LIB2648(3X) LIB2648(3X) NAME lib2648 - subroutines for the HP 2648 graphics terminal SYNOPSIS #include typedef char *bitmat; FILE *trace; cc file.c -l2648 DESCRIPTION _L_i_b_2_6_4_8 is a general purpose library of subroutines useful for interac‐ tive graphics on the Hewlett-Packard 2648 graphics terminal. To use it you must call the routine _t_t_y_i_n_i_t() at the beginning of execution, and _d_o_n_e() at the end of execution. All terminal input and output must go through the routines _r_a_w_c_h_a_r, _r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e, _o_u_t_c_h_a_r, and _o_u_t_s_t_r. _L_i_b_2_6_4_8 does the necessary ^E/^F handshaking if _g_e_t_e_n_v_(_‘_‘_T_E_R_M_’_’_) returns ‘‘hp2648’’, as it will if set by _t_s_e_t(1). Any other value, including for example ‘‘2648’’, will disable handshaking. Bit matrix routines are provided to model the graphics memory of the 2648. These routines are generally useful, but are specifically useful for the _u_p_d_a_t_e function which efficiently changes what is on the screen to what is supposed to be on the screen. The primative bit matrix rou‐ tines are _n_e_w_m_a_t, _m_a_t, and _s_e_t_m_a_t. The file _t_r_a_c_e, if non-null, is expected to be a file descriptor as returned by _f_o_p_e_n. If so, _l_i_b_2_6_4_8 will trace the progress of the out‐ put by writing onto this file. It is provided to make debugging output feasible for graphics programs without messing up the screen or the escape sequences being sent. Typical use of trace will include: switch (argv[1][1]) { case ’T’: trace = fopen("trace", "w"); break; ... if (trace) fprintf(trace, "x is %d, y is %s\n", x, y); ... dumpmat("before update", xmat); ROUTINES agoto(x, y) Move the alphanumeric cursor to position (x, y), measured from the upper left corner of the screen. aoff() Turn the alphanumeric display off. aon() Turn the alphanumeric display on. areaclear(rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax) Clear the area on the graphics screen bordered by the four argu‐ ments. In normal mode the area is set to all black, in inverse video mode it is set to all white. beep() Ring the bell on the terminal. bitcopy(dest, src, rows, cols) bitmat dest, src; Copy a _r_o_w_s by _c_o_l_s bit matrix from _s_r_c to (user provided) _d_e_s_t_. cleara() Clear the alphanumeric display. clearg() Clear the graphics display. Note that the 2648 will only clear the part of the screen that is visible if zoomed in. curoff() Turn the graphics cursor off. curon() Turn the graphics cursor on. dispmsg(str, x, y, maxlen) char *str; Display the message _s_t_r in graphics text at position _(_x_, _y_)_. The maximum message length is given by _m_a_x_l_e_n, and is needed for dispmsg to know how big an area to clear before drawing the mes‐ sage. The lower left corner of the first character is at _(_x_, _y_)_. done() Should be called before the program exits. Restores the tty to normal, turns off graphics screen, turns on alphanumeric screen, flushes the standard output, etc. draw(x, y) Draw a line from the pen location to _(_x_, _y_)_. As with all graph‐ ics coordinates, _(_x_, _y_) is measured from the bottom left corner of the screen. _(_x_, _y_) coordinates represent the first quadrant of the usual Cartesian system. drawbox(r, c, color, rows, cols) Draw a rectangular box on the graphics screen. The lower left corner is at location _(_r_, _c_)_. The box is _r_o_w_s rows high and _c_o_l_s columns wide. The box is drawn if _c_o_l_o_r is 1, erased if _c_o_l_o_r is 0. _(_r_, _c_) absolute coordinates represent row and col‐ umn on the screen, with the origin at the lower left. They are equivalent to _(_x_, _y_) except for being reversed in order. dumpmat(msg, m, rows, cols) char *msg; bitmat m; If _t_r_a_c_e is non-null, write a readable ASCII representation of the matrix _m on _t_r_a_c_e_. _M_s_g is a label to identify the output. emptyrow(m, rows, cols, r) bitmat m; Returns 1 if row _r of matrix _m is all zero, else returns 0. This routine is provided because it can be implemented more efficiently with a knowledge of the internal representation than a series of calls to _m_a_t_. error(msg) char *msg; Default error handler. Calls _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_(_m_s_g_) and returns. This is called by certain routines in _l_i_b_2_6_4_8. It is also suitable for calling by the user program. It is probably a good idea for a fancy graphics program to supply its own error procedure which uses _s_e_t_j_m_p(3) to restart the program. gdefault() Set the terminal to the default graphics modes. goff() Turn the graphics display off. gon() Turn the graphics display on. koff() Turn the keypad off. kon() Turn the keypad on. This means that most special keys on the terminal (such as the alphanumeric arrow keys) will transmit an escape sequence instead of doing their function locally. line(x1, y1, x2, y2) Draw a line in the current mode from _(_x_1_, _y_1_) to _(_x_2_, _y_2_)_. This is equivalent to _m_o_v_e_(_x_1_, _y_1_)_; _d_r_a_w_(_x_2_, _y_2_)_; except that a bug in the terminal involving repeated lines from the same point is compensated for. lowleft() Move the alphanumeric cursor to the lower left (home down) posi‐ tion. mat(m, rows, cols, r, c) bitmat m; Used to retrieve an element from a bit matrix. Returns 1 or 0 as the value of the _[_r_, _c_] element of the _r_o_w_s by _c_o_l_s matrix _m_. Bit matrices are numbered _(_r_, _c_) from the upper left corner of the matrix, beginning at (0, 0). _R represents the row, and _c represents the column. message(str) char *str; Display the text message _s_t_r at the bottom of the graphics screen. minmax(g, rows, cols, rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax) bitmat g; int *rmin, *cmin, *rmax, *cmax; Find the smallest rectangle that contains all the 1 (on) ele‐ ments in the bit matrix g. The coordinates are returned in the variables pointed to by rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax. move(x, y) Move the pen to location _(_x_, _y_)_. Such motion is internal and will not cause output until a subsequent _s_y_n_c_(_)_. movecurs(x, y) Move the graphics cursor to location _(_x_, _y_)_. bitmat newmat(rows, cols) Create (with _m_a_l_l_o_c(3)) a new bit matrix of size _r_o_w_s by _c_o_l_s_. The value created (e.g. a pointer to the first location) is returned. A bit matrix can be freed directly with _f_r_e_e. outchar(c) char c; Print the character _c on the standard output. All output to the terminal should go through this routine or _o_u_t_s_t_r. outstr(str) char *str; Print the string str on the standard output by repeated calls to _o_u_t_c_h_a_r_. printg() Print the graphics display on the printer. The printer must be configured as device 6 (the default) on the HPIB. char rawchar() Read one character from the terminal and return it. This rou‐ tine or _r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e should be used to get all input, rather than _g_e_t_c_h_a_r(3). rboff() Turn the rubber band line off. rbon() Turn the rubber band line on. char *rdchar(c) char c; Return a readable representation of the character _c_. If _c is a printing character it returns itself, if a control character it is shown in the ^X notation, if negative an apostrophe is prepended. Space returns ^`, rubout returns ^?. NOTE: A pointer to a static place is returned. For this reason, it will not work to pass rdchar twice to the same _f_p_r_i_n_t_f/_s_p_r_i_n_t_f call. You must instead save one of the values in your own buffer with strcpy. readline(prompt, msg, maxlen) char *prompt, *msg; Display _p_r_o_m_p_t on the bottom line of the graphics display and read one line of text from the user, terminated by a newline. The line is placed in the buffer _m_s_g, which has size _m_a_x_l_e_n characters. Backspace processing is supported. setclear() Set the display to draw lines in erase mode. (This is reversed by inverse video mode.) setmat(m, rows, cols, r, c, val) bitmat m; The basic operation to store a value in an element of a bit matrix. The _[_r_, _c_] element of _m is set to _v_a_l_, which should be either 0 or 1. setset() Set the display to draw lines in normal (solid) mode. (This is reversed by inverse video mode.) setxor() Set the display to draw lines in exclusive or mode. sync() Force all accumulated output to be displayed on the screen. This should be followed by fflush(stdout). The cursor is not affected by this function. Note that it is normally never nec‐ essary to call _s_y_n_c, since _r_a_w_c_h_a_r and _r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e call _s_y_n_c_(_) and _f_f_l_u_s_h_(_s_t_d_o_u_t_) automatically. togvid() Toggle the state of video. If in normal mode, go into inverse video mode, and vice versa. The screen is reversed as well as the internal state of the library. ttyinit() Set up the terminal for processing. This routine should be called at the beginning of execution. It places the terminal in CBREAK mode, turns off echo, sets the proper modes in the termi‐ nal, and initializes the library. update(mold, mnew, rows, cols, baser, basec) bitmat mold, mnew; Make whatever changes are needed to make a window on the screen look like _m_n_e_w. _M_o_l_d is what the window on the screen currently looks like. The window has size _r_o_w_s by _c_o_l_s, and the lower left corner on the screen of the window is _[_b_a_s_e_r_, _b_a_s_e_c_]_. Note: _u_p_d_a_t_e was not intended to be used for the entire screen. It would work but be very slow and take 64K bytes of memory just for mold and mnew. It was intended for 100 by 100 windows with objects in the center of them, and is quite fast for such win‐ dows. vidinv() Set inverse video mode. vidnorm() Set normal video mode. zermat(m, rows, cols) bitmat m; Set the bit matrix _m to all zeros. zoomn(size) Set the hardware zoom to value _s_i_z_e_, which can range from 1 to 15. zoomoff() Turn zoom off. This forces the screen to zoom level 1 without affecting the current internal zoom number. zoomon() Turn zoom on. This restores the screen to the previously speci‐ fied zoom size. DIAGNOSTICS The routine _e_r_r_o_r is called when an error is detected. The only error currently detected is overflow of the buffer provided to _r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e. Subscripts out of bounds to _s_e_t_m_a_t return without setting anything. FILES /usr/lib/lib2648.a SEE ALSO fed(1) AUTHOR Mark Horton BUGS This library is not supported. It makes no attempt to use all of the features of the terminal, only those needed by fed. Contributions from users will be accepted for addition to the library. The HP 2648 terminal is somewhat unreliable at speeds over 2400 baud, even with the ^E/^F handshaking. In an effort to improve reliability, handshaking is done every 32 characters. (The manual claims it is only necessary every 80 characters.) Nonetheless, I/O errors sometimes still occur. There is no way to control the amount of debugging output generated on _t_r_a_c_e without modifying the source to the library. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 27, 1986 LIB2648(3X)