1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ruserpass.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 3/9/86";
   9: #endif LIBC_SCCS and not lint
  11: #include <stdio.h>
  12: #include <utmp.h>
  13: #include <ctype.h>
  14: #include <sys/types.h>
  15: #include <sys/stat.h>
  16: #include <errno.h>
  18: char    *renvlook(), *malloc(), *index(), *getenv(), *getpass(), *getlogin();
  19: struct  utmp *getutmp();
  20: static  FILE *cfile;
  22: ruserpass(host, aname, apass)
  23:     char *host, **aname, **apass;
  24: {
  26:     renv(host, aname, apass);
  27:     if (*aname == 0 || *apass == 0)
  28:         rnetrc(host, aname, apass);
  29:     if (*aname == 0) {
  30:         char *myname = getlogin();
  31:         *aname = malloc(16);
  32:         printf("Name (%s:%s): ", host, myname);
  33:         fflush(stdout);
  34:         if (read(2, *aname, 16) <= 0)
  35:             exit(1);
  36:         if ((*aname)[0] == '\n')
  37:             *aname = myname;
  38:         else
  39:             if (index(*aname, '\n'))
  40:                 *index(*aname, '\n') = 0;
  41:     }
  42:     if (*aname && *apass == 0) {
  43:         printf("Password (%s:%s): ", host, *aname);
  44:         fflush(stdout);
  45:         *apass = getpass("");
  46:     }
  47: }
  49: static
  50: renv(host, aname, apass)
  51:     char *host, **aname, **apass;
  52: {
  53:     register char *cp;
  54:     char *stemp, fgetlogin, *comma;
  56:     cp = renvlook(host);
  57:     if (cp == NULL)
  58:         return;
  59:     if (!isalpha(cp[0]))
  60:         return;
  61:     comma = index(cp, ',');
  62:     if (comma == 0)
  63:         return;
  64:     if (*aname == 0) {
  65:         *aname = malloc(comma - cp + 1);
  66:         strncpy(*aname, cp, comma - cp);
  67:     } else
  68:         if (strncmp(*aname, cp, comma - cp))
  69:             return;
  70:     comma++;
  71:     cp = malloc(strlen(comma)+1);
  72:     strcpy(cp, comma);
  73:     *apass = malloc(16);
  74:     mkpwclear(cp, host[0], *apass);
  75: }
  77: static
  78: char *
  79: renvlook(host)
  80:     char *host;
  81: {
  82:     register char *cp, **env;
  83:     extern char **environ;
  85:     env = environ;
  86:     for (env = environ; *env != NULL; env++)
  87:         if (!strncmp(*env, "MACH", 4)) {
  88:             cp = index(*env, '=');
  89:             if (cp == 0)
  90:                 continue;
  91:             if (strncmp(*env+4, host, cp-(*env+4)))
  92:                 continue;
  93:             return (cp+1);
  94:         }
  95:     return (NULL);
  96: }
  98: #define DEFAULT 1
  99: #define LOGIN   2
 100: #define PASSWD  3
 101: #define NOTIFY  4
 102: #define WRITE   5
 103: #define YES 6
 104: #define NO  7
 105: #define COMMAND 8
 106: #define FORCE   9
 107: #define ID  10
 108: #define MACHINE 11
 110: static char tokval[100];
 112: static struct toktab {
 113:     char *tokstr;
 114:     int tval;
 115: } toktab[]= {
 116:     "default",  DEFAULT,
 117:     "login",    LOGIN,
 118:     "password", PASSWD,
 119:     "notify",   NOTIFY,
 120:     "write",    WRITE,
 121:     "yes",      YES,
 122:     "y",        YES,
 123:     "no",       NO,
 124:     "n",        NO,
 125:     "command",  COMMAND,
 126:     "force",    FORCE,
 127:     "machine",  MACHINE,
 128:     0,      0
 129: };
 131: static
 132: rnetrc(host, aname, apass)
