1: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)netq.c	4.2	(Berkeley)	9/12/82";
   3: /* netq - print the netq send queue */
   4: /* netq [-] [mach] */
   5: /* must be setuid root */
   7: /* sccs id variable */
   8: static char *netq_sid = "@(#)netq.c	1.5";
  10: # include "defs.h"
  11: /* this is an internal table size -- only STSIZE entries will
  12: 	be sorted correctly */
  13: # define STSIZE 150
  15: static DIR *df;
  16: static char jname[16], printlong;
  17: static struct table {
  18:     char name[16];
  19:     long filesize;
  20:     } stack[STSIZE], temp;
  21: static int stptr = 0;
  22: static char mach,visit[MAXINX];
  23: static char netcmd1[] = NETCMD1;
  24: static int hisuid,sumj,nsumj;
  25: static long sumb, nsumb;
  26: static struct stat statbuf;
  28: char _sobuf[BUFSIZ];
  29: main(argc,argv)
  30:   char **argv; {
  31:     int i;
  32:     setbuf(stdout,_sobuf);
  33:     hisuid = getuid();
  34:     hisuid = uidmask(hisuid);
  35:     if(stat(netcmd,&statbuf) >= 0)
  36:         if((statbuf.st_mode & 07) == 0){
  37:             printf("Network is down\n");
  38:             exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE);
  39:             }
  40:     else if(stat(netcmd1,&statbuf) >= 0)
  41:         if((statbuf.st_mode & 07) == 0){
  42:             printf("Network is down\n");
  43:             exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE);
  44:             }
  45:     while(argc > 1){
  46:         switch(argv[1][0]){
  47:         case '-': printlong++; break;
  48:         default: mach = lookup(argv[1]);
  49:             if(mach > 0 && machtype[chtoinx(mach)] == 0)mach = 0;
  50:             break;
  51:         }
  52:         argc--, argv++;
  53:         }
  54:     if(mach){
  55:         mach = gothru(local,mach); /* list to directly conn. machine */
  56:         if(mach == 0){
  57:             fprintf(stderr,"That machine not directly connected.\n");
  58:             exit(EX_USAGE);
  59:         }
  60:         senddir[strlen(senddir)-1] = mach;
  61:         if(chdir(senddir) < 0){
  62:             perror(senddir);
  63:             exit(EX_OSFILE);
  64:         }
  65:         pdir(senddir);
  66:     }
  67:     else for(i = 0; i < MAXINX; i++)
  68:         if((mach = gothru(local,inxtoch(i))) && !visit[chtoinx(mach)]){
  69:             visit[chtoinx(mach)] = 1;
  70:             senddir[strlen(senddir)-1] = mach;
  71:             if(chdir(senddir) < 0)continue;
  72:             pdir(senddir);
  73:             printf("---\n");
  74:             }
  75:     fflush(stdout);
  76:     }
  77: static pdir(str)
  78:   char *str; {
  79:     int i;
  80:     char more = 0, *cp;
  81:     char listrest = 0;
  82:     int (*compar)();
  83:     char printhead = 0;
  84:     register struct direct *dp;
  85:     df = opendir(str);
  86:     if(df == NULL){
  87:         perror(str);
  88:         exit(EX_OSFILE);
  89:         }
  90:     stptr = 0;
  91:     while((dp = readdir(df)) != NULL){
  92:         if(dp->d_name[0] != 'c'
  93:         || dp->d_name[1] != 'f'
  94:         || stat(dp->d_name,&statbuf) < 0)
  95:             continue;
  96:         if(mach != dp->d_name[2])continue;
  97:         dp->d_name[0] = 'd';
  98:         if(stat(dp->d_name,&statbuf) < 0)continue;
  99: #ifdef MAXSENDQ
 100:         if( stptr >= MAXSENDQ ) {
 101:             listrest++;
 102:             break;
 103:         }
 104: #endif
 106:         if(!insert(dp->d_name,getsize(&statbuf))){
 107:             more++;
 108:             break;
 109:             }
 110:         }
 111:     if(stptr == 0){
 112:         printf("Network queue to/thru %s is empty.\n",longname(mach));
 113:         closedir(df);
 114:         return;
 115:         }
 116:     cp = (char *)&(stack[0].name[0]);
 117:     sort(cp,stptr,sizeof temp,compar);
 118:     printf("Network queue to/thru %s:\n",longname(mach));
 119:     for(i = 0; i < stptr; i++){ /* screen size */
 120:         strcpy(jname,stack[i].name);
 121:         jname[0] = 'd';
 122:         if(stat(jname,&statbuf) < 0)
 123:             continue;
 124:         if(printlong || guid(statbuf.st_uid,statbuf.st_gid) == hisuid){
 125:             if(!printhead){
 126:                 printhead = 1;
 127:                 printf( "From       To           Len  Code   Time          Command\n");
 128:                 };
 129:             process();
 130:             }
 131:         else summarize( stack[i].filesize );
 132:         }
 133: # ifdef MAXSENDQ
 134:     if( listrest )
 135:         listem(dp);
 136: # endif
 137:     closedir(df);
 138:     printsum();
 139:     if(more)printf("   ... more ...\n");
 140:     }
 141: summarize( size )
 142: long size;
 143:     {
 144: #ifndef DONTHOLDBIG
 145:     if( size > MAXDAYFILE ) {
 146:         nsumj++;
 147:         nsumb += size;
 148:     }
 149:     else {
 150:         sumj++;
 151:         sumb += size;
 152:     }
 153: #else
 154:     sumb += size;
 155:     sumj++;
 156: #endif
 157:     }
 158: printsum(){
 159: #ifndef DONTHOLDBIG
 160:     if( sumj != 0 || nsumj != 0 ){
 161:         printf("day jobs: %d request%s (%ld bytes)",
 162:             sumj, (sumj > 1 ? "s" : ""), sumb);
 163:         if(nsumj > 0)
 164:             printf("; night jobs: %d request%s (%ld bytes)",
 165:                 nsumj, ( nsumj > 1 ? "s" : ""), nsumb );
 166:         putchar('\n');
