TRPFPE(3F) TRPFPE(3F) NAME trpfpe, fpecnt - trap and repair floating point faults SYNOPSIS subroutine trpfpe (numesg, rtnval) double precision rtnval integer function fpecnt () common /fpeflt/ fperr logical fperr DESCRIPTION NOTE: This routine applies only to Vax computers. It is a null routine on the PDP11. _T_r_p_f_p_e sets up a signal handler to trap arithmetic exceptions. If the exception is due to a floating point arithmetic fault, the result of the operation is replaced with the _r_t_n_v_a_l specified. _R_t_n_v_a_l must be a double precision value. For example, ‘‘0d0’’ or ‘‘dflmax()’’. The first _n_u_m_e_s_g occurrences of a floating point arithmetic error will cause a message to be written to the standard error file. Any excep‐ tion that can’t be repaired will result in the default action, typi‐ cally an abort with core image. _F_p_e_c_n_t returns the number of faults since the last call to _t_r_p_f_p_e. The logical value in the common block labelled _f_p_e_f_l_t will be set to .true. each time a fault occurs. FILES /usr/lib/libF77.a SEE ALSO signal(3F), range(3F) BUGS This routine works only for _f_a_u_l_t_s, not _t_r_a_p_s. This is primarily due to the Vax architecture. If the operation involves changing the stack pointer, it can’t be repaired. This seldom should be a problem with the f77 compiler, but such an operation might be produced by the optimizer. The POLY and EMOD opcodes are not dealt with. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 15, 1985 TRPFPE(3F)