1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)keywords.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 6/4/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: keywords.c,v 1.5 84/12/26 10:39:45 linton Exp $";
  13: /*
  14:  * Keywords, variables, and aliases (oh my!).
  15:  */
  17: #include "defs.h"
  18: #include "keywords.h"
  19: #include "scanner.h"
  20: #include "names.h"
  21: #include "symbols.h"
  22: #include "tree.h"
  23: #include "lists.h"
  24: #include "main.h"
  25: #include "y.tab.h"
  27: #ifndef public
  29: #include "scanner.h"
  30: #include "tree.h"
  32: #endif
  34: private String reserved[] ={
  35:     "alias", "and", "assign", "at", "call", "catch", "cont",
  36:     "debug", "delete", "div", "down", "dump", "edit", "file", "func",
  37:     "gripe", "help", "if", "ignore", "in",
  38:     "list", "mod", "next", "nexti", "nil", "not", "or",
  39:     "print", "psym", "quit", "rerun", "return", "run",
  40:     "set", "sh", "skip", "source", "status", "step", "stepi",
  41:     "stop", "stopi", "trace", "tracei", "unalias", "unset", "up", "use",
  42:     "whatis", "when", "where", "whereis", "which",
  43:     "INT", "CHAR", "REAL", "NAME", "STRING", "->"
  44: };
  46: /*
  47:  * The keyword table is a traditional hash table with collisions
  48:  * resolved by chaining.
  49:  */
  51: #define HASHTABLESIZE 1007
  53: typedef enum { ISKEYWORD, ISALIAS, ISVAR } KeywordType;
  55: typedef struct Keyword {
  56:     Name name;
  57:     KeywordType class : 16;
  58:     union {
  59:     /* ISKEYWORD: */
  60:         Token toknum;
  62:     /* ISALIAS: */
  63:         struct {
  64:         List paramlist;
  65:         String expansion;
  66:         } alias;
  68:     /* ISVAR: */
  69:         Node var;
  70:     } value;
  71:     struct Keyword *chain;
  72: } *Keyword;
  74: typedef unsigned int Hashvalue;
  76: private Keyword hashtab[HASHTABLESIZE];
  78: #define hash(n) ((((unsigned) n) >> 2) mod HASHTABLESIZE)
  80: /*
  81:  * Enter all the reserved words into the keyword table.
  82:  *
  83:  * If the vaddrs flag is set (through the -k command line option) then
  84:  * set the special "$mapaddrs" variable.  This assumes that the
  85:  * command line arguments are scanned before this routine is called.
  86:  */
  88: public enterkeywords()
  89: {
  90:     register integer i;
  92:     for (i = ALIAS; i <= WHICH; i++) {
  93:     keyword(reserved[ord(i) - ord(ALIAS)], i);
  94:     }
  95:     defalias("c", "cont");
  96:     defalias("d", "delete");
  97:     defalias("h", "help");
  98:     defalias("e", "edit");
  99:     defalias("l", "list");
 100:     defalias("n", "next");
 101:     defalias("p", "print");
 102:     defalias("q", "quit");
 103:     defalias("r", "run");
 104:     defalias("s", "step");
 105:     defalias("st", "stop");
 106:     defalias("j", "status");
 107:     defalias("t", "where");
 108:     if (vaddrs) {
 109:     defvar(identname("$mapaddrs", true), nil);
 110:     }
 111: }
 113: /*
 114:  * Deallocate the keyword table.
 115:  */
 117: public keywords_free()
 118: {
 119:     register Integer i;
 120:     register Keyword k, nextk;
 122:     for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
 123:     k = hashtab[i];
 124:     while (k != nil) {
 125:         nextk = k->chain;
 126:         dispose(k);
 127:         k = nextk;
 128:     }
 129:     hashtab[i] = nil;
 130:     }
 131: }
 133: /*
 134:  * Insert a name into the keyword table and return the keyword for it.
 135:  */
 137: private Keyword keywords_insert (n)
 138: Name n;
 139: {
 140:     Hashvalue h;
 141:     Keyword k;
 143:     h = hash(n);
 144:     k = new(Keyword);
 145:     k->name = n;
 146:     k->chain = hashtab[h];
 147:     hashtab[h] = k;
 148:     return k;
 149: }
 151: /*
 152:  * Find the keyword associated with the given name.
 153:  */
 155: private Keyword keywords_lookup (n)
 156: Name n;
 157: {
 158:     Hashvalue h;
 159:     register Keyword k;
 161:     h = hash(n);
 162:     k = hashtab[h];
 163:     while (k != nil and k->name != n) {
 164:     k = k->chain;
 165:     }
 166:     return k;
 167: }
 169: /*
 170:  * Delete the given keyword of the given class.
 171:  */
 173: private boolean keywords_delete (n, class)
 174: Name n;
 175: KeywordType class;
 176: {
 177:     Hashvalue h;
 178:     register Keyword k, prevk;
 179:     boolean b;
 181:     h = hash(n);
 182:     k = hashtab[h];
 183:     prevk = nil;
 184:     while (k != nil and (k->name != n or k->class != class)) {
 185:     prevk = k;
 186:     k = k->chain;
 187:     }
 188:     if (k != nil) {
 189:     b = true;
 190:     if (prevk == nil) {
 191:         hashtab[h] = k->chain;
 192:     } else {
 193:         prevk->chain = k->chain;
 194:     }
 195:     dispose(k);
 196:     } else {
 197:     b = false;
 198:     }
 199:     return b;
 200: }
 202: /*
 203:  * Enter a keyword into the table.  It is assumed to not be there already.
 204:  * The string is assumed to be statically allocated.
 205:  */
 207: private keyword (s, t)
 208: String s;
 209: Token t;
 210: {
 211:     Keyword k;
 212:     Name n;
 214:     n = identname(s, true);
 215:     k = keywords_insert(n);
 216:     k->class = ISKEYWORD;
 217:     k->value.toknum = t;
 218: }
 220: /*
 221:  * Define a builtin command name alias.
 222:  */
 224: private defalias (s1, s2)
 225: String s1, s2;
 226: {
 227:     alias(identname(s1, true), nil, s2);
 228: }
 230: /*
 231:  * Look for a word of a particular class.
 232:  */
 234: private Keyword findword (n, class)
 235: Name n;
 236: KeywordType class;
 237: {
 238:     register Keyword k;
