(File toplevel.l) (debug nlambda cons eval quote load) (command-line-args lambda cons cddr cdr car quote eq and cond if <& argv |1-| do) (load-autorunobject lambda cdr fasl-a-file return car concat setq null do error fasl probef getchar memq cond) (cvtsearchpathtolist (lambda . local) implode cons setq cdr and car quote eq or cond nreverse null explodec do) (autorunlisp (lambda . local) exit load-autorunobject errset null getenv cvtsearchpathtolist setq let quote equal argv cdr >& > and cond) (undef-func-handler lambda print cons ncons cxr getd return load terpr patom quote get or symbolp cond caddddr setq prog) (read-in-lisprc-file lambda cdr return terpr print patom load errset atom car concat probef cond null getenv list do quote *catch setq) (franz-reset lambda quote old-reset-function *throw errset setq) (*break lambda car return break-err-handler errset dtpr do patom terpr setq quote boundp not cond let) (break macro quote list car cddr setq cond caddr cadr) (debugging lambda *rset quote sstatus setq cond) (break-err-handler lexpr *throw lessp top-print numberp cadr top-eval cons ncons or sub1 return eval exit status read Internal-bcdcall getdisc bcdp symbolp funcall cxr getd and top-read eq *catch dtpr do caddr terpr cdr patom car null arg cdddr setq liszt-internal-do mapc quote print greaterp cond add1) (debug-err-handler lexpr top-print top-eval cadr eval return exit status read Internal-bcdcall getdisc bcdp symbolp funcall cxr getd and top-read eq errset dtpr do terpr cdr patom car null arg cdddr setq liszt-internal-do mapc quote print greaterp cond add1) (franz-top-level lambda old-reset-function top-print let top-eval print exit read top-read errset top-prompt cdr car eval liszt-internal-do mapc progn *catch do read-in-lisprc-file terpr status patom autorunlisp Internal-bcdcall getdisc eq bcdp symbolp funcall and top-init setq null boundp not or cond username-to-dir-flush-cache cxr getd quote putd) (top-print macro append cons quote list cdr) (top-eval macro append cons quote list cdr) (top-read macro append cons quote list cdr) (top-prompt macro quote) (top-init macro quote)