==== /usr/lib/lisp directory ==== This directory contains a number of different kinds of files. The meanings of the file suffixes are: .l - lisp source .o - compiled lisp .x - lisp cross reference -- Contents -- Makefile: Input for make program. 'make all' makes all object files 'make required' makes only those object files needed to build the default lisp system SCCS Directory for checkpointing source. This directory is normally not distributed since it requires a special license to get the sccs software as: Berkeley assembler. Probably a copy of /bin/as except in those places whose internal politics prevent the berkeley assembler from being the standard one. This assembler is called from liszt. manual directory containing nroff output form of manual pages. used by the 'help' function in lisp. nld berkeley loader. Usually a copy of /bin/ld. Used by 'cfasl' and 'ffasl' functions. +++++ class A software +++++ --- supported and documented by people at Berkeley. common0.l Lisp functions which must exist in order to read in the syntax and charmac files interpreted. These are the lowest level files. common1.l Most lisp coded lisp functions are in here. * Loaded into the standard lisp. common2.l Other lisp coded lisp functions. contains the pretty printer. * Loaded into the standard lisp. syntax.l Contains the setsyntax and getsyntax functions, as well as the defintions of Franz's syntax classes. * Loaded into the standard lisp. charmac.l Contains the ever popular backquote macro and the sharp sign macro * Loaded into the standard lisp. toplevel.l standard berkeley franz top level. Contains top-level and break handlers as well as startup function for liszt -r and autoloads. * Loaded into the standard lisp. trace.l Joseph Lister Trace package from Berkeley. Automatically loaded when a call to 'trace' is made. +++++ class B +++++ --- contributed software. Not supported by people at Berkeley but documented in the Franz Lisp Manual. cmuenv.l a file which just loads the cmu files to create the complete cmu environment (macros, toplevel, file package, and editor). cmuedit.l an interlisp like interactive editor. Documented in chapter 16. cmufile.l a file package. This is documented in chapter 13 cmufncs.l functions required by the cmu macros and other run time packages. Some of these should move into the auxfns files cmumacs.l compile time macros required for compiling other cmu files. These are also useful at runtime. cmutpl.l the cmu top level (containing a shell like history facility). Documented in chapter 13. editor.l fix.l fixit package from cmu. It has been modified to allow it to compile with only the macros in cmumacs. this is autoloaded when the function (debug) is invoked. +++++ class C --- donated by individuals. Not officially documented or supported. --- some files may contain documentation at the beginning, others --- may be documented in other lisp manuals jkfmacs.l Some addition macros such as a nice 'If' macro and a msg macro for printing multiple values in one call. machacks.l a list of macros for generating a maclisp environment. step.l Step package from cmu (and from mit). It has been modified for the new evalhook and funcallhook in Franz. Will autoload when the function step is referenced. syscall.l A set of macros for doing syscall's. very unix dependent at this point. sysfunc.l file from cmu. Probably should be removed and functions put elsewhere. tackon program to put a 'fasl' type map onto an object file. use is: 'tackon map objectfile' ucido.l do function from ucilisp. should be in ucifnc but isn't due to supposed compiler problems (which I don't believe still exist). ucifnc.l set of macros and functions for generating a ucilisp environment. automatically loaded when -u is done. +++++ Class D ----- files from the MacLisp/LispM world. Not documented or supported ----- by Berkeley, however they may be integrated into our code. loop.l a macro for writing loops flavors.l an object creator/definer struct.l a macro for defining structures structinit.l a file required to compile struct.l