.so tmac.ilib .TH DEAL 6 "The University of Arizona \- 5/13/83" .SH NAME deal \- deal bridge hands .SH SYNOPSIS \f3deal\fP [\f3\-h\fI n\fR] [\f3\-s\fI n\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fIDeal\fR shuffles, deals, and displays hands in the game of bridge. .PP The following options may appear in either order: .IP "\f3\-h\fI n\fR" .75i Display \fIn\fR hands. The default is 1. .IP "\f3\-s\fI n\fR" Set the seed for random generation to \fIn\fR. The default seed is 0. .SH NOTE The letter \*MT\fR is used to represent the 10. .SH AUTHOR Ralph E. Griswold