1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)pascal.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: pascal.c,v 1.5 84/12/26 10:41:18 linton Exp $";
  13: /*
  14:  * Pascal-dependent symbol routines.
  15:  */
  17: #include "defs.h"
  18: #include "symbols.h"
  19: #include "pascal.h"
  20: #include "languages.h"
  21: #include "tree.h"
  22: #include "eval.h"
  23: #include "mappings.h"
  24: #include "process.h"
  25: #include "runtime.h"
  26: #include "machine.h"
  28: #ifndef public
  29: #endif
  31: private Language pasc;
  32: private boolean initialized;
  34: /*
  35:  * Initialize Pascal information.
  36:  */
  38: public pascal_init()
  39: {
  40:     pasc = language_define("pascal", ".p");
  41:     language_setop(pasc, L_PRINTDECL, pascal_printdecl);
  42:     language_setop(pasc, L_PRINTVAL, pascal_printval);
  43:     language_setop(pasc, L_TYPEMATCH, pascal_typematch);
  44:     language_setop(pasc, L_BUILDAREF, pascal_buildaref);
  45:     language_setop(pasc, L_EVALAREF, pascal_evalaref);
  46:     language_setop(pasc, L_MODINIT, pascal_modinit);
  47:     language_setop(pasc, L_HASMODULES, pascal_hasmodules);
  48:     language_setop(pasc, L_PASSADDR, pascal_passaddr);
  49:     initialized = false;
  50: }
  52: /*
  53:  * Typematch tests if two types are compatible.  The issue
  54:  * is a bit complicated, so several subfunctions are used for
  55:  * various kinds of compatibility.
  56:  */
  58: private boolean builtinmatch (t1, t2)
  59: register Symbol t1, t2;
  60: {
  61:     boolean b;
  63:     b = (boolean) (
  64:     (
  65:         t2 == t_int->type and
  66:         t1->class == RANGE and istypename(t1->type, "integer")
  67:     ) or (
  68:         t2 == t_char->type and
  69:         t1->class == RANGE and istypename(t1->type, "char")
  70:     ) or (
  71:         t2 == t_real->type and
  72:         t1->class == RANGE and istypename(t1->type, "real")
  73:     ) or (
  74:         t2 == t_boolean->type and
  75:         t1->class == RANGE and istypename(t1->type, "boolean")
  76:     )
  77:     );
  78:     return b;
  79: }
  81: private boolean rangematch (t1, t2)
  82: register Symbol t1, t2;
  83: {
  84:     boolean b;
  85:     register Symbol rt1, rt2;
  87:     if (t1->class == RANGE and t2->class == RANGE) {
  88:     rt1 = rtype(t1->type);
  89:     rt2 = rtype(t2->type);
  90:     b = (boolean) (rt1->type == rt2->type);
  91:     } else {
  92:     b = false;
  93:     }
  94:     return b;
  95: }
  97: private boolean nilMatch (t1, t2)
  98: register Symbol t1, t2;
  99: {
 100:     boolean b;
 102:     b = (boolean) (
 103:     (t1 == t_nil and t2->class == PTR) or
 104:     (t1->class == PTR and t2 == t_nil)
 105:     );
 106:     return b;
 107: }
 109: private boolean enumMatch (t1, t2)
 110: register Symbol t1, t2;
 111: {
 112:     boolean b;
 114:     b = (boolean) (
 115:     (t1->class == SCAL and t2->class == CONST and t2->type == t1) or
 116:     (t1->class == CONST and t2->class == SCAL and t1->type == t2)
 117:     );
 118:     return b;
 119: }
 121: private boolean isConstString (t)
 122: register Symbol t;
 123: {
 124:     boolean b;
 126:     b = (boolean) (
 127:     t->language == primlang and t->class == ARRAY and t->type == t_char
 128:     );
 129:     return b;
 130: }
 132: private boolean stringArrayMatch (t1, t2)
 133: register Symbol t1, t2;
 134: {
 135:     boolean b;
 137:     b = (boolean) (
 138:     (
 139:         isConstString(t1) and
 140:         t2->class == ARRAY and compatible(t2->type, t_char->type)
 141:     ) or (
 142:         isConstString(t2) and
 143:         t1->class == ARRAY and compatible(t1->type, t_char->type)
 144:     )
 145:     );
 146:     return b;
 147: }
 149: public boolean pascal_typematch (type1, type2)
 150: Symbol type1, type2;
 151: {
 152:     boolean b;
 153:     Symbol t1, t2, tmp;
 155:     t1 = rtype(type1);
 156:     t2 = rtype(type2);
 157:     if (t1 == t2) {
 158:     b = true;
 159:     } else {
 160:     if (t1 == t_char->type or t1 == t_int->type or
 161:         t1 == t_real->type or t1 == t_boolean->type
 162:     ) {
 163:         tmp = t1;
 164:         t1 = t2;
 165:         t2 = tmp;
 166:     }
 167:     b = (Boolean) (
 168:         builtinmatch(t1, t2) or rangematch(t1, t2) or
 169:         nilMatch(t1, t2) or enumMatch(t1, t2) or
 170:         stringArrayMatch(t1, t2)
 171:     );
 172:     }
 173:     return b;
 174: }
 176: /*
 177:  * Indent n spaces.
