1: #include "../h/config.h"
   3: /*
   4:  * efail - handles the failure of an expression.  efail is used
   5:  *  by a number of routines.  Its task to resume the newest
   6:  *  inactive generator in the current expression frame.  If
   7:  *  no such generator exists, the expression frame is exited
   8:  *  and execution continues at the point indicated in the
   9:  *  expression marker.  If the marker has a 0 address for
  10:  *  the point to continue at, efail is called to fail again.
  11:  */
  13: Global(_interp)         /* interpreter loop */
  14: Global(_atrace)         /* trace generator reactivations */
  15: Global(_boundary)       /* Icon/C boundary address */
  16: Global(_line)           /* current line number */
  17: Global(_file)           /* current file name */
  18: Global(_k_level)        /* value of &level */
  19: Global(_k_trace)        /* value of &trace */
  21: Global(_efail)
  22: /*
  23:  * Note that efail is jumped to.
  24:  */
  25: #ifdef VAX
  26: _efail:
  27:         tstl    gfp             # gfp points to the most recent generator
  28:                                 #  frame.  If it's 0, there is no inactive
  29:         jeql    nogen           #  generator in this expression frame and
  30:                                 #  the frame is exited.
  32: /*
  33:  * There is an inactive generator in this expression frame. It
  34:  *  must be reactivated.
  35:  */
  36:         movl    (gfp),_boundary # Restore boundary address from that
  37:                                 #  stored in the generator frame.
  38:         movl    fp,r0           # Save fp value for testing later.
  39:                                 # The fp must be restored.  gfp points
  40:         movl    gfp,fp          #  at the word before the former top
  41:         tstl    (fp)+           #  of stack.  The fp is loaded from
  42:                                 #  gfp and then incremented by 4.
  43: /*
  44:  * Trace resumption if &trace is set and if generator is an Icon procedure.
  45:  */
  46:         tstl    _k_trace        # If &trace is 0,
  47:         jeql    tracedone       #  no tracing.
  48:         cmpl    _boundary,fp    # If the boundary is not the same as the
  49:         jneq    tracedone       #  fp, the generator is not an Icon procedure.
  50:         movl    12(fp),efp      # Point efp at saved fp in generator frame.
  51:                                 #  If efp is the same as the fp was upon
  52:         cmpl    efp,r0          #  entry to efail, then generator is
  53:         jeql    tracedone       #  control regime
  54:                                 #
  55:                                 # Otherwise, an Icon procedure is to be
  56:                                 #  resumed.  atrace handles the tracing,
  57:                                 #  and takes the address of the procedure
  58:                                 #  block as it's only argument.  arg0 is
  59:                                 #  is the descriptor for the block.  It is
  60:                                 #  located using:
  61:                                 #   &arg0 = (ap + 8 + 8*nargs)
  62:         movl    8(fp),r4        # r4 = old ap
  63:         ashl    $3,4(r4),r2     # r2 = nargs * 8
  64:         addl2   r4,r2           # ... + old ap
  65:         addl2   $8,r2           # ... + 8
  66:         pushl   4(r2)           # r2 points to descriptor, push address
  67:                                 #  residing in second word.
  68:         calls   $1,_atrace      # atrace(&arg0)
  69: /*
  70:  * Resume the generator.
  71:  */
  72: tracedone:
  73:         movl    -(gfp),_k_level # Restore &level
  74:         movl    -(gfp),_line    # Restore _line and
  75:         movl    -(gfp),_file    #  _file from the generator frame.
  77:         cmpl    _boundary,fp    # If the boundary is the same as the
  78:         bneq    f3              #  fp, the return if from Icon to C
  79:         clrl    _boundary       #  and the boundary is cleared.
  80: f3:
  81:         ret                     # All set, return.  This return
  82:                                 #  will sweep off the generator frame
  83:                                 #  on the top of the stack and resume
  84:                                 #  execution after point where the
  85:                                 #  suspension that created this generator
  86:                                 #  was performed.
  88: /*
  89:  * There are no inactive generators in the expression frame, thus
  90:  *  the expression fails.  If the failure label in the expression
  91:  *  frame marker is not 0, execution resumes at the indicated address.
  92:  *  Otherwise, failure in the surrounding expression is signaled by
  93:  *  looping back to efail.
  94:  */
  95: nogen:
  96:         movl    -8(efp),ipc     # Point ipc at failure label from expression
  97:                                 #  frame.  Note that this is always a
  98:                                 #  ucode address.
  99:         movl    -4(efp),gfp     # Restore old generator frame pointer from
 100:                                 #  expression frame marker.
 101:         movl    efp,sp          # Move sp back to point at expression frame
 102:                                 #  marker.
 103:         movl    (sp)+,efp       # Restore old expression frame pointer and
 104:                                 #  move sp up to previous word.  Moving
 105:                                 #  the sp up effectively removes the
 106:                                 #  expression marker from the stack.
 107:         tstl    ipc             # If the failure label in the expression
 108:                                 #  frame is 0, this expression fails
 109:         jeql    _efail          #  by branching back to efail.
 110:         jmp     _interp         # Otherwise, execution continues. (at
 111:                                 #  address in ipc)
 113: #endif VAX
 115: #ifdef PORT
 116: DummyFcn(_efail)
 117: #endif PORT
 119: #ifdef PDP11
 120: / efail - reactivate newest inactive generator within current
 121: / expression frame.  If there are none, exit the expression
 122: / frame and take the failure branch (stored in the expression
 123: / frame marker).
 124: Global(cret)
 125: _efail:
 126:         tst     r3              / test for inactive generators,
 127:         beq     1f              /   branch if none
 129: / Reactivate newest inactive generator.
 131:         mov     (r3),_boundary  / restore Icon/C boundary address
 132:         mov     r5,r0           / save procedure frame pointer
 133:         mov     r3,r5           / restore procedure frame pointer
 134:         add     $8.,r5
 136: / Trace reactivation if &trace is set and if generator is an Icon procedure.
 138:         tst     _k_trace
 139:         beq     2f
 140:         cmp     _boundary,r5    / if boundary == r5, then
 141:         bne     2f              /   generator is an Icon procedure
 142:         mov     (r5),r4         / r4 <- address of procedure frame
 143:         cmp     r4,r0           / if hidden procedure frame is same as current,
 144:         beq     2f              /   then generator is control regime
 145:         mov     4(r4),r2        / r2 <- nargs * 4
 146:         asl     r2
 147:         asl     r2
 148:         add     r4,r2           / push address of procedure block,
 149:         mov     8.(r2),-(sp)    /   which is pointer field of arg0
 150:         jsr     pc,_atrace
 152: / Restore &level, line number, and file name, and return to generator.
 154: 2:
 155:         mov     -(r3),_k_level
 156:         mov     -(r3),_line
 157:         mov     -(r3),_file
 158:         jmp     cret
 160: / Exit expression frame and signal failure again.
 162: 1:
 163:         mov     -4(r4),r2       / get failure label
 164:         mov     -2(r4),r3       / exit current expression frame
 165:         mov     r4,sp
 166:         mov     (sp)+,r4
 167:         tst     r2              / is failure label zero?
 168:         beq     _efail          /   yes, pass failure to outer expression
 169:         jmp     _interp         /   no, resume interpreting at failure label
 171: #endif PDP11

Defined functions

_efail defined in line 125; used 4 times
f3 defined in line 80; used 1 times
  • in line 78
nogen defined in line 95; used 1 times
  • in line 29
tracedone defined in line 72; used 3 times
Last modified: 1984-11-18
Generated: 2016-12-26
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