 167:         nsumb = 0l;
 168:         nsumj = 0;
 169:     }
 170: #else
 171:     if(sumj != 0){
 172:         printf("%d request%s, %ld bytes\n",
 173:             sumj,(sumj > 1 ? "s" : ""),sumb);
 174:         }
 175: #endif
 176:     sumj = 0;
 177:     sumb = 0l;
 178:     }
 179: process(){
 180:     static struct header hd;
 181:     static char nightheader = 0;
 182:     FILE *look;
 183:     char *cp;
 184:     long size;
 186:     printsum();
 187:     look = fopen(jname,"r");
 188:     if(look == NULL)
 189:         return;
 190:     readhdfd(&hd,look);
 191:     fclose(look);
 192:     if(hd.hd_snfrom[0] == 0)strcat(hd.hd_addrfrom,"Internal");
 193:     expandcc(hd.hd_sttyname);
 194:     cp = ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime);
 195:     cp[strlen(cp)-9] = 0;
 196:     jname[3] = jname[2];
 197:     size = getsize(&statbuf);
 198:     if(size >= MAXDAYFILE && ! nightheader){
 199:         printf("(> %ld bytes, will only transfer between Midnight and 6AM.)\n", MAXDAYFILE);
 200:         nightheader = 1;
 201:         };
 202:     printf("%-10s %-10s %6ld %s %s  %-.27s\n",
 203:         hd.hd_addrfrom,hd.hd_addrto,size,jname+3,cp+4,hd.hd_scmdvirt);
 204:     }
 205: readhdfd(phd,fd)
 206: register struct header *phd;
 207: FILE *fd;
 208: {
 209:     char sbuf[BUFSIZ], parmlist[PARMLIST];
 210:     char *s, cflag;
 211:     int c, i;
 212:     phd->hd_code = phd->hd_mchto = phd->hd_snto[0] = phd->hd_sinfile[0] = 0;
 213:     phd->hd_soutfile[0] = phd->hd_srespfile[0] = phd->hd_snfrom[0] = 0;
 214:     phd->hd_scmdact[0] = 0;
 215:     for(i=0;i<20;i++)phd->hd_sttyname[i] = 0;
 217:     phd->hd_code = ngetc(fd);
 218:     if(phd->hd_code == 0)return;
 219:     phd->hd_mchto = ngetc(fd);
 220:     phd->hd_mchfrom = ngetc(fd);    /* from machine */
 221:     phd->hd_vmajor = ngetc(fd);
 222:     phd->hd_vminor = ngetc(fd);
 223:     ngets(phd->hd_snto,NS,fd);
 224:     ngets(phd->hd_spasswd,20,fd);           /* passwd */
 225:     ngets(phd->hd_sinfile,FNS,fd);
 226:     ngets(phd->hd_soutfile,FNS,fd);
 227:     ngets(phd->hd_srespfile,FNS,fd);
 228:     ngets(phd->hd_snfrom,NS,fd);
 229:     ngets(phd->hd_sttyname,20,fd);
 230:     cflag = ngetc(fd);
 231:     ngets(sbuf,BUFSIZ,fd);              /* lttytime */
 232:     ngets(parmlist,PARMLIST,fd);            /* jobno */
 233:     parseparmlist(parmlist);
 234:     ngets(sbuf,BUFSIZ,fd);              /* timesent */
 235:     s = phd->hd_scmdact;
 236:     while((c = getc(fd)) != EOF && c != '\n'){
 237:         if(c == '\\')c = getc(fd);
 238:         *s++ = c;
 239:         }
 240:     *s = 0;
 241:     s = phd->hd_scmdvirt;
 242:     while((c = getc(fd)) != EOF && c != '\n'){
 243:         if(c == '\\')c = getc(fd);
 244:         *s++ = c;
 245:         }
 246:     *s = 0;
 247:     if(phd->hd_scmdvirt[0] == 0)strcpy(phd->hd_scmdvirt,phd->hd_scmdact);
 248:     sprintf(phd->hd_addrfrom,"%c:%s",phd->hd_mchfrom,phd->hd_snfrom);
 249:     sprintf(phd->hd_addrto  ,"%c:%s",phd->hd_mchto  ,phd->hd_snto  );
 250: }
 251: ngetc(fd)
 252: FILE *fd;
 253: {
 254:     char b[3];
 255:     if(feof(fd))return(0);
 256:     if(fread(b,1,3,fd) != 3) return(0);
 257:     return(b[0]);
 258:     }
 259: /* read a string s of max length maxlen out of queue file */
 260: ngets(s,maxlen,fd)
 261: int maxlen;
 262: char *s;
 263: FILE *fd;
 264: {
 265:     int i;
 266:     if(feof(fd))return;
 267:     for(;;){
 268:         i = getc(fd);
 269:         if(i == EOF){
 270:             *s = 0;
 271:             return;
 272:             }
 273:         *s = i;
 274:         if(*s == '\\')*s = getc(fd);
 275:         if(*s == ' ')break;
 276:         if(maxlen-- > 0)s++;
 277:         }
 278:     *s = 0;
 279:     getc(fd);
 280:     }
 281: insert(f,t)
 282:   char *f;
 283:   long t; {
 284:     strcpy(stack[stptr].name,f);
 285:     stack[stptr++].filesize = t;
 286:     return(stptr <= STSIZE);
 287:     }
 288: compar(a,b)
 289:   register struct table *a,*b; {
 290:     if(a->filesize < b->filesize)return(-1);
 291:     if(a->filesize > b->filesize)return(1);
 292:     return(0);
 293:     }
 294: sort(){     /* use this cause qsort doesn't work */
 295:     register int i,j;
 296:     for(i=0; i< stptr-1; i++)
 297:         for(j=i+1;j<stptr;j++)
 298:             if(compar(&stack[i],&stack[j]) > 0)
 299:                 swap(&stack[i],&stack[j]);
 300:     }
 301: swap(a,b)
 302:   register struct table *a, *b; {
 303:     char str[16];
 304:     long t;
 305:     strcpy(str,a->name);
 306:     t = a->filesize;
 307:     strcpy(a->name,b->name);
 308:     a->filesize = b->filesize;
 309:     strcpy(b->name,str);
 310:     b->filesize = t;
 311:     }
 312: # ifdef MAXSENDQ
 313: listem(dp)
 314: register struct direct *dp; {
 316:     do {
 317:         if(dp->d_name[0] != 'c'
 318:         || dp->d_name[1] != 'f'
 319:         || stat( dp->d_name, &statbuf ) < 0 )
 320:             continue;
 321:         if( mach != dp->d_name[2] )
 322:             continue;
 323:         dp->d_name[0] = 'd';
 324:         if( stat( dp->d_name, &statbuf ) < 0 )
 325:             continue;
 326:         if( printlong || guid( statbuf.st_uid, statbuf.st_gid) == hisuid )
 327:             process();
 328:         else
 329:             summarize( getsize( &statbuf ) );
 330:     } while((dp = readdir(df)) != NULL);
 332:     return;
 333: }
 334: # endif MAXSENDQ

