XSEND(1) XSEND(1) NAME xsend, xget, enroll - secret mail SYNOPSIS xsend person xget enroll DESCRIPTION These commands implement a secure communication channel; it is like mail(1), but no one can read the messages except the intended recipiā ent. The method embodies a public-key cryptosystem using knapsacks. To receive messages, use enroll; it asks you for a password that you must subsequently quote in order to receive secret mail. To receive secret mail, use xget. It asks for your password, then gives you the messages. To send secret mail, use xsend in the same manner as the ordinary mail command. (However, it will accept only one target). A message announcing the receipt of secret mail is also sent by ordinary mail. FILES /usr/spool/secretmail/*.key: keys /usr/spool/secretmail/*.[0-9]: messages SEE ALSO mail (1) BUGS It should be integrated with ordinary mail. The announcement of secret mail makes traffic analysis possible. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 XSEND(1)