 133:     char *host, **aname, **apass;
 134: {
 135:     char *hdir, buf[BUFSIZ];
 136:     int t;
 137:     struct stat stb;
 138:     extern int errno;
 140:     hdir = getenv("HOME");
 141:     if (hdir == NULL)
 142:         hdir = ".";
 143:     sprintf(buf, "%s/.netrc", hdir);
 144:     cfile = fopen(buf, "r");
 145:     if (cfile == NULL) {
 146:         if (errno != ENOENT)
 147:             perror(buf);
 148:         return;
 149:     }
 150: next:
 151:     while ((t = token())) switch(t) {
 153:     case DEFAULT:
 154:         (void) token();
 155:         continue;
 157:     case MACHINE:
 158:         if (token() != ID || strcmp(host, tokval))
 159:             continue;
 160:         while ((t = token()) && t != MACHINE) switch(t) {
 162:         case LOGIN:
 163:             if (token())
 164:                 if (*aname == 0) {
 165:                     *aname = malloc(strlen(tokval) + 1);
 166:                     strcpy(*aname, tokval);
 167:                 } else {
 168:                     if (strcmp(*aname, tokval))
 169:                         goto next;
 170:                 }
 171:             break;
 172:         case PASSWD:
 173:             if (fstat(fileno(cfile), &stb) >= 0
 174:                 && (stb.st_mode & 077) != 0) {
 175:     fprintf(stderr, "Error - .netrc file not correct mode.\n");
 176:     fprintf(stderr, "Remove password or correct mode.\n");
 177:                 exit(1);
 178:             }
 179:             if (token() && *apass == 0) {
 180:                 *apass = malloc(strlen(tokval) + 1);
 181:                 strcpy(*apass, tokval);
 182:             }
 183:             break;
 184:         case COMMAND:
 185:         case NOTIFY:
 186:         case WRITE:
 187:         case FORCE:
 188:             (void) token();
 189:             break;
 190:         default:
 191:     fprintf(stderr, "Unknown .netrc option %s\n", tokval);
 192:             break;
 193:         }
 194:         goto done;
 195:     }
 196: done:
 197:     fclose(cfile);
 198: }
 200: static
 201: token()
 202: {
 203:     char *cp;
 204:     int c;
 205:     struct toktab *t;
 207:     if (feof(cfile))
 208:         return (0);
 209:     while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF &&
 210:         (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ' || c == ','))
 211:         continue;
 212:     if (c == EOF)
 213:         return (0);
 214:     cp = tokval;
 215:     if (c == '"') {
 216:         while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '"') {
 217:             if (c == '\\')
 218:                 c = getc(cfile);
 219:             *cp++ = c;
 220:         }
 221:     } else {
 222:         *cp++ = c;
 223:         while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF
 224:             && c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != ' ' && c != ',') {
 225:             if (c == '\\')
 226:                 c = getc(cfile);
 227:             *cp++ = c;
 228:         }
 229:     }
 230:     *cp = 0;
 231:     if (tokval[0] == 0)
 232:         return (0);
 233:     for (t = toktab; t->tokstr; t++)
 234:         if (!strcmp(t->tokstr, tokval))
 235:             return (t->tval);
 236:     return (ID);
 237: }
 238: /* rest is nbs.c stolen from berknet */
 240: char *deblknot(), *deblkclr();
 241: char *nbs8decrypt(), *nbs8encrypt();
 242: static char E[48];
 244: /*
 245:  * The E bit-selection table.
