DISKTAB(5)                                                          DISKTAB(5)

       disktab - disk description file

       #include <disktab.h>

       Disktab  is a simple date base which describes disk geometries and disk
       partition characteristics.  The format is  patterned  after  the  term‐
       cap(5)  terminal  data base.  Entries in disktab consist of a number of
       β€˜:’ separated fields.  The first entry for each disk  gives  the  names
       which  are  known  for the disk, separated by β€˜|’ characters.  The last
       name given should be a long name fully identifying the disk.

       The following list indicates the normal values  stored  for  each  disk

       Name  Type  Description
       ns    num   Number of sectors per track
       nt    num   Number of tracks per cylinder
       nc    num   Total number of cylinders on the disk
       ba    num   Block size for partition β€˜a’ (bytes)
       bd    num   Block size for partition β€˜d’ (bytes)
       be    num   Block size for partition β€˜e’ (bytes)
       bf    num   Block size for partition β€˜f’ (bytes)
       bg    num   Block size for partition β€˜g’ (bytes)
       bh    num   Block size for partition β€˜h’ (bytes)
       fa    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜a’ (bytes)
       fd    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜d’ (bytes)
       fe    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜e’ (bytes)
       ff    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜f’ (bytes)
       fg    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜g’ (bytes)
       fh    num   Fragment size for partition β€˜h’ (bytes)
       pa    num   Size of partition β€˜a’ in sectors
       pb    num   Size of partition β€˜b’ in sectors
       pc    num   Size of partition β€˜c’ in sectors
       pd    num   Size of partition β€˜d’ in sectors
       pe    num   Size of partition β€˜e’ in sectors
       pf    num   Size of partition β€˜f’ in sectors
       pg    num   Size of partition β€˜g’ in sectors
       ph    num   Size of partition β€˜h’ in sectors
       se    num   Sector size in bytes
       sf    bool  supports bad144-style bad sector forwarding
       so    bool  partition offsets in sectors
       ty    str   Type of disk (e.g. removable, winchester)

       Disktab  entries  may be automatically generated with the diskpart pro‐


       newfs(8), diskpart(8), getdiskbyname(3)

       This file shouldn’t exist, the information should  be  stored  on  each
       disk pack.

4.2 Berkeley Distribution        May 17, 1986                       DISKTAB(5)
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