 178:  */
 180: private indent (n)
 181: int n;
 182: {
 183:     if (n > 0) {
 184:     printf("%*c", n, ' ');
 185:     }
 186: }
 188: public pascal_printdecl (s)
 189: Symbol s;
 190: {
 191:     register Symbol t;
 192:     Boolean semicolon;
 194:     semicolon = true;
 195:     if (s->class == TYPEREF) {
 196:     resolveRef(t);
 197:     }
 198:     switch (s->class) {
 199:     case CONST:
 200:         if (s->type->class == SCAL) {
 201:         semicolon = false;
 202:         printf("enum constant, ord ");
 203:         eval(s->symvalue.constval);
 204:         pascal_printval(s);
 205:         } else {
 206:         printf("const %s = ", symname(s));
 207:         eval(s->symvalue.constval);
 208:         pascal_printval(s);
 209:         }
 210:         break;
 212:     case TYPE:
 213:         printf("type %s = ", symname(s));
 214:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 215:         break;
 217:     case TYPEREF:
 218:         printf("type %s", symname(s));
 219:         break;
 221:     case VAR:
 222:         if (isparam(s)) {
 223:         printf("(parameter) %s : ", symname(s));
 224:         } else {
 225:         printf("var %s : ", symname(s));
 226:         }
 227:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 228:         break;
 230:     case REF:
 231:         printf("(var parameter) %s : ", symname(s));
 232:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 233:         break;
 235:     case RANGE:
 236:     case ARRAY:
 237:     case RECORD:
 238:     case VARNT:
 239:     case PTR:
 240:     case FILET:
 241:         printtype(s, s, 0);
 242:         semicolon = false;
 243:         break;
 245:     case FVAR:
 246:         printf("(function variable) %s : ", symname(s));
 247:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 248:         break;
 250:     case FIELD:
 251:         printf("(field) %s : ", symname(s));
 252:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 253:         break;
 255:     case PROC:
 256:         printf("procedure %s", symname(s));
 257:         listparams(s);
 258:         break;
 260:     case PROG:
 261:         printf("program %s", symname(s));
 262:         listparams(s);
 263:         break;
 265:     case FUNC:
 266:         printf("function %s", symname(s));
 267:         listparams(s);
 268:         printf(" : ");
 269:         printtype(s, s->type, 0);
 270:         break;
 272:     case MODULE:
 273:         printf("module %s", symname(s));
 274:         break;
 276:       /*
 277: 	   * the parameter list of the following should be printed
 278: 	   * eventually
 279: 	   */
 280:     case  FPROC:
 281:         printf("procedure %s()", symname(s));
 282:         break;
 284:     case FFUNC:
 285:         printf("function %s()", symname(s));
 286:         break;
 288:     default:
 289:         printf("%s : (class %s)", symname(s), classname(s));
 290:         break;
 291:     }
 292:     if (semicolon) {
 293:     putchar(';');
 294:     }
 295:     putchar('\n');
 296: }
 298: /*
 299:  * Recursive whiz-bang procedure to print the type portion
 300:  * of a declaration.
 301:  *
 302:  * The symbol associated with the type is passed to allow
 303:  * searching for type names without getting "type blah = blah".
 304:  */
 306: private printtype (s, t, n)
 307: Symbol s;
 308: Symbol t;
 309: int n;
 310: {
 311:     register Symbol tmp;
 313:     if (t->class == TYPEREF) {
 314:     resolveRef(t);
 315:     }
 316:     switch (t->class) {
 317:     case VAR:
 318:     case CONST:
 319:     case FUNC:
 320:     case PROC:
 321:         panic("printtype: class %s", classname(t));
 322:         break;
 324:     case ARRAY:
 325:         printf("array[");
 326:         tmp = t->chain;
 327:         if (tmp != nil) {
 328:         for (;;) {
 329:             printtype(tmp, tmp, n);
 330:             tmp = tmp->chain;
 331:             if (tmp == nil) {
 332:             break;
 333:             }
 334:             printf(", ");
 335:         }
 336:         }
 337:         printf("] of ");
 338:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 339:         break;
 341:     case RECORD:
 342:         printRecordDecl(t, n);
 343:         break;
 345:     case FIELD:
 346:         if (t->chain != nil) {
 347:         printtype(t->chain, t->chain, n);
 348:         }
 349:         printf("\t%s : ", symname(t));
 350:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 351:         printf(";\n");
 352:         break;
 354:     case RANGE:
 355:         printRangeDecl(t);
 356:         break;
 358:     case PTR:
 359:         printf("^");
 360:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 361:         break;
 363:     case TYPE:
 364:         if (t->name != nil and ident(t->name)[0] != '\0') {
 365:