1: /*
   2:  * Hyperchannel routing program
   3:  *
   4:  * Copyright (c) 1983, Tektronix Inc.
   5:  * All Rights Reserved
   6:  *
   7:  */
   9: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: hyr_main.c,v 2.3 84/05/04 12:15:59 steveg Exp $$Locker:  $";
  11: #include <stdio.h>
  12: #include <sys/types.h>
  13: #include <sys/socket.h>
  14: #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  16: #include <netinet/in.h>
  17: #include <net/if.h>
  19: #include <vaxif/if_hy.h>
  20: #include <ctype.h>
  21: #define MAIN
  22: #include "hyr_sym.h"
  24: struct hy_route hy_route;
  25: struct hy_route ker_hy_route;
  26: int comp_flag = 0;
  27: int set_flag = 0;
  28: int print_flag = 0;
  29: int dump_flag = 0;
  30: int debug_flag = 0;
  31: int lexdebug;
  32: int lex_error;
  33: int maxgate = 0;
  34: char *progname = "hyroute";
  35: char *devname = "hy0";
  37: /*
  38:  * hash a hyperchannel address into the table
  39:  * return NULL if table is full or entry not found and adding a new one
  40:  */
  41: struct hyr_hash *
  42: rhash(key, new, r)
  43:     u_long key;
  44:     int new;
  45:     register struct hy_route *r;
  46: {
  47:     register struct hyr_hash *rh;
  48:     register struct hyr_hash *ret = NULL;
  49:     int n = HYRHASH(key);
  51:     if (debug_flag)
  52:         printf("%s hashing key %6x initial %d ", new? "new": "old", key, n);
  53:     rh = &r->hyr_hash[n];
  54:     n = 0;
  55:     while (rh->hyr_key != key) {
  56:         if ((rh->hyr_flags & HYR_INUSE) == 0) {
  57:             if (new)
  58:                 ret = rh;
  59:             goto out;
  60:         }
  61:         if (n++ > HYRSIZE) {
  62:             goto out;
  63:         }
  64:         if (++rh >= &r->hyr_hash[HYRSIZE]) {
  65:             rh = &r->hyr_hash[0];
  66:             if (debug_flag) printf("|");
  67:         }
  68:         if (debug_flag) printf(".");
  69:     }
  70:     ret = rh;
  71: out:
  72:     if (ret == NULL) {
  73:         if (new) {
  74:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s add_gates, hash table full\n", progname, devname);
  75:             exit(1);
  76:         }
  77:     }
  78:     if (debug_flag) {
  79:         if (ret == NULL)
  80:             printf(" returning NULL\n");
  81:         else
  82:             printf(" returning %d\n", ret - &r->hyr_hash[0]);
  83:     }
  84:     return(ret);
  85: }
  87: /*
  88:  * add a direct entry to the hash table using the specified key,
  89:  * destination, control and access fields, and loopback flags.
  90:  */
  91: add_direct(key, dst, ctl, access, flags, r)
  92:     u_long key;
  93:     unsigned dst;
  94:     unsigned ctl;
  95:     unsigned access;
  96:     unsigned flags;
  97:     register struct hy_route *r;
  98: {
  99:     register struct hyr_hash *kh = rhash(key, 1, r);
 101:     if ((kh->hyr_flags & HYR_INUSE) == 0) {
 102:         kh->hyr_flags = (HYR_INUSE | HYR_DIR);
 103:         kh->hyr_key = key;
 104:         kh->hyr_dst = dst;
 105:         kh->hyr_ctl = ctl;
 106:         kh->hyr_access = access;
 107:         if (flags & HS_LOOP)
 108:             kh->hyr_flags |= HYR_LOOP;
 109:         if (flags & HS_RLOOP)
 110:             kh->hyr_flags |= HYR_RLOOP;
 111:         return;
 112:     }
 113:     fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s add_direct, hash table full\n", progname, devname);
 114: }
 116: /*
 117:  * compare function for the qsort in add_gates, see below
 118:  */
 119: int
 120: compare_gates(a, b)
 121:     unsigned *a, *b;
 122: {
 123:     if (*a < *b)
 124:         return(-1);
 125:     else if (*a > *b)
 126:         return(1);
 127:     else
 128:         return(0);
 129: }
 131: /*
 132:  * add a gatewayed entry to the hash table using the sicified array of
 133:  * gateway keys.  reuse space so as to make the gateway table small as
 134:  * possible.
