds attribute entry
  85: **
  86: **	Attlookup looks up atribute 'attrib' in the att stash
  87: **	for range table entry 'slot'.  If the attrib is not
  88: **	in the stash it is entered.
  89: **
  90: **	Parameters:
  91: **		attrib -- the name of the attribute to find
  92: **		slot -- the number of the range variable
  93: **
  94: **	Returns:
  95: **		pointer to the attstash element
  96: **
  97: **	Trace Flags:
  98: **		attlookup ~~ 40.4, 40.5
  99: */
 101: struct atstash *
 102: attlookup(slot, attrib)
 103: int     slot;
 104: char        *attrib;
 105: {
 106:     register PARRNG         *rptr;
 107:     register struct atstash     *current;
 108:     int             ik;
 109:     struct attribute        tuple;
 110:     register struct attribute   *ktuple;
 111:     struct attribute        ktup;
 112:     TID             tid;
 114:     extern struct atstash       *attfind();
 115:     extern struct atstash       *attadd();
 116:     extern DESC         Attdes;
 117:     extern PARRNG           Parrng[];
 119:     rptr = &Parrng[slot];
 121:     ktuple = &ktup;
 122: #	ifdef xPTR2
 123:     tTfp(40, 4, "attlookup: att = %s and rel= %s\n", attrib, trim_relname(rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid));
 124: #	endif
 126:     /* attribute called "tid" is phantom attribute, use fake */
 127:     if (sequal("tid", attrib))
 128:         return (&Faketid);
 129: #	ifdef DISTRIB
 130:     if (sequal("sid", attrib))
 131:         return (&Fakesid);
 132: #	endif
 134:     /* check to see if attrib is in stash */
 135:     if ((current = attfind(slot, attrib)) != NULL)
 136:         return (current);
 138: #	ifdef xPTR2
 139:     tTfp(40, 5, "getting att info from relation\n");
 140: #	endif
 142:     /* rel name, owner, attname is unique ident */
 143:     clearkeys(&Attdes);
 144:     setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid, ATTRELID);
 145:     setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.reldum.relowner, ATTOWNER);
 146:     setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, attrib, ATTNAME);
 147:     if (!(ik = getequal(&Attdes, ktuple, &tuple, &tid)))
 148:     {
 149:         /* put attrib stuff into att stash */
 150:         current = attadd(slot, &tuple);
 151:         return (current);
 152:     }
 154:     if (ik == 1)
 155:         /* attribute not in relation */
 156:         par_error(NOATTRIN, WARN, attrib, trim_relname(rptr->vardesc.reldum.relid), 0);
 157:     else
 158:         syserr("fatal error in getequal, ret: %d", ik);
 159: }
 161: /*
 162: **  ATTADD -- add an attribute to the list for a particular range variable
 163: **
 164: **	Parameters:
 165: **		slot -- the number of the range variable to use
 166: **		tuple -- the attribute tuple to add
 167: **
 168: **	Returns:
 169: **		pointer to the attribute added
 170: **
 171: **	Trace Flags:
 172: **		attadd ~~ 40.8
 173: */
 175: struct atstash *
 176: attadd(slot, tuple)
 177: int         slot;
 178: struct attribute    *tuple;
 179: {
 180:     register struct atstash *current;
 181:     register struct atstash *aptr;
 182:     register struct atstash *bptr;
 183:     PARRNG          *rptr;
 184:     int         i;
 186:     extern struct atstash   *attalloc();
 187:     extern PARRNG       Parrng[];
 189: # ifdef xPTR3
 190:     tTfp(40, 8, "attadd slot %d, %12s\n", slot, tuple->attname);
 191: # endif
 193:     rptr = &Parrng[slot];
 195:     current = attalloc();
 196:     current->atbid = tuple->attid;
 197:     current->atbfrmt = tuple->attfrmt;
 198:     current->atbfrml = tuple->attfrml;
 199:     bmove(tuple->attname, current->atbname, MAXNAME);
 200:     for (i = 0; i < MAXNAME; i++)
 201:         if (current->atbname[i] == ' ')
 202:             current->atbname[i] = '\0';
 204:     aptr = rptr->attlist;
 205:     bptr = 0;
 206:     while (aptr != 0)
 207:     {
 208:         if (aptr->atbid > current->atbid)
 209:             break;
 210:         bptr = aptr;
 211:         aptr = aptr->atbnext;
 212:     }
 213:     if (bptr == 0)
 214:         rptr->attlist = current;
 215:     else
 216:         bptr->atbnext = current;
 218:     current->atbnext = aptr;
 220:     return (current);
 221: }
 223: /*
 224: **  ATTFIND -- finds attribute in stash
 225: **
 226: **	Attfind looks in attribute stash to see if attrib info already there
 227: **	return pointer to attribute in attribute table else NULL.
 228: **
 229: **	Parameters:
 230: **		slot -- the number of the entry in range table
 231: **		attrib -- the attribute name to find
 232: **
 233: **	Returns:
 234: **		pointer to entry or NULL if not in stash
 235: **
 236: **	Trace Flags:
 237: **		attfind ~~ 40.12
 238: */
 240: struct atstash *
 241: attfind(slot, attrib)
 242: int     slot;
 243: register char   *attrib;
 244: {
 245:     register struct atstash *aptr;