 246:  */
 247: static char e[] = {
 248:     32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
 249:      4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
 250:      8, 9,10,11,12,13,
 251:     12,13,14,15,16,17,
 252:     16,17,18,19,20,21,
 253:     20,21,22,23,24,25,
 254:     24,25,26,27,28,29,
 255:     28,29,30,31,32, 1,
 256: };
 257: static
 258: char *nbsencrypt(str,key,result)
 259:   char *result;
 260:   char *str, *key; {
 261:     static char buf[20],oldbuf[20];
 262:     register int j;
 263:     result[0] = 0;
 264:     strcpy(oldbuf,key);
 265:     while(*str){
 266:         for(j=0;j<10;j++)buf[j] = 0;
 267:         for(j=0;j<8 && *str;j++)buf[j] = *str++;
 268:         strcat(result,nbs8encrypt(buf,oldbuf));
 269:         strcat(result,"$");
 270:         strcpy(oldbuf,buf);
 271:         }
 272:     return(result);
 273:     }
 274: static
 275: char *nbsdecrypt(cpt,key,result)
 276:   char *result;
 277:   char *cpt,*key; {
 278:     char *s;
 279:     char c,oldbuf[20];
 280:     result[0] = 0;
 281:     strcpy(oldbuf,key);
 282:     while(*cpt){
 283:         for(s = cpt;*s && *s != '$';s++);
 284:         c = *s;
 285:         *s = 0;
 286:         strcpy(oldbuf,nbs8decrypt(cpt,oldbuf));
 287:         strcat(result,oldbuf);
 288:         if(c == 0)break;
 289:         cpt = s + 1;
 290:         }
 291:     return(result);
 292:     }
 294: static
 295: char *nbs8encrypt(str,key)
 296: char *str, *key; {
 297:     static char keyblk[100], blk[100];
 298:     register int i;
 300:     enblkclr(keyblk,key);
 301:     nbssetkey(keyblk);
 303:     for(i=0;i<48;i++) E[i] = e[i];
 304:     enblkclr(blk,str);
 305:     blkencrypt(blk,0);          /* forward dir */
 307:     return(deblknot(blk));
 308: }
 310: static
 311: char *nbs8decrypt(crp,key)
 312: char *crp, *key; {
 313:     static char keyblk[100], blk[100];
 314:     register int i;
 316:     enblkclr(keyblk,key);
 317:     nbssetkey(keyblk);
 319:     for(i=0;i<48;i++) E[i] = e[i];
 320:     enblknot(blk,crp);
 321:     blkencrypt(blk,1);          /* backward dir */
 323:     return(deblkclr(blk));
 324: }
 326: static
 327: enblkclr(blk,str)       /* ignores top bit of chars in string str */
 328: char *blk,*str; {
 329:     register int i,j;
 330:     char c;
 331:     for(i=0;i<70;i++)blk[i] = 0;
 332:     for(i=0; (c= *str) && i<64; str++){
 333:         for(j=0; j<7; j++, i++)
 334:             blk[i] = (c>>(6-j)) & 01;
 335:         i++;
 336:         }
 337:     }
 339: static
 340: char *deblkclr(blk)
 341: char *blk; {
 342:     register int i,j;
 343:     char c;
 344:     static char iobuf[30];
 345:     for(i=0; i<10; i++){
 346:         c = 0;
 347:         for(j=0; j<7; j++){
 348:             c <<= 1;
 349:             c |= blk[8*i+j];
 350:             }
 351:         iobuf[i] = c;
 352:     }
 353:     iobuf[i] = 0;
 354:     return(iobuf);
 355:     }
 357: static
 358: enblknot(blk,crp)
 359: char *blk;
 360: char *crp; {
 361:     register int i,j;
 362:     char c;
 363:     for(i=0;i<70;i++)blk[i] = 0;
 364:     for(i=0; (c= *crp) && i<64; crp++){
 365:         if(c>'Z') c -= 6;
 366:         if(c>'9') c -= 7;
 367:         c -= '.';
 368:         for(j=0; j<6; j++, i++)
 369:             blk[i] = (c>>(5-j)) & 01;
 370:         }
 371:     }
 373: static
 374: char *deblknot(blk)
 375: char *blk; {
 376:     register int i,j;
 377:     char c;
 378:     static char iobuf[30];
 379:     for(i=0; i<11; i++){
 380:         c = 0;
 381:         for(j=0; j<6; j++){
 382:             c <<= 1;
 383:             c |= blk[6*i+j];
 384:             }
 385:         c += '.';
 386:         if(c > '9')c += 7;
 387:         if(c > 'Z')c += 6;
 388:         iobuf[i] = c;
 389:     }
 390:     iobuf[i] = 0;
 391:     return(iobuf);
 392: }
 394: /*
 395:  * This program implements the
 396:  * Proposed Federal Information Processing
 397:  *  Data Encryption Standard.
 398:  * See Federal Register, March 17, 1975 (40FR12134)
 399:  */
 401: /*
 402:  * Initial permutation,
 403:  */
 404: static  char    IP[] = {
 405:     58,50,42,34,26,18,10, 2,
 406:     60,52,44,36,28,20,12, 4,
 407:     62,54,46,38,30,22,14, 6,
 408:     64,56,48,40,32,24,16, 8,
 409:     57,49,41,33,25,17, 9, 1,
 410:     59,51,43,35,27,19,11, 3,
 411:     61,53,45,37,29,21,13, 5,
 412:     63,55,47,39,31,23,15, 7,
 413: };
 415: /*
 416:  * Final permutation, FP = IP^(-1)
 417:  */
 418: static  char    FP[] = {
 419:     40, 8,48,16,56,24,64,32,
 420:     39, 7,47,15,55,23,63,31,
 421:     38, 6,46,14,54,22,62,30,
 422:     37, 5,45,13,53,21,61,29,
 423:     36, 4,44,12,52,20,60,28,
 424:     35, 3,43,11,51,19,59,27,
 425:     34, 2,42,10,50,18,58,26,
 426:     33, 1,41, 9,49,17,57,25,
 427: };
 429: /*
 430:  * Permuted-choice 1 from the key bits
 431:  * to yield C and D.