Defined functions

compar defined in line 288; used 3 times
insert defined in line 281; used 1 times
listem defined in line 313; used 1 times
main defined in line 29; never used
ngetc defined in line 251; used 6 times
ngets defined in line 260; used 10 times
pdir defined in line 77; used 2 times
printsum defined in line 158; used 2 times
process defined in line 179; used 2 times
readhdfd defined in line 205; used 1 times
sort defined in line 294; used 1 times
summarize defined in line 141; used 2 times
swap defined in line 301; used 1 times

Defined variables

_sobuf defined in line 28; used 1 times
  • in line 32
hisuid defined in line 24; used 5 times
jname defined in line 16; used 7 times
mach defined in line 22; used 17 times
netcmd1 defined in line 23; used 1 times
  • in line 40
netq_sid defined in line 8; never used
nsumb defined in line 25; used 3 times
nsumj defined in line 24; used 6 times
printlong defined in line 16; used 3 times
sccsid defined in line 1; never used
stack defined in line 20; used 9 times
statbuf defined in line 26; used 17 times
stptr defined in line 21; used 10 times
sumb defined in line 25; used 5 times
sumj defined in line 24; used 9 times
temp defined in line 20; used 1 times
visit defined in line 22; used 2 times

Defined struct's

table defined in line 17; used 4 times

Defined macros

STSIZE defined in line 13; used 2 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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