 135:  */
 136: add_gates(key, numgates, gates, r)
 137:     u_long key;
 138:     unsigned numgates;
 139:     unsigned gates[256];
 140:     register struct hy_route *r;
 141: {
 142:     register struct hyr_hash *kh = rhash(key, 1, r);
 143:     register struct hyr_hash *rh;
 144:     int i, j;
 146:     for (i = 0; i < numgates; i++) {
 147:         rh = rhash(gates[i], 1, r);
 148:         gates[i] = rh - &r->hyr_hash[0];
 149:     }
 150:     qsort(gates, numgates, sizeof(unsigned), compare_gates);
 151:     /*
 152: 	 * loop through all existing hash table entries to find one that
 153: 	 * matches the currently requested list
 154: 	 */
 155:     for (rh = &r->hyr_hash[0]; rh < &r->hyr_hash[HYRSIZE]; rh++) {
 156:         if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_GATE) {
 157:             if ((rh->hyr_egate - rh->hyr_pgate + 1) == numgates) {
 158:                 for (i = 0, j = rh->hyr_pgate; i < numgates ; i++, j++) {
 159:                     if (gates[i] != r->hyr_gateway[j])
 160:                         goto skipit;
 161:                 }
 162:                 /*
 163: 				 * found a match, just use it
 164: 				 */
 165:                 kh->hyr_flags = (HYR_INUSE | HYR_GATE);
 166:                 kh->hyr_key = key;
 167:                 kh->hyr_pgate = rh->hyr_pgate;
 168:                 kh->hyr_egate = rh->hyr_egate;
 169:                 kh->hyr_nextgate = rh->hyr_nextgate;
 170:                 return;
 171:             }
 172:         }
 173:     skipit:
 174:         ;
 175:     }
 176:     /*
 177: 	 * didn't find anything, if there is room add a new entry
 178: 	 */
 179:     if (numgates + maxgate > 256) {
 180:         fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s add_gates, gateway table full\n", progname, devname);
 181:         exit(1);
 182:     }
 183:     kh->hyr_flags = (HYR_INUSE | HYR_GATE);
 184:     kh->hyr_key = key;
 185:     kh->hyr_pgate = maxgate;
 186:     kh->hyr_egate = maxgate + numgates - 1;
 187:     kh->hyr_nextgate = maxgate;
 188:     for (i = 0; i < numgates; i++, maxgate++)
 189:         r->hyr_gateway[maxgate] = gates[i];
 190: }
 192: /*
 193:  * set the kernel table
 194:  */
 195: settable(r)
 196:     struct hy_route *r;
 197: {
 198:     int s;
 199:     struct hyrsetget sg;
 201:     sg.hyrsg_ptr = r;
 202:     sg.hyrsg_len = sizeof(*r);
 203:     strncpy(sg.hyrsg_name, devname, sizeof(sg.hyrsg_name));
 205:     if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
 206:         perror("socket create in settable");
 207:         exit(1);
 208:     }
 209:     if (ioctl(s, HYSETROUTE, (char *)&sg) < 0) {
 210:         perror("HYSETROUTE ioctl in settable");
 211:         exit(1);
 212:     }
 213:     if (close(s) < 0) {
 214:         perror("socket close in settable");
 215:         exit(1);
 216:     }
 217: }
 219: /*
 220:  * get the kernel table
 221:  */
 222: gettable(r)
 223:     struct hy_route *r;
 224: {
 225:     int s;
 226:     struct hyrsetget sg;
 228:     sg.hyrsg_ptr = r;
 229:     sg.hyrsg_len = sizeof(*r);
 230:     strncpy(sg.hyrsg_name, devname, sizeof(sg.hyrsg_name));
 232:     if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
 233:         perror("socket create in gettable");
 234:         exit(1);
 235:     }
 236:     if (ioctl(s, HYGETROUTE, (char *)&sg) < 0) {
 237:         perror("HYGETROUTE ioctl in gettable");
 238:         exit(1);
 239:     }
 240:     if (close(s) < 0) {
 241:         perror("socket close in gettable");
 242:         exit(1);
 243:     }
 244: }
 247: /*
 248:  * print a somewhat readable version of the routine table
 249:  * that the kernel uses (mostly for debugging)
 250:  */
 251: print_table(r)
 252:     register struct hy_route *r;
 253: {
 254:     register struct hyr_hash *rh;
 255:     register int i;
 256:     extern char *ctime();
 258:     if (r->hyr_lasttime != 0)
 259:         printf("table set time: %s", ctime(&r->hyr_lasttime));
 260:     else
 261:         printf("time not set\n");
 263:     for (i = 0; i < HYRSIZE; i++) {
 264:         rh = &r->hyr_hash[i];
 265:         if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_INUSE) {
 266:             printf("hash %d key %06x flags %x\n", i, rh->hyr_key, rh->hyr_flags);
 267:             if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_DIR)