 240:     k = keywords_lookup(n);
 241:     while (k != nil and (k->name != n or k->class != class)) {
 242:     k = k->chain;
 243:     }
 244:     return k;
 245: }
 247: /*
 248:  * Return the token associated with a given keyword string.
 249:  * If there is none, return the given default value.
 250:  */
 252: public Token findkeyword (n, def)
 253: Name n;
 254: Token def;
 255: {
 256:     Keyword k;
 257:     Token t;
 259:     k = findword(n, ISKEYWORD);
 260:     if (k == nil) {
 261:     t = def;
 262:     } else {
 263:     t = k->value.toknum;
 264:     }
 265:     return t;
 266: }
 268: /*
 269:  * Return the associated string if there is an alias with the given name.
 270:  */
 272: public boolean findalias (n, pl, str)
 273: Name n;
 274: List *pl;
 275: String *str;
 276: {
 277:     Keyword k;
 278:     boolean b;
 280:     k = findword(n, ISALIAS);
 281:     if (k == nil) {
 282:     b = false;
 283:     } else {
 284:     *pl = k->value.alias.paramlist;
 285:     *str = k->value.alias.expansion;
 286:     b = true;
 287:     }
 288:     return b;
 289: }
 291: /*
 292:  * Return the string associated with a token corresponding to a keyword.
 293:  */
 295: public String keywdstring (t)
 296: Token t;
 297: {
 298:     return reserved[ord(t) - ord(ALIAS)];
 299: }
 301: /*
 302:  * Process an alias command, either entering a new alias or printing out
 303:  * an existing one.
 304:  */
 306: public alias (newcmd, args, str)
 307: Name newcmd;
 308: List args;
 309: String str;
 310: {
 311:     Keyword k;
 313:     if (str == nil) {
 314:     print_alias(newcmd);
 315:     } else {
 316:     k = findword(newcmd, ISALIAS);
 317:     if (k == nil) {
 318:         k = keywords_insert(newcmd);
 319:     }
 320:     k->class = ISALIAS;
 321:     k->value.alias.paramlist = args;
 322:     k->value.alias.expansion = str;
 323:     }
 324: }
 326: /*
 327:  * Print out an alias.
 328:  */
 330: private print_alias (cmd)
 331: Name cmd;
 332: {
 333:     register Keyword k;
 334:     register Integer i;
 335:     Name n;
 337:     if (cmd == nil) {
 338:     for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
 339:         for (k = hashtab[i]; k != nil; k = k->chain) {
 340:         if (k->class == ISALIAS) {
 341:             if (isredirected()) {
 342:             printf("alias %s", ident(k->name));
 343:             printparams(k->value.alias.paramlist);
 344:             printf("\t\"%s\"\n", k->value.alias.expansion);
 345:             } else {
 346:             printf("%s", ident(k->name));
 347:             printparams(k->value.alias.paramlist);
 348:             printf("\t%s\n", k->value.alias.expansion);
 349:             }
 350:         }
 351:         }
 352:     }
 353:     } else {
 354:     k = findword(cmd, ISALIAS);
 355:     if (k == nil) {
 356:         printf("\n");
 357:     } else {
 358:         printparams(k->value.alias.paramlist);
 359:         printf("%s\n", k->value.alias.expansion);
 360:     }
 361:     }
 362: }
 364: private printparams (pl)
 365: List pl;
 366: {
 367:     Name n;
 369:     if (pl != nil) {
 370:     printf("(");
 371:     foreach(Name, n, pl)
 372:         printf("%s", ident(n));
 373:         if (not list_islast()) {
 374:         printf(", ");
 375:         }
 376:     endfor
 377:     printf(")");
 378:     }
 379: }
 381: /*
 382:  * Remove an alias.
 383:  */
 385: public unalias (n)
 386: Name n;
 387: {
 388:     if (not keywords_delete(n, ISALIAS)) {
 389:     error("%s is not aliased", ident(n));
 390:     }
 391: }
 393: /*
 394:  * Define a variable.
 395:  */
 397: public defvar (n, val)
 398: Name n;
 399: Node val;
 400: {
 401:     Keyword k;
 403:     if (n == nil) {
 404:     print_vars();
 405:     } else {
 406:     if (lookup(n) != nil) {
 407:         error("\"%s\" is a program symbol -- use assign", ident(n));
 408:     }
 409:     k = findword(n, ISVAR);
 410:     if (k == nil) {
 411:         k = keywords_insert(n);
 412:     }
 413:     k->class = ISVAR;
 414:     k->value.var = val;
 415:     if (n == identname("$mapaddrs", true)) {
 416:         vaddrs = true;
 417:     }
 418:     }
 419: }
 421: /*
 422:  * Return the value associated with a variable.
 423:  */
 425: public Node findvar (n)
 426: Name n;
 427: {
 428:     Keyword k;
 429:     Node val;
 431:     k = findword(n, ISVAR);
 432:     if (k == nil) {
 433:     val = nil;
 434:     } else {
 435:     val = k->value.var;
 436:     }
 437:     return val;
 438: }
 440: /*
 441:  * Return whether or not a variable is set.
 442:  */
 444: public boolean varIsSet (s)
 445: String s;
 446: {
 447:     return (boolean) (findword(identname(s, false), ISVAR) != nil);
 448: }
 450: /*
 451:  * Delete a variable.
 452:  */
 454: public undefvar (n)
 455: Name n;
 456: {
 457:     if (not keywords_delete(n, ISVAR)) {
 458:     error("%s is not set", ident(n));
 459:     }
 460:     if (n == identname("$mapaddrs", true)) {
 461:     vaddrs = false;
 462:     }
 463: }
 465: /*
 466:  * Print out all the values of set variables.
 467:  */
 469: private print_vars ()
 470: {
 471:     register integer i;
 472:     register Keyword k;
 474:     for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
 475:     for (k = hashtab[i]; k != nil; k = k->chain) {
 476:         if (k->class == ISVAR) {
 477:         if (isredirected()) {
 478:             printf("set ");
 479:         }
 480:         printf("%s", ident(k->name));
 481:         if (k->value.var != nil) {
 482:             printf("\t");
 483:             prtree(stdout, k->value.var);
 484:         }
 485:         printf("\n");
 486:         }
 487:     }
 488:     }
 489: }

