# Makefile for the notesfile manual pages # March 29, 1982 # Ray Essick, University of Illinois # uiucdcs!essick uiucdcs!notes # # If the "man" pages for your system have been moved, check # the MAN variable below. # DISTDIR= p:/usr/src/uiuc/notesfiles DCP= rcp SEC1 = notes.1 nfpipe.1 checknotes.1 nfstats.1 nfprint.1 \ autoseq.1 readnotes.1 SEC3 = nfabort.3 nfcomment.3 SEC8 = mknf.8 rmnf.8 nfxmit.8 nfrcv.8 newsinput.8 newsoutput.8 \ nfaccess.8 nfarchive.8 nfmail.8 nfdump.8 nfload.8 FILES = $(SEC1) $(SEC3) $(SEC8) OTHERS = Makefile getdate.3 rscript MAN = /usr/man all: clean: install: isec1 isec3 isec8 touch install isec1: $(SEC1) cp $? $(MAN)/man1/. touch isec1 isec3: $(SEC3) cp $? $(MAN)/man3/. touch isec3 isec8: $(SEC8) cp $? $(MAN)/man8/. touch isec8 ar: $(FILES) ar r ../Page.a $(FILES) touch ar dist: $(FILES) $(OTHERS) ${DCP} $? $(DISTDIR)/man/. touch dist # remote man page installation - U of Illinois DCS specific # RSYS = a b d e f g h i p rinstall: $(SEC1) $(SEC3) $(SEC8) rscript $(RSYS) touch rinstall