SNAPSHOT(2) Icon Program Library SNAPSHOT(2) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE snapshot - snapshot of state of string scanning DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN The procedure ssssnnnnaaaappppsssshhhhooootttt(((()))) writes a snapshot of the state of string scanning, showing the value of &&&&ssssuuuubbbbjjjjeeeecccctttt and &&&&ppppoooossss. For example, "((a+b)-delta)/(c*d))" ? (tab(bal('+-/*')) & snapshot()) produces ------------------------------------- | | | &subject = "((a+b)-delta)/(c*d))" | | | | ------------------------------------- Note that the bar showing the &&&&ppppoooossss is positioned under the &&&&ppppoooossssth character (actual positions are between characters). If &&&&ppppoooossss is at the end of &&&&ssssuuuubbbbjjjjeeeecccctttt, the bar is positioned under the quotation mark delimiting the subject. For exam- ple, "abcdefgh" ? (tab(0) & snapshot()) produces ------------------------- | | | &subject = "abcdefgh" | | | | ------------------------- Escape sequences are handled properly. For example, "abc\tdef\nghi" ? (tab(upto('\n')) & snapshot()) produces ------------------------------ | | | &subject = "abc\tdef\nghi" | | | | ------------------------------ AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRR Ralph E. Griswold Version 5.9 The University of Arizona - 4/9/83 1