1: #ifdef LIBC_SCCS
2: .asciz "@(#)ldexp.s 5.2 (Berkeley) 3/9/86"
3: #endif LIBC_SCCS
5: /*
6: * double ldexp (value, exp)
7: * double value;
8: * int exp;
9: *
10: * Ldexp returns value*2**exp, if that result is in range.
11: * If underflow occurs, it returns zero. If overflow occurs,
12: * it returns a value of appropriate sign and largest
13: * possible magnitude. In case of either overflow or underflow,
14: * errno is set to ERANGE. Note that errno is not modified if
15: * no error occurs.
16: */
18: #include "DEFS.h"
19: #include <errno.h>
21: .globl _errno
23: ENTRY(ldexp, 0)
24: movd 4(ap),r0 /* fetch "value" */
25: extzv $7,$8,r0,r2 /* r2 := biased exponent */
26: jeql 1f /* if zero, done */
28: addl2 12(ap),r2 /* r2 := new biased exponent */
29: jleq 2f /* if <= 0, underflow */
30: cmpl r2,$256 /* otherwise check if too big */
31: jgeq 3f /* jump if overflow */
32: insv r2,$7,$8,r0 /* put exponent back in result */
33: 1:
34: ret
35: 2:
36: clrd r0
37: jbr 1f
38: 3:
39: movd huge,r0 /* largest possible floating magnitude */
40: jbc $15,4(ap),1f /* jump if argument was positive */
41: mnegd r0,r0 /* if arg < 0, make result negative */
42: 1:
43: movl $ERANGE,_errno
44: ret
46: .data
47: huge: .word 0x7fff /* the largest number that can */
48: .word 0xffff /* be represented in a long floating */
49: .word 0xffff /* number. This is given in hex in order */
50: .word 0xffff /* to avoid floating conversions */
Defined functions
defined in line
23; used 18 times
Defined variables
defined in line
47; used 1 times