 432:  * Note that bits 8,16... are left out:
 433:  * They are intended for a parity check.
 434:  */
 435: static  char    PC1_C[] = {
 436:     57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,
 437:      1,58,50,42,34,26,18,
 438:     10, 2,59,51,43,35,27,
 439:     19,11, 3,60,52,44,36,
 440: };
 442: static  char    PC1_D[] = {
 443:     63,55,47,39,31,23,15,
 444:      7,62,54,46,38,30,22,
 445:     14, 6,61,53,45,37,29,
 446:     21,13, 5,28,20,12, 4,
 447: };
 449: /*
 450:  * Sequence of shifts used for the key schedule.
 451: */
 452: static  char    shifts[] = {
 453:     1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,
 454: };
 456: /*
 457:  * Permuted-choice 2, to pick out the bits from
 458:  * the CD array that generate the key schedule.
 459:  */
 460: static  char    PC2_C[] = {
 461:     14,17,11,24, 1, 5,
 462:      3,28,15, 6,21,10,
 463:     23,19,12, 4,26, 8,
 464:     16, 7,27,20,13, 2,
 465: };
 467: static  char    PC2_D[] = {
 468:     41,52,31,37,47,55,
 469:     30,40,51,45,33,48,
 470:     44,49,39,56,34,53,
 471:     46,42,50,36,29,32,
 472: };
 474: /*
 475:  * The C and D arrays used to calculate the key schedule.
 476:  */
 478: static  char    C[28];
 479: static  char    D[28];
 480: /*
 481:  * The key schedule.
 482:  * Generated from the key.
 483:  */
 484: static  char    KS[16][48];
 486: /*
 487:  * Set up the key schedule from the key.
 488:  */
 490: static
 491: nbssetkey(key)
 492: char *key;
 493: {
 494:     register i, j, k;
 495:     int t;
 497:     /*
 498: 	 * First, generate C and D by permuting
 499: 	 * the key.  The low order bit of each
 500: 	 * 8-bit char is not used, so C and D are only 28
 501: 	 * bits apiece.
 502: 	 */
 503:     for (i=0; i<28; i++) {
 504:         C[i] = key[PC1_C[i]-1];
 505:         D[i] = key[PC1_D[i]-1];
 506:     }
 507:     /*
 508: 	 * To generate Ki, rotate C and D according
 509: 	 * to schedule and pick up a permutation
 510: 	 * using PC2.
 511: 	 */
 512:     for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
 513:         /*
 514: 		 * rotate.
 515: 		 */
 516:         for (k=0; k<shifts[i]; k++) {
 517:             t = C[0];
 518:             for (j=0; j<28-1; j++)
 519:                 C[j] = C[j+1];
 520:             C[27] = t;
 521:             t = D[0];
 522:             for (j=0; j<28-1; j++)
 523:                 D[j] = D[j+1];
 524:             D[27] = t;
 525:         }
 526:         /*
 527: 		 * get Ki. Note C and D are concatenated.
 528: 		 */
 529:         for (j=0; j<24; j++) {
 530:             KS[i][j] = C[PC2_C[j]-1];
 531:             KS[i][j+24] = D[PC2_D[j]-28-1];
 532:         }
 533:     }
 534: }
 537: /*
 538:  * The 8 selection functions.
 539:  * For some reason, they give a 0-origin
 540:  * index, unlike everything else.
