1: #include <X/mit-copyright.h>
   3: /* Copyright    Massachusetts Institute of Technology    1984, 1985	*/
   5: /* screen.c */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char *rcsid_screen_c = "$Header: screen.c,v 10.13 86/02/01 16:07:00 tony Rel $";
   9: #endif	lint
  11: #include <X/Xlib.h>
  12: #include <stdio.h>
  13: #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  14: #include "ptyx.h"
  16: ScrnBuf Allocate (nrow, ncol)
  17: /*
  18:    allocates memory for a 2-dimensional array of shorts and returns a pointer thereto
  19:  */
  20: register int nrow, ncol;
  21: {
  22:     register ScrnBuf base;
  24:     if ((base = (ScrnBuf) calloc (nrow, sizeof (short *))) == 0) Error ();
  26:     for (nrow--; nrow >= 0; nrow--)
  27:        if ((base [nrow] = (short *) calloc (ncol, sizeof (short))) == 0) Error ();
  29:     return (base);
  30: }
  32: ScreenWrite (screen, str, flags, length)
  33: /*
  34:    Writes str into buf at row row and column col.  Characters are set to match flags.
  35:  */
  36: Screen *screen;
  37: register char *str;
  38: unsigned flags;
  39: register int length;        /* length of string */
  40: {
  41:     register short mask = 0;
  42:     register short *row = screen->buf [screen->cur_row];
  43:     register short *col = row + screen->cur_col;
  44:     register int avail  = screen->max_col - screen->cur_col + 1;
  45:     if (length > avail)
  46:         length = avail;
  47:     if (length <= 0) return;
  49:     if (flags & INVERSE) mask |= INVERSEbit;
  50:     if (flags & BOLD) mask |= BOLDbit;
  52:     if (mask)
  53:         do { *col++ = *str++ | mask; } while (--length > 0);
  54:     else
  55:         do { *col++ = *str++; } while (--length > 0);
  56: }
  58: char *ScrnGetChars (sb, row, col, max, ptr, flags)
  59: /*
  60:    Stores characters from sb at row, col into *ptr.  At most max
  61:    characters are stored; will stop if the characters in sb do not match
  62:    the characteristics of flags.  Returns the number of characters actually
  63:    stored + ptr.
  65:    Requires max + col - 1 <= the maximum size of a row in sb.
  66:    	    max >= 0
  67:  */
  68: ScrnBuf sb;
  69: int row, col;
  70: register int max;
  71: register char *ptr;
  72: unsigned int flags;
  73: {
  74:     register short mask = 0;
  75:     register short *fetch = sb [row] + col;
  77:     if (flags & INVERSE) mask |= INVERSEbit;
  78:     if (flags & BOLD) mask |= BOLDbit;
  80:     while (((*fetch & (short) 0xff00) == mask) && (max-- > 0))
  81:     {
  82:         if (*fetch == 0) *fetch = (short) ' ';
  83:         *(ptr++) = (char) (*(fetch++) & (short) 0xff);
  84:     }
  86:     return (ptr);
  87: }
  89: ScrnInsertLine (sb, last, where, n, size)
  90: /*
  91:    Inserts n blank lines at sb + where, treating last as a bottom margin.
  92:    Size is the size of each entry in sb.
  93:    Requires: 0 <= where < where + n <= last
  94:    	     n <= MAX_ROWS
  95:  */
  96: register ScrnBuf sb;
  97: int last;
  98: register int where, n, size;
  99: {
 100:     register int i;
 101:     register short *save [MAX_ROWS];
 102:     int length = size * sizeof (short);
 104:     /* save n lines at bottom */
 105:     bcopy ((char *) &sb [last - n + 1], (char *) save,
 106:         n * sizeof (short *));
 108:     /* clear contents of old rows */
 109:     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
 110:         bzero ((char *) save [i], length);
 112:     /* move down lines */
 113:     bcopy ((char *) &sb [where], (char *) &sb [where + n],
 114:         (last - where - n + 1) * sizeof (short *));
 116:     /* reuse storage for new lines at where */
 117:     bcopy ((char *) save, (char *) &sb [where], n * sizeof (short *));
 118: }
 121: ScrnDeleteLine (sb, last, where, n, size)
 122: /*
 123:    Deletes n lines at sb + where, treating last as a bottom margin.
 124:    Size is the size of each entry in sb.
 125:    Requires 0 <= where < where + n < = last
 126:    	    n <= MAX_ROWS
 127:  */
 128: register ScrnBuf sb;
 129: register int n, last, size;
 130: int where;
 131: {
 132:     register int i;
 133:     register short *save [MAX_ROWS];
 134:     int length = size * sizeof (short);
 136:     /* save n lines at where */
 137:     bcopy ((char *) &sb [where], (char *) save, n * sizeof (short *));
 139:     /* clear contents of old rows */
 140:     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
 141:         bzero ((char *) save [i], length);
 143:     /* move up lines */
 144:     bcopy ((char *) &sb [where + n], (char *) &sb [where],
 145:         (last - where - n + 1) * sizeof (short *));
 147:     /* reuse storage for new bottom lines */
 148:     bcopy ((char *) save, (char *) &sb [last - n + 1],
 149:         n * sizeof (short *));
 150: }
 153: ScrnInsertChar (sb, row, col, n, size)
 154: /*
 155:    Inserts n blanks in sb at row, col.  Size is the size of each row.
 156:  */
 157: ScrnBuf sb;
 158: int row, size;
 159: register int col, n;
 160: {
 161:     register short *ptr = sb [row];
 162:     register int i;
 164:     for (i = size - 1; i >= col + n; i--)
 165:         ptr [i] = ptr [i - n];
 167:     bzero (ptr + col, n * sizeof (short));
 168: }
 171: ScrnDeleteChar (sb, row, col, n, size)
 172: /*
 173:    Deletes n characters in sb at row, col. Size is the size of each row.
 174:  */
 175: ScrnBuf sb;
 176: register int row, size;
 177: register int n, col;
 178: {
 179:     register short *ptr = sb [row];
 180:     register nbytes;
 181:     nbytes = (size - n - col) * sizeof (short);
 183:     bcopy (ptr + col + n, ptr + col, nbytes);
 184:     bzero (ptr + size - n, n * sizeof (short));
 185: }
 188: ScrnRefresh (screen, toprow, leftcol, nrows, ncols)
 189: /*
 190:    Repaints the area enclosed by the parameters.
 191:    Requires: (toprow, leftcol), (toprow + nrows, leftcol + ncols) are
 192:    	     coordinates of characters in screen;
 193: 	     nrows and ncols positive.
 194:  */
 195: register Screen *screen;
 196: int toprow, leftcol, nrows, ncols;
 197: {
 198:     char str [MAX_COLS];
 199:     int y = toprow * screen->f_height + screen->border;
 200:     register int row;
 201:     int maxrow = toprow + nrows - 1;
 203:     for (row = toprow; row <= maxrow; y += screen->f_height, row++)
 204:     {
 205:        register short *chars = screen->buf [row];
 206:        register int col = leftcol;
 207:        int maxcol = leftcol + ncols - 1;
 208:        int lastind, curind;
 209:        unsigned short flags;
 210:        int gxfunction;
 211:        Font fnt;
 212:        int x;
 213:        short s;
 214: #ifdef JUMPSCROLL
 215:        curind = row - screen->scroll_amt;
 216:        if (curind < 0 || curind > screen->max_row)
 217:         continue;
 218:        chars = screen->buf [curind];
 219: #else
 220:        chars = screen->buf [row];
 221: #endif JUMPSCROLL
 223:        while (col <= maxcol && ((s = (chars[col] & ~BOLDbit)) == 0 ||
 224:                      s == ' '))
 225:         col++;
 227:        while (col <= maxcol && ((s = (chars[maxcol] & ~BOLDbit)) == 0 ||
 228:                      s == ' '))
 229:         maxcol--;
 231:        if (col > maxcol) continue;
 233:        flags = (chars [col] & ~CHAR);
 235:        if (flags & BOLDbit) fnt = screen->fnt_bold;
 236:        else fnt = screen->fnt_norm;
 238:        x = col * screen->f_width + screen->border;
 239:        lastind = curind = 0;
 241:        for (; col <= maxcol; col++, curind++)
 242:        {
 243:         s = chars [col];
 245:         if ((s & ~CHAR) != flags)
 246:         {
 247:            if (flags & INVERSEbit)
 248:             XText (screen->window, x, y, &str[lastind],
 249:                 curind-lastind, fnt,
 250:                 screen->background, screen->foreground);
 251:            else
 252:             XText (screen->window, x, y, &str[lastind],
 253:                 curind-lastind, fnt,
 254:                 screen->foreground, screen->background);
 256:            x += (curind - lastind) * screen->f_width;
 258:            lastind = curind;
 260:            flags = (s & ~CHAR);
 262:            if (flags & BOLDbit) fnt = screen->fnt_bold;
 263:            else fnt = screen->fnt_norm;
 264:         }
 266:         if ((str[curind] = (char) (s & CHAR)) == 0) str[curind] = ' ';
 267:        }
 269:        if (flags & INVERSEbit)
 270:         XText (screen->window, x, y, &str[lastind], curind - lastind,
 271:             fnt, screen->background, screen->foreground);
 272:        else
 273:         XText (screen->window, x, y, &str[lastind], curind - lastind,
 274:             fnt, screen->foreground, screen->background);
 275:     }
 276: }
 278: ClearBufRows (screen, first, last)
 279: /*
 280:    Sets the rows first though last of the buffer of screen to spaces.
 281:    Requires first <= last; first, last are rows of screen->buf.
 282:  */
 283: register Screen *screen;
 284: register int first, last;
 285: {
 286:     while (first <= last)
 287:         bzero (screen->buf [first++], sizeof (short) *
 288:                           (screen->max_col + 1));
 289: }
 291: ScreenResize (screen, width, height, flags)
 292: /*
 293:    Resizes screen:
 294:    1. If new window would have fractional characters, sets window size so as to discard fractional characters and returns -1.
 295:       Minimum screen size is 1 X 1.
 296:       Note that this causes another ExposeWindow event.
 297:    2. Enlarges screen->buf if necessary.  New space is appended to the bottom and to the right
 298:    3. Reduces  screen->buf if necessary.  Old space is removed from the bottom and from the right
 299:    4. Cursor is positioned as closely to its former position as possible
 300:    5. Sets screen->max_row and screen->max_col to reflect new size
 301:    6. Maintains the inner border.
 302:    7. Clears origin mode and sets scrolling region to be entire screen.
 303:    8. Returns 0
 304:  */
 305: register Screen *screen;
 306: int width, height;
 307: unsigned *flags;
 308: {
 309:     register int rows, cols;
 310:     register int index;
 311:     register ScrnBuf sb = screen->buf;
 312:     double scale_x, scale_y;
 313: #ifdef TIOCSWINSZ
 314:     struct winsize ws;
 315: #endif
 317:     /* round so that it is unlikely the screen will change size on  */
 318:     /* small mouse movements.					*/
 319:     rows = (height + screen->f_height / 2 - 2 * screen->border) /
 320:         screen->f_height;
 321:     cols = (width + screen->f_width / 2 - 2 * screen->border) /
 322:         screen->f_width;
 323:     if (rows < 1) rows = 1;
 324:     if (cols < 1) cols = 1;
 326:     if ((width - screen->border * 2) % screen->f_width != 0 ||
 327:         (height - screen->border * 2) % screen->f_height != 0) {
 328:         int nwidth = cols * screen->f_width + screen->border * 2;
 329:         int nheight = rows * screen->f_height + screen->border * 2;
 331:         XChangeWindow (screen->window, nwidth, nheight);
 332:         return (-1);
 333:     }
 335:     /* don't change anything if the screen has not changed size */
 336:     if (screen->max_row == rows - 1 && screen->max_col == cols - 1)
 337:         return (0);
 339:     /* resize current lines */
 340:     if (sb) for (index = 0; index <= screen->max_row; index++) {
 341:         if ((sb [index] = (short *) realloc ((char *) sb [index],
 342:             cols * sizeof (short))) == NULL) Error ();
 343:         if (cols > (screen->max_col + 1))
 344:             bzero (sb [index] + screen->max_col + 1,
 345:                 sizeof(short) *(cols - (screen->max_col + 1)));
 346:     }
 348:     /* discard excess bottom rows */
 349:     for (index = rows; index <= screen->max_row; index++)
 350:        free (sb [index]);
 352:     /* resize sb */
 353:     if (sb == NULL)
 354:         sb = (ScrnBuf) malloc (rows * sizeof (short *));
 355:     else
 356:         sb = (ScrnBuf) realloc (sb, rows * sizeof (short *));
 357:     if (sb == NULL)
 358:         Error ();
 359:     screen->buf = sb;
 361:     /* create additional bottom rows as required */
 362:     for (index = screen->max_row + 1; index < rows; index++)
 363:        if ((sb [index] = (short *) calloc (cols, sizeof (short))) == NULL)
 364:         Error ();
 366:     screen->max_row = rows - 1;
 367:     screen->max_col = cols - 1;
 369:     /* adjust scrolling region */
 370:     screen->top_marg = 0;
 371:     screen->bot_marg = screen->max_row;
 372:     *flags &= ~ORIGIN;
 374:     if (screen->cur_row > screen->max_row)
 375:         screen->cur_row = screen->max_row;
 376:     if (screen->cur_col > screen->max_col)
 377:         screen->cur_col = screen->max_col;
 379:     screen->height = height - 2 * screen->border;
 380:     screen->width = width - 2 * screen->border;
 382:     /* Set Tektronix scale factor */
 383:     scale_x = screen->width / 4096.0;
 384:     scale_y = screen->height / 3128.0;
 385:     screen->TekScale = (scale_x < scale_y) ? scale_x : scale_y;
 387: #ifdef TIOCSWINSZ
 388:     /* Set tty's idea of window size */
 389:     ws.ws_row = rows;
 390:     ws.ws_col = cols;
 391:     ws.ws_xpixel = width;
 392:     ws.ws_ypixel = height;
 393:     ioctl (screen->respond, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws);
 394: #endif
 395:     return (0);
 396: }

Defined functions

Allocate defined in line 16; used 1 times
ClearBufRows defined in line 278; used 3 times
ScreenResize defined in line 291; used 2 times
ScreenWrite defined in line 32; used 1 times
ScrnDeleteChar defined in line 171; used 1 times
ScrnDeleteLine defined in line 121; used 2 times
ScrnGetChars defined in line 58; never used
ScrnInsertChar defined in line 153; used 1 times
ScrnInsertLine defined in line 89; used 2 times

Defined variables

rcsid_screen_c defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1986-02-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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