.TH NFMAIL 8 "University of Illinois" .SH NAME nfmail \- accept mail for a notesfile .SH SYNOPSIS .B nfmail [ .B "-F" ] [ .B "-s" ] [ .B "-d" ] [ .B "-m" mailrc ] topic .SH DESCRIPTION .I Nfmail is a mail-receiving program which takes incoming mail, parses subject and author information, and places the letter in a notesfile. Replies, marked by a ``Re:'' prefix in the Subject line, are placed in the notesfile as responses if a basenote with the appropriate title can be found. Normally, the matching of titles based on the ``Re:'' prefixes is done so that a match only occurs when the basenote titles starts with the remainder of the string. Thus, ``Re: this'' will match as a response of the basenote ``this is it'', but will not match a basenote titled ``see this note''. Specify the .B -F option if you wish to remove the restriction that matches start at the beginning of the title. .PP The .B "-s" option tells .I nfmail to strip header lines from the letter before placing it in the notesfile. Normally, all header information is retained. The ``Subject'', and ``From'' header lines are never removed from the letter. The file .I "/usr/lib/Mail.rc" defines default mail reading characteristics on many BSD systems. This file can contain lists of header lines to be ignored when presenting messages to users. .I Nfmail reads this file to determine which header lines are normally ignored. If this file is missing, .I nfmail doesn't strip any header lines. .PP The .B "-m" option specifies further files, typically ``.mailrc'' files, to search for header lines to ignore. More than one .B "-m" option can appear on the command line. .PP Use the .B "-d" option when you want the inserted note or response to be flagged as a director message. .PP .I Nfmail usually appears as a mail alias in the file ``/usr/lib/aliases'' in lines such as: problems: "|/usr/spool/notes/.utilities/nfmail -s problems" .SH BUGS .PP The dependence on ``/usr/lib/Mail.rc'' for lists of headers to be ignored should be cleaned up. Perhaps something where absence of the file means to strip all headers except the Subject and From lines. .SH FILES .PD 0 .TP 40 /usr/spool/notes/.utilities/nfmail where this program lives. .TP 40 /usr/lib/aliases Mail aliases (BSD UNIX) .TP 40 /usr/lib/Mail.rc Mail configuration templates .PD .SH SEE ALSO delivermail(8), notes(1), Mail(1), sendmail(8), .br .ul The Notesfile Reference Manual .SH AUTHORS .nf Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, essick%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL .sp Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX .fi