CFLAGS = -O LDFLAGS= itran: itran.o parse.o lex.o code.o sym.o mem.o \ err.o char.o keyword.o optab.o toktab.o lnklist.o cc $(LDFLAGS) -o itran *.o itran.o: itran.h token.h tree.h sym.h ../h/config.h parse.o: itran.h tree.h sym.h ../h/config.h lex.o: itran.h token.h lex.h char.h tree.h ../h/config.h code.o: itran.h token.h tree.h code.h sym.h ../h/config.h sym.o: itran.h token.h sym.h char.h ../h/config.h lfile.h mem.o: itran.h sym.h ../h/config.h err.o: itran.h token.h tree.h lex.h synerr.h ../h/config.h char.o: char.h keyword.o: ../h/keyword.h sym.h optab.o: lex.h toktab.o: itran.h lex.h token.h ../h/config.h lnklist.o: itran.h lfile.h ../h/config.h # # The following sections are commented out because they do not need # to be performed unless changes are made to icon.g, keywords, tokens, # or optab. Such changes involve modifications to the syntax of Icon # and are not part of the installation process. However, if the # distribution files are unloaded in a fashion such that their dates # are not set properly, the following sections would be attempted. # # Note that if any changes are made to the four files mentioned above, # the following comments should be removed. # #parse.c token.h: icon.g # yacc -v -d icon.g # expect 169 shift/reduce conflicts # mv parse.c # ed parse.c List List: char.h code.h synerr.h lex.h sym.h \ token.h tree.h itran.h lfile.h \ char.c code.c err.c keyword.c lex.c lnklist.c mem.c \ optab.c parse.c sym.c toktab.c itran.c icon.g @pr $? @date >List Clean: rm -f *.o itran Dist-clean: rm -f .BK* .CK* .emacs* rm -f `gcomp Makefile *.c *.h mkkeytab.icn mktoktab.icn \ tokens optab keywords icon.g pscript *.gen Files`