COMPLEX(2) Icon Program Library COMPLEX(2) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE complex - arithmetic on complex numbers DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN These procedures perform operations on complex numbers. SSSSYYYYNNNNOOOOPPPPSSSSIIIISSSS ccccoooommmmpppplllleeeexxxx((((rrrr,,,,iiii)))) create complex number with real part rrrr and imaginary part iiii ccccppppxxxxaaaadddddddd((((xxxx1111,,,,xxxx2222)))) add complex numbers xxxx1111 and xxxx2222 ccccppppxxxxddddiiiivvvv((((xxxx1111,,,,xxxx2222)))) divide complex number xxxx1111 by complex number xxxx2222 ccccppppxxxxmmmmuuuullll((((xxxx1111,,,,xxxx2222)))) multiply complex number xxxx1111 by complex number xxxx2222 ccccppppxxxxssssuuuubbbb((((xxxx1111,,,,xxxx2222)))) subtract complex number xxxx2222 from complex number xxxx1111 ccccppppxxxxssssttttrrrr((((xxxx)))) convert complex number xxxx to string representation ssssttttrrrrccccppppxxxx((((ssss)))) convert string representation ssss of complex number to complex number SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO Griswold, Ralph E. and Madge T. Griswold. _T_h_e _I_c_o_n _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_- _m_i_n_g _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1983. pp. 60, 285-286. AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRR Ralph E. Griswold Version 5.9 The University of Arizona - 7/27/83 1