# @(#)Makefile 4.2 (Berkeley) 86/05/13 # # Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California # All Rights Reserved # ALL= nsquery.c nstest.c CFLAGS= -O DESTDIR= LDFLAGS= all: nsquery nstest nslookup # test programs and utilities nsquery: nsquery.o ${CC} -o nsquery ${LDFLAGS} nsquery.o nstest: nstest.o @echo "The resolver routines in libc must be compiled with the -DDEBUG" @echo "option or nstest will not have any output." ${CC} -o nstest ${LDFLAGS} nstest.o nslookup: cd ns.lookup/src; make cp ns.lookup/src/nslookup . install: @echo Nothing to install clean: rm -f *.o core a.out nsquery nslookup linterrs nstest typescript errs r cd ns.lookup/src; make clean