 268:                 printf("\tdst %04x ctl %04x access %04x",
 269:                     ntohs(rh->hyr_dst),
 270:                     ntohs(rh->hyr_ctl),
 271:                     ntohs(rh->hyr_access));
 272:             else if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_GATE)
 273:                 printf("\tpgate %d egate %d nextgate %d",
 274:                     rh->hyr_pgate,
 275:                     rh->hyr_egate,
 276:                     rh->hyr_nextgate);
 277:             if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_LOOP)
 278:                 printf(" LOOP");
 279:             if (rh->hyr_flags & HYR_RLOOP)
 280:                 printf(" REMLOOP");
 281:             printf("\n");
 282:         }
 283:     }
 285:     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
 286:         printf("gate[%d] = %d\n", i, r->hyr_gateway[i]);
 287:         if (r->hyr_gateway[i] == 0 && r->hyr_gateway[i+1] == 0)
 288:             break;
 289:     }
 290: }
 292: /*
 293:  * comnpare two routing tables tom insure that they are the same
 294:  */
 295: compare_table(r1, r2)
 296:     register struct hy_route *r1, *r2;
 297: {
 298:     register struct hyr_hash *rh1, *rh2;
 299:     register int i;
 300:     int ndiffs = 0;
 302:     for (i = 0; i < HYRSIZE; i++) {
 303:         rh1 = &r1->hyr_hash[i];
 304:         rh2 = &r2->hyr_hash[i];
 305:         if (rh1->hyr_flags != rh2->hyr_flags) {
 306:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: hash entry %d - flags differ (%x vs %x)\n", progname, i, rh1->hyr_flags, rh2->hyr_flags);
 307:             ndiffs++;
 308:         }
 309:         if ((rh1->hyr_flags & HYR_INUSE) && (rh1->hyr_flags & HYR_DIR)) {
 310:             if (rh1->hyr_dst != rh1->hyr_dst ||
 311:                 rh1->hyr_ctl != rh1->hyr_ctl ||
 312:                 rh1->hyr_access != rh1->hyr_access) {
 313:                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: direct hash entry %d - fields differ\n", progname, i);
 314:                 fprintf(stderr, "\tdst: %04x vs %04x\tctl: %04x vs %04x\taccess: %04x vs %04x\n",
 315:                     ntohs(rh1->hyr_dst), ntohs(rh2->hyr_dst),
 316:                     ntohs(rh1->hyr_ctl), ntohs(rh2->hyr_ctl),
 317:                     ntohs(rh1->hyr_access), ntohs(rh2->hyr_access));
 318:                 ndiffs++;
 319:             }
 320:         }
 321:         if ((rh1->hyr_flags & HYR_INUSE) && (rh1->hyr_flags & HYR_GATE)) {
 322:             if (rh1->hyr_pgate != rh1->hyr_pgate ||
 323:                 rh1->hyr_egate != rh1->hyr_egate ||
 324:                 rh1->hyr_nextgate < rh1->hyr_pgate ||
 325:                 rh1->hyr_nextgate > rh1->hyr_egate ||
 326:                 rh2->hyr_nextgate < rh2->hyr_pgate ||
 327:                 rh2->hyr_nextgate > rh2->hyr_egate) {
 328:                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: direct hash entry %d - fields differ\n", progname, i);
 329:                 fprintf(stderr, "\tpgate: %04x vs %04x\tegate: %04x vs %04x\tnextgate: %04x vs %04x\n",
 330:                     rh1->hyr_pgate, rh2->hyr_pgate,
 331:                     rh1->hyr_egate, rh2->hyr_egate,
 332:                     rh1->hyr_nextgate, rh2->hyr_nextgate);
 333:                 ndiffs++;
 334:             }
 335:         }
 336:     }
 337:     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
 338:         if (r1->hyr_gateway[i] != r2->hyr_gateway[i]) {
 339:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: gate[%d] = %d v2 %d\n", progname, i,
 340:                 r1->hyr_gateway[i], r2->hyr_gateway[i]);
 341:         }
 342:     }
 343:     return(ndiffs);
 344: }
 346: main(argc, argv)
 347:     int argc;
 348:     char *argv[];
 349: {
 350:     char *filename = NULL;      /* input file name (default stdin) */
 351:     char *cp;
 353:     if (argc)
 354:         progname = argv[0];
 355:     else
 356:         progname = "hyroute";
 358:     argc--; argv++;
 359:     while (argc) {
 360:         if (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1] != '\0') {
 361:             cp = &argv[0][0];
 362:             switch(*++cp) {
 364:             case 's':       /* set the kernel table */
 365:                 set_flag++;
 366:                 break;