 247:     extern PARRNG       Parrng[];
 249: # ifdef xPTR1
 250:     tTfp(40, 12, "attadd\n");
 251: # endif
 253:     aptr = Parrng[slot].attlist;
 255:     while (aptr != NULL)
 256:     {
 257:         if (!scompare(attrib, MAXNAME, aptr->atbname, MAXNAME))
 258:             return (aptr);
 260:         aptr = aptr->atbnext;
 261:     }
 262:     return (NULL);
 263: }
 265: /*
 266: **  ATTCHECK -- checks for conflicts in attributes
 267: **
 268: **	Attcheck checks for type conflicts in the current query domain and
 269: **	attable entry
 270: **
 271: **	Parameters:
 272: **		aptr -- pointer to current atttibute
 273: **
 274: **	Returns:
 275: **		nothing
 276: **
 277: **	Requires:
 278: **		Trfrmt -- for current format
 279: **
 280: **	Trace Flags:
 281: **		attcheck ~~ 41.0
 282: */
 284: attcheck(aptr)
 285: register struct atstash     *aptr;
 286: {
 287:     extern char     Trfrmt;
 289: # ifdef xPTR1
 290:     tTfp(41, 0, "attcheck\n");
 291: # endif
 293:     if ((Trfrmt == CHAR) != (aptr->atbfrmt == CHAR))
 294:         /* function type does not match attrib */
 295:         par_error(RESTYPE, WARN, aptr->atbname, 0);
 296: }
 298: /*
 299: **  ATTFREE -- puts a list of attrib space back on the free list
 300: **
 301: **	Parameters:
 302: **		aptr -- pointer to list of attstash entries
 303: **
 304: **	Returns:
 305: **		nothing
 306: **
 307: **	Requires:
 308: **		Freeatt
 309: **
 310: **	Trace Flags:
 311: **		attfree ~~ 41.4
 312: */
 314: attfree(aptr)
 315: struct atstash  *aptr;
 316: {
 317:     register struct atstash *att;
 319: # ifdef xPTR1
 320:     tTfp(41, 4, "attfree\n");
 321: # endif
 323:     if ((att = aptr) == NULL)
 324:         return;
 326:     while (att->atbnext != NULL)
 327:         att = att->atbnext;
 329:     att->atbnext = Freeatt;
 330:     Freeatt = aptr;
 331: }
 333: /*
 334: **  ATTALLOC -- returns a pointer to a atstash type structure
 335: **
 336: **	Attalloc checks the freelist (Freeatt) for attstash entries,
 337: **	if some is there, one is removed.  If the freelist is empty,
 338: **	attstashes are removed from range table entries until an free
 339: **	element is found.
 340: **
 341: **	Parameters:
 342: **		none
 343: **
 344: **	Returns:
 345: **		a pointer to an atstash element
 346: **
 347: **	Requires:
 348: **		Rngback
 349: **		Freeatt
 350: **
 351: **	Trace Flags:
 352: **		attalloc ~~ 41.8, 41.9
 353: */
 355: struct atstash *
 356: attalloc()
 357: {
 358:     register struct atstash *aptr;
 359:     register PARRNG     *rptr;
 361:     extern PARRNG       *Rngback;
 363: # ifdef xPTR3
 364:     tTfp(41, 8, "attalloc Freeatt %d\n", Freeatt);
 365: # endif
 367:     /* Note: the following loop doesn't happen if Freeatt != NULL */
 369:     for (rptr = Rngback; Freeatt == NULL; rptr = rptr->frontpt)
 370:     {
 371:         /*
 372: 		** search least recently used vbles for attrib stash space
 373: 		** until at least one entry is found
 374: 		*/
 376: # ifdef xPTR3
 377:     tTfp(41, 9, "attalloc: freeing %12s\n", rptr->vardesc.relvname);
 378: # endif
 380:         if (rptr == NULL)
 381:             syserr("attalloc: no att space.");
 383:         Freeatt = rptr->attlist;
 384:         rptr->attlist = NULL;
 385:     }
 386:     aptr = Freeatt;
 387:     Freeatt = Freeatt->atbnext;
 388:     aptr->atbnext = NULL;
 390:     return (aptr);
 391: }
 393: /*
 394: **  ATTCOUNT -- counts atstash elems
 395: **
 396: **	Attcount returns a count fof the number of attributes already in the
 397: **	attrib stash.
 398: **
 399: **	Parameter:
 400: **		slot -- the range table entry to count
 401: **
 402: **	Returns:
 403: **		count of the attributes
 404: **
 405: **	Trace Flags:
 406: **		attcount ~~ 41.12
 407: */
 409: int
 410: attcount(slot)
 411: int slot;
 412: {
 413:     register int        cntr;
 414:     register struct atstash *aptr;
 416:     extern PARRNG       Parrng[];
 418: # ifdef xPTR1
 419:     tTfp(41, 12, "attcount\n");
 420: # endif
 422:     cntr = 0;
 423:     aptr = Parrng[slot].attlist;
 424:     while (aptr != NULL)
 425:     {
 426:         cntr++;
 427:         aptr = aptr->atbnext;
 428:     }
 429:     return (cntr);
 430: }

Defined functions

attadd defined in line 175; used 3 times
attalloc defined in line 355; used 2 times
attcheck defined in line 284; used 1 times
attcount defined in line 409; used 1 times
attfind defined in line 240; used 3 times
attfree defined in line 314; used 2 times
attinit defined in line 61; used 1 times

Defined variables

Attable defined in line 27; used 2 times
Fakesid defined in line 21; used 1 times
Faketid defined in line 16; used 1 times
Freeatt defined in line 28; used 9 times
Last modified: 1986-04-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
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