Defined functions

alias defined in line 306; used 18 times
defalias defined in line 224; used 13 times
defvar defined in line 397; used 4 times
enterkeywords defined in line 88; used 2 times
findalias defined in line 272; used 1 times
findkeyword defined in line 252; used 2 times
findvar defined in line 425; used 2 times
findword defined in line 234; used 7 times
keywdstring defined in line 295; used 1 times
keyword defined in line 207; used 1 times
  • in line 93
keywords_delete defined in line 173; used 2 times
keywords_free defined in line 117; never used
keywords_insert defined in line 137; used 3 times
keywords_lookup defined in line 155; used 1 times
print_alias defined in line 330; used 1 times
print_vars defined in line 469; used 1 times
printparams defined in line 364; used 4 times
unalias defined in line 385; used 1 times
undefvar defined in line 454; used 1 times

Defined variables

hashtab defined in line 76; used 9 times
rcsid defined in line 11; never used
reserved defined in line 34; used 2 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used

Defined struct's

Keyword defined in line 55; used 2 times
  • in line 71(2)

Defined typedef's

Hashvalue defined in line 74; used 3 times
Keyword defined in line 72; used 18 times

Defined macros

HASHTABLESIZE defined in line 51; used 5 times
hash defined in line 78; used 3 times
Last modified: 1985-06-05
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 2003
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