.xx "bitops" "operations on bit strings" .xx "bold" "boldface and underscored text" .xx "collate" "collate and decollate strings" .xx "complex" "arithmetic on complex numbers" .xx "escape" "interpret Icon literal string" .xx "gener" "generators" .xx "gpack" "graphics package for the Chromatics CG 3999" .xx "image" "generalized string image of Icon value" .xx "patterns" "SNOBOL4-style pattern matching" .xx "pdae" "programmer-defined argument evaluation" .xx "pdco" "programmer-defined control operations" .xx "radcon" "radix conversion procedures" .xx "segment" "segment string" .xx "seqimage" "produce string image of result sequence" .xx "shuffle" "shuffle string or list" .xx "size" "size of Icon object" .xx "snapshot" "snapshot of state of string scanning" .xx "structs" "structure operations" .xx "strutil" "string utilities" .xx "ttyinit" "initialize predefined terminal control attributes"