 541:  */
 542: static  char    S[8][64] = {
 543:     14, 4,13, 1, 2,15,11, 8, 3,10, 6,12, 5, 9, 0, 7,
 544:      0,15, 7, 4,14, 2,13, 1,10, 6,12,11, 9, 5, 3, 8,
 545:      4, 1,14, 8,13, 6, 2,11,15,12, 9, 7, 3,10, 5, 0,
 546:     15,12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5,11, 3,14,10, 0, 6,13,
 548:     15, 1, 8,14, 6,11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2,13,12, 0, 5,10,
 549:      3,13, 4, 7,15, 2, 8,14,12, 0, 1,10, 6, 9,11, 5,
 550:      0,14, 7,11,10, 4,13, 1, 5, 8,12, 6, 9, 3, 2,15,
 551:     13, 8,10, 1, 3,15, 4, 2,11, 6, 7,12, 0, 5,14, 9,
 553:     10, 0, 9,14, 6, 3,15, 5, 1,13,12, 7,11, 4, 2, 8,
 554:     13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6,10, 2, 8, 5,14,12,11,15, 1,
 555:     13, 6, 4, 9, 8,15, 3, 0,11, 1, 2,12, 5,10,14, 7,
 556:      1,10,13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4,15,14, 3,11, 5, 2,12,
 558:      7,13,14, 3, 0, 6, 9,10, 1, 2, 8, 5,11,12, 4,15,
 559:     13, 8,11, 5, 6,15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2,12, 1,10,14, 9,
 560:     10, 6, 9, 0,12,11, 7,13,15, 1, 3,14, 5, 2, 8, 4,
 561:      3,15, 0, 6,10, 1,13, 8, 9, 4, 5,11,12, 7, 2,14,
 563:      2,12, 4, 1, 7,10,11, 6, 8, 5, 3,15,13, 0,14, 9,
 564:     14,11, 2,12, 4, 7,13, 1, 5, 0,15,10, 3, 9, 8, 6,
 565:      4, 2, 1,11,10,13, 7, 8,15, 9,12, 5, 6, 3, 0,14,
 566:     11, 8,12, 7, 1,14, 2,13, 6,15, 0, 9,10, 4, 5, 3,
 568:     12, 1,10,15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0,13, 3, 4,14, 7, 5,11,
 569:     10,15, 4, 2, 7,12, 9, 5, 6, 1,13,14, 0,11, 3, 8,
 570:      9,14,15, 5, 2, 8,12, 3, 7, 0, 4,10, 1,13,11, 6,
 571:      4, 3, 2,12, 9, 5,15,10,11,14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8,13,
 573:      4,11, 2,14,15, 0, 8,13, 3,12, 9, 7, 5,10, 6, 1,
 574:     13, 0,11, 7, 4, 9, 1,10,14, 3, 5,12, 2,15, 8, 6,
 575:      1, 4,11,13,12, 3, 7,14,10,15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2,
 576:      6,11,13, 8, 1, 4,10, 7, 9, 5, 0,15,14, 2, 3,12,
 578:     13, 2, 8, 4, 6,15,11, 1,10, 9, 3,14, 5, 0,12, 7,
 579:      1,15,13, 8,10, 3, 7, 4,12, 5, 6,11, 0,14, 9, 2,
 580:      7,11, 4, 1, 9,12,14, 2, 0, 6,10,13,15, 3, 5, 8,
 581:      2, 1,14, 7, 4,10, 8,13,15,12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6,11,
 582: };
 584: /*
 585:  * P is a permutation on the selected combination
 586:  * of the current L and key.
 587:  */
 588: static  char    P[] = {
 589:     16, 7,20,21,
 590:     29,12,28,17,
 591:      1,15,23,26,
 592:      5,18,31,10,
 593:      2, 8,24,14,
 594:     32,27, 3, 9,
 595:     19,13,30, 6,
 596:     22,11, 4,25,
 597: };
 599: /*
 600:  * The current block, divided into 2 halves.
 601:  */
 602: static  char    L[32], R[32];
 603: static  char    tempL[32];
 604: static  char    f[32];
 606: /*
 607:  * The combination of the key and the input, before selection.
 608:  */
 609: static  char    preS[48];
 611: /*
 612:  * The payoff: encrypt a block.
 613:  */
 615: static
 616: blkencrypt(block, edflag)
 617: char *block;
 618: {
 619:     int i, ii;
 620:     register t, j, k;
 622:     /*
 623: 	 * First, permute the bits in the input
 624: 	 */
 625:     for (j=0; j<64; j++)
 626:         L[j] = block[IP[j]-1];
 627:     /*
 628: 	 * Perform an encryption operation 16 times.
