%e 2000 %p 5000 %n 1000 %a 4000 %START Z sun (sun(day)?) mon (mon(day)?) tue (tue(sday)?) wed (wed(nesday)?) thu (thu(rsday)?) fri (fri(day)?) sat (sat(urday)?) DAY ({sun}|{mon}|{tue}|{wed}|{thu}|{fri}|{sat}) jan (jan(uary)?) feb (feb(ruary)?) mar (mar(ch)?) apr (apr(il)?) may (may) jun (jun(e)?) jul (jul(y)?) aug (aug(est)?) sep (sep(tember)?) oct (oct(ober)?) nov (nov(ember)?) dec (dec(ember)?) MONTH ({jan}|{feb}|{mar}|{apr}|{may}|{jun}|{jul}|{aug}|{sep}|{oct}|{nov}|{dec}) w ([ \t]*) W ([ \t]+) D ([0-9]?[0-9]) d [0-9] %{ #include "tws.h" #include /* * Table to convert month names to numeric month. We use the * fact that the low order 5 bits of the sum of the 2nd & 3rd * characters of the name is a hash with no collisions for the 12 * valid month names. (The mask to 5 bits maps any combination of * upper and lower case into the same hash value). */ static int month_map[] = { 0, 6, /* 1 - Jul */ 3, /* 2 - Apr */ 5, /* 3 - Jun */ 0, 10, /* 5 - Nov */ 0, 1, /* 7 - Feb */ 11, /* 8 - Dec */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*15 - Jan */ 0, 0, 0, 2, /*19 - Mar */ 0, 8, /*21 - Sep */ 0, 9, /*23 - Oct */ 0, 0, 4, /*26 - May */ 0, 7 /*28 - Aug */ }; /* * Same trick for day-of-week using the hash function * (c1 & 7) + (c2 & 4) */ static int day_map[] = { 0, 0, 0, 6, /* 3 - Sat */ 4, /* 4 - Thu */ 0, 5, /* 6 - Fri */ 0, /* 7 - Sun */ 2, /* 8 - Tue */ 1 /* 9 - Mon */, 0, 3 /*11 - Wed */ }; #define SETDAY tw.tw_wday= day_map[(cp[0] & 7) + (cp[1] & 4)];\ tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;\ cp += 2; #define SETMONTH tw.tw_mon = month_map[(cp[0] + cp[1]) & 0x1f]; gotdate++;\ cp += 2;\ SKIPD; #define CVT2 (i=(*cp++ - '0'),isdigit(*cp)? i*10 + (*cp++ - '0') : i) #define SKIPD while ( !isdigit(*cp++) ) ; --cp; #define ZONE(x) tw.tw_zone=(x); #define ZONED(x) tw.tw_zone=(x); tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST; #define LC(c) (isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c)) %} %% %{ struct tws *dparsetime (str) char *str; { register int i; static struct tws tw; register char *cp; register int gotdate = 0; start_cond = 0; bzero( (char *) &tw, sizeof tw); while (isspace(*str)) str++; while ( 1 ) switch (cp = str, *cp? lex_string( &str, start_cond) : 0) { case -1: if (!gotdate || tw.tw_year == 0) return 0; /* fall through */ case 0: return &tw; %} {DAY}","?{w} SETDAY; "("{DAY}")"(","?) cp++, SETDAY; {D}"/"{D}"/"19[0-9][0-9]{w} { tw.tw_mday = CVT2; cp++; tw.tw_mon = CVT2 - 1; cp += 3; tw.tw_year = CVT2; gotdate++; } {D}"/"{D}"/"[0-9][0-9]{w} { tw.tw_mday = CVT2; cp++; tw.tw_mon = CVT2 - 1; cp++; tw.tw_year = CVT2; gotdate++; } {D}[- ]?{MONTH}[- ]?(19)?{D}{w}(at{W})? { tw.tw_mday = CVT2; while ( !isalpha(*cp++) ) ; SETMONTH; for (i = 0; isdigit(*cp); ) i = i*10 + (*cp++ - '0'); tw.tw_year = i % 100; } {MONTH}{W}{D}","{W}(19)?{D}{w} { cp++; SETMONTH; tw.tw_mday = CVT2; SKIPD; for (i = 0; isdigit(*cp); ) i = i*10 + (*cp++ - '0'); tw.tw_year = i % 100; } {MONTH}{W}{D}{w} { cp++; SETMONTH; tw.tw_mday = CVT2; } {D}:{D}:{D}{w} { tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++; tw.tw_min = CVT2; cp++; tw.tw_sec = CVT2; BEGIN Z; } {D}:{D}{w} | {D}:{D}{w}am{w} { tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++; tw.tw_min = CVT2; BEGIN Z; } {D}:{D}{w}pm{w} { tw.tw_hour = CVT2 + 12; cp++; tw.tw_min = CVT2; BEGIN Z; } [0-2]{d}{d}{d}{d}{d}{w} { tw.tw_hour = CVT2; tw.tw_min = CVT2; tw.tw_sec = CVT2; BEGIN Z; } [0-2]{d}{d}{d}{w} { tw.tw_hour = CVT2; tw.tw_min = CVT2; BEGIN Z; } "-"?ut ZONE(0 * 60); "-"?gmt ZONE(0 * 60); "-"?jst ZONE(2 * 60); "-"?jdt ZONED(2 * 60); "-"?est ZONE(-5 * 60); "-"?edt ZONED(-5 * 60); "-"?cst ZONE(-6 * 60); "-"?cdt ZONED(-6 * 60); "-"?mst ZONE(-7 * 60); "-"?mdt ZONED(-7 * 60); "-"?pst ZONE(-8 * 60); "-"?pdt ZONED(-8 * 60); "-"?nst ZONE(-(3 * 60 + 30)); "-"?ast ZONE(-4 * 60); "-"?adt ZONED(-4 * 60); "-"?yst ZONE(-9 * 60); "-"?ydt ZONED(-9 * 60); "-"?hst ZONE(-10 * 60); "-"?hdt ZONED(-10 * 60); "-"?bst ZONED(-1 * 60); [a-i] tw.tw_zone = 60 * (('a'-1) - LC(*cp)); [k-m] tw.tw_zone = 60 * ('a' - LC(*cp)); [n-y] tw.tw_zone = 60 * (LC(*cp) - 'm'); "+"[0-1]{d}{d}{d} { cp++; tw.tw_zone = ((cp[0] * 10 + cp[1]) -('0' * 10 + '0'))*60 +((cp[2] * 10 + cp[3]) -('0' * 10 + '0')); cp += 4; } "-"[0-1]{d}{d}{d} { cp++; tw.tw_zone = (('0' * 10 + '0') -(cp[0] * 10 + cp[1]))*60 +(('0' * 10 + '0') -(cp[2] * 10 + cp[3])); cp += 4; } {W}19[6-9]{d} { while( !isdigit(*cp++) ) ; cp++; tw.tw_year = CVT2; } \n | {W} ; %%