 368:             case 'd':       /* print the kernel table */
 369:                 dump_flag++;
 370:                 break;
 372:             case 'p':       /* print symbol table */
 373:                 print_flag++;
 374:                 break;
 376:             case 'c':       /* compare with kernel table */
 377:                 comp_flag++;
 378:                 break;
 380:             case 'l':       /* check the parser */
 381:                 lexdebug++;
 382:                 break;
 384:             default:
 385:                 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized switch -%c\n", progname, *cp);
 386:                 exit(1);
 387:             }
 388:         } else if (devname == NULL) {
 389:             devname = argv[0];
 390:         } else if (filename == NULL) {
 391:             filename = argv[0];
 392:         } else {
 393:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: extra arguments starting with %s\n", progname, argv[0]);
 394:             exit(1);
 395:         }
 396:         argc--; argv++;
 397:     }
 399:     if (filename != NULL || set_flag || comp_flag)
 400:         readin(filename, &hy_route);
 402:     if (print_flag)
 403:         symtab_print();
 405:     if (set_flag)
 406:         settable(&hy_route);
 408:     if (dump_flag) {
 409:         if (filename == NULL) {
 410:             gettable(&ker_hy_route);
 411:             print_table(&ker_hy_route);
 412:         } else {
 413:             print_table(&hy_route);
 414:         }
 415:     }
 417:     if (comp_flag) {
 418:         gettable(&ker_hy_route);
 419:         compare_table(&hy_route, &ker_hy_route);
 420:     }
 421: }
 423: /*
 424:  * read in the control file named filename into structure r
 425:  */
 426: readin(filename, r)
 427:     char *filename;
 428:     register struct hy_route *r;
 429: {
 430:     register char *cp;
 431:     register struct sym *s;
 432:     unsigned gates[256];
 433:     char buf[512];
 434:     unsigned i;
 435:     extern FILE *yyin;
 437:     if (filename == NULL || *filename == '\0' || strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
 438:         yyin = stdin;
 439:     } else {
 440:         yyin = fopen(filename, "r");
 441:         if (yyin == NULL) {
 442:             perror(filename);
 443:             exit(1);
 444:         }
 445:     }
 447:     maxgate = 0;
 448:     bzero((char *)r, sizeof(*r));
 450:     lex_error = 0;
 451:     yylex();
 452:     if (lex_error) {
 453:         fprintf(stderr, "hyroute: syntax errors, aborting operation\n");
 454:         exit(1);
 455:     }
 457:     for (s = sym_head; s != NULL; s = s->sym_next) {
 458:         if (s->sym_flags & HS_DIR) {
 459:             add_direct(inet_lnaof(s->sym_inaddr), s->sym_dst, s->sym_ctl, s->sym_access, s->sym_flags, r);
 460:         } else if (s->sym_flags & HS_INDIR) {
 461:             for (i = 0; i < s->sym_ngate; i++)
 462:                 gates[i] = inet_lnaof(s->sym_gate[i]->sym_inaddr);
 463:             add_gates(inet_lnaof(s->sym_inaddr), s->sym_ngate, gates, r);
 464:         }
 465:     }
 466: }

Defined functions

add_direct defined in line 91; used 1 times
add_gates defined in line 136; used 1 times
compare_gates defined in line 119; used 1 times
compare_table defined in line 295; used 1 times
gettable defined in line 222; used 2 times
main defined in line 346; never used
print_table defined in line 251; used 2 times
readin defined in line 426; used 1 times
rhash defined in line 41; used 3 times
settable defined in line 195; used 1 times

Defined variables

comp_flag defined in line 26; used 3 times
debug_flag defined in line 30; used 4 times
devname defined in line 35; used 7 times
dump_flag defined in line 29; used 2 times
hy_route defined in line 24; used 4 times
ker_hy_route defined in line 25; used 4 times
lex_error defined in line 32; used 2 times
lexdebug defined in line 31; used 1 times
maxgate defined in line 33; used 7 times
print_flag defined in line 28; used 2 times
progname defined in line 34; used 11 times
rcsid defined in line 9; never used
set_flag defined in line 27; used 3 times

Defined macros

MAIN defined in line 21; never used
Last modified: 1984-05-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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