 629: 	 */
 630:     for (ii=0; ii<16; ii++) {
 631:         /*
 632: 		 * Set direction
 633: 		 */
 634:         if (edflag)
 635:             i = 15-ii;
 636:         else
 637:             i = ii;
 638:         /*
 639: 		 * Save the R array,
 640: 		 * which will be the new L.
 641: 		 */
 642:         for (j=0; j<32; j++)
 643:             tempL[j] = R[j];
 644:         /*
 645: 		 * Expand R to 48 bits using the E selector;
 646: 		 * exclusive-or with the current key bits.
 647: 		 */
 648:         for (j=0; j<48; j++)
 649:             preS[j] = R[E[j]-1] ^ KS[i][j];
 650:         /*
 651: 		 * The pre-select bits are now considered
 652: 		 * in 8 groups of 6 bits each.
 653: 		 * The 8 selection functions map these
 654: 		 * 6-bit quantities into 4-bit quantities
 655: 		 * and the results permuted
 656: 		 * to make an f(R, K).
 657: 		 * The indexing into the selection functions
 658: 		 * is peculiar; it could be simplified by
 659: 		 * rewriting the tables.
 660: 		 */
 661:         for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
 662:             t = 6*j;
 663:             k = S[j][(preS[t+0]<<5)+
 664:                 (preS[t+1]<<3)+
 665:                 (preS[t+2]<<2)+
 666:                 (preS[t+3]<<1)+
 667:                 (preS[t+4]<<0)+
 668:                 (preS[t+5]<<4)];
 669:             t = 4*j;
 670:             f[t+0] = (k>>3)&01;
 671:             f[t+1] = (k>>2)&01;
 672:             f[t+2] = (k>>1)&01;
 673:             f[t+3] = (k>>0)&01;
 674:         }
 675:         /*
 676: 		 * The new R is L ^ f(R, K).
 677: 		 * The f here has to be permuted first, though.
 678: 		 */
 679:         for (j=0; j<32; j++)
 680:             R[j] = L[j] ^ f[P[j]-1];
 681:         /*
 682: 		 * Finally, the new L (the original R)
 683: 		 * is copied back.
 684: 		 */
 685:         for (j=0; j<32; j++)
 686:             L[j] = tempL[j];
 687:     }
 688:     /*
 689: 	 * The output L and R are reversed.
 690: 	 */
 691:     for (j=0; j<32; j++) {
 692:         t = L[j];
 693:         L[j] = R[j];
 694:         R[j] = t;
 695:     }
 696:     /*
 697: 	 * The final output
 698: 	 * gets the inverse permutation of the very original.
 699: 	 */
 700:     for (j=0; j<64; j++)
 701:         block[j] = L[FP[j]-1];
 702: }
 703: /*
 704: 	getutmp()
 705: 	return a pointer to the system utmp structure associated with
 706: 	terminal sttyname, e.g. "/dev/tty3"
 707: 	Is version independent-- will work on v6 systems
 708: 	return NULL if error
 709: */
 710: static
 711: struct utmp *getutmp(sttyname)
 712: char *sttyname;
 713: {
 714:     static struct utmp utmpstr;
 715:     FILE *fdutmp;
 717:     if(sttyname == NULL || sttyname[0] == 0)return(NULL);
 719:     fdutmp = fopen("/etc/utmp","r");
 720:     if(fdutmp == NULL)return(NULL);
 722:     while(fread(&utmpstr,1,sizeof utmpstr,fdutmp) == sizeof utmpstr)
 723:         if(strcmp(utmpstr.ut_line,sttyname+5) == 0){
 724:             fclose(fdutmp);
 725:             return(&utmpstr);
 726:         }
 727:     fclose(fdutmp);
 728:     return(NULL);
 729: }
 731: static
 732: sreverse(sto, sfrom)
 733:     register char *sto, *sfrom;
 734: {
 735:     register int i;
 737:     i = strlen(sfrom);
 738:     while (i >= 0)
 739:         *sto++ = sfrom[i--];
 740: }
 742: static
 743: char *mkenvkey(mch)
 744:     char mch;
 745: {
 746:     static char skey[40];
 747:     register struct utmp *putmp;
 748:     char stemp[40], stemp1[40], sttyname[30];
 749:     register char *sk,*p;
 751:     if (isatty(2))
 752:         strcpy(sttyname,ttyname(2));
 753:     else if (isatty(0))
 754:         strcpy(sttyname,ttyname(0));
 755:     else if (isatty(1))
 756:         strcpy(sttyname,ttyname(1));
 757:     else
 758:         return (NULL);
 759:     putmp = getutmp(sttyname);
 760:     if (putmp == NULL)
 761:         return (NULL);
 762:     sk = skey;
 763:     p = putmp->ut_line;
 764:     while (*p)
 765:         *sk++ = *p++;
 766:     *sk++ = mch;
 767:     sprintf(stemp, "%ld", putmp->ut_time);
 768:     sreverse(stemp1, stemp);
 769:     p = stemp1;
 770:     while (*p)
 771:         *sk++ = *p++;
 772:     *sk = 0;
 773:     return (skey);
 774: }
 776: mkpwunclear(spasswd,mch,sencpasswd)
 777:     char mch, *spasswd, *sencpasswd;
 778: {
 779:     register char *skey;
 781:     if (spasswd[0] == 0) {
 782:         sencpasswd[0] = 0;
 783:         return;
 784:     }
 785:     skey = mkenvkey(mch);
 786:     if (skey == NULL) {
 787:         fprintf(stderr, "Can't make key\n");
 788:         exit(1);
 789:     }
 790:     nbsencrypt(spasswd, skey, sencpasswd);
 791: }
 793: mkpwclear(sencpasswd,mch,spasswd)
 794:     char mch, *spasswd, *sencpasswd;
 795: {
 796:     register char *skey;
 798:     if (sencpasswd[0] == 0) {
 799:         spasswd[0] = 0;
 800:         return;
 801:     }
 802:     skey = mkenvkey(mch);
 803:     if (skey == NULL) {
 804:         fprintf(stderr, "Can't make key\n");
 805:         exit(1);
 806:     }
 807:     nbsdecrypt(sencpasswd, skey, spasswd);
 808: }

Defined functions

blkencrypt defined in line 615; used 2 times
deblkclr defined in line 339; used 2 times
deblknot defined in line 373; used 2 times
enblkclr defined in line 326; used 3 times
enblknot defined in line 357; used 1 times
getutmp defined in line 710; used 2 times
mkenvkey defined in line 742; used 2 times
mkpwclear defined in line 793; used 1 times
  • in line 74
mkpwunclear defined in line 776; never used
nbs8decrypt defined in line 310; used 2 times
nbs8encrypt defined in line 294; used 2 times
nbsdecrypt defined in line 274; used 1 times
nbsencrypt defined in line 257; used 1 times
nbssetkey defined in line 490; used 2 times
renv defined in line 49; used 1 times
  • in line 26
renvlook defined in line 77; used 2 times
rnetrc defined in line 131; used 1 times
  • in line 28
ruserpass defined in line 22; used 1 times
sreverse defined in line 731; used 1 times
token defined in line 200; used 7 times

Defined variables

C defined in line 478; used 6 times
D defined in line 479; used 6 times
E defined in line 242; used 3 times
FP defined in line 418; used 1 times
IP defined in line 404; used 1 times
KS defined in line 484; used 3 times
L defined in line 602; used 6 times
P defined in line 588; used 1 times
PC1_C defined in line 435; used 1 times
PC1_D defined in line 442; used 1 times
PC2_C defined in line 460; used 1 times
PC2_D defined in line 467; used 1 times
R defined in line 602; used 5 times
S defined in line 542; used 1 times
e defined in line 247; used 2 times
f defined in line 604; used 5 times
preS defined in line 609; used 7 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
shifts defined in line 452; used 1 times
tempL defined in line 603; used 2 times
toktab defined in line 115; used 1 times
tokval defined in line 110; used 10 times

Defined struct's

toktab defined in line 112; used 2 times
  • in line 205(2)

Defined macros

COMMAND defined in line 105; used 1 times
DEFAULT defined in line 98; used 1 times
FORCE defined in line 106; used 1 times
ID defined in line 107; used 2 times
LOGIN defined in line 99; used 1 times
MACHINE defined in line 108; used 2 times
NO defined in line 104; used 2 times
NOTIFY defined in line 101; used 1 times
PASSWD defined in line 100; used 1 times
WRITE defined in line 102; used 1 times
YES defined in line 103; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-03-10
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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