# # "@(#)bibinc.publishers 2.3 1/6/84"; # # # publishers # D NYC New York, N\&Y D ACPRESS Academic Press\ %C NYC D ACADEMIC ACPRESS D ADDISON Addison Wesley\ %C Reading, M\&A D ANSI American National Standards Institute D FREEMAN W. H. Freeman and Company\ %C San Francisco, CA D CSPRESS Computer Science Press\ %C Woodland Hills, CA D DIGITAL Digital Press D ELSEVIER American Elsevier D IEEEP IEEE Press\ %C Montvale, NJ D GPO U. S. Government Printing Office D HOLT Holt, Rinehart, and Winston D MGHILL McGraw-Hill\ %C NYC D MCGRAW McGraw-Hill D MITP MIT Press\ %C Cambridge, M\&A D NHOLL North-Holland\ %C NYC D PRHALL Prentice Hall\ %C Englewood Cliffs, NJ D PRENTICE PRHALL D WILEY John Wiley & Sons\ %C NYC D SPRINGER Springer Verlag D SRA Science Research Associates D WINTH Winthrop Publishers #