.TH CHECKNOTES 1 "University of Illinois" .SH NAME checknotes \- check for new notesfile articles .SH SYNOPSIS .B checknotes [ .B "-qnvs" ] [ .BR "-a" "name" ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I "Checknotes" reports on the existence of new notes. The .I "NFSEQ" environment variable is read to determine the notesfiles to examine for new text. .I "Checknotes" then looks at each of the notesfiles to determine if there are new notes. The various flags specify the method of notification. The flags are mutually exlusive. .PP The .B "-q" option specifies a message ``There are new notes'' when such is the case. No text is printed if there are no new notes. .PP Specify .B "-n" to get a message ``There are no new notes'' if this is the case. If there are new notes, no message is printed. .PP With the .B "-v" option enabled, .I "checknotes" prints the name of each notesfile containing new notes. .PP The .B "-s" option is silent; no output is produced. .PP Regardless of the option, the program exits with 0 (TRUE) if new notes exist and with 1 (FALSE) if no new notes exist. .PP The .B "-a" option specifies a .IB "subsequencer" "." This allows several people sharing the same signon to maintain their own sequencer files. This switch does not allow users to forge other user's sequencer files. Since the .I "name" is concatenated with the user name, arbitrarily long subsequencer names aren't necessarily unique. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the first 6 characters of any given user's subsequencer names are unique. .SH FILES .PD 0 .TP 45 /etc/passwd for the users name .TP 45 /etc/group for the users group(s) .TP 45 /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base .TP 45 /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/\fIuser\fP Sequencing timestamps for .I user. .TP 45 /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/\fIuser\fP:\fIsubsequencer\fP Sub-sequencing timestamps for .I user. .PD .SH SEE ALSO notes(1), .br .ul The Notesfile Reference Manual .SH AUTHORS .nf Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, essick%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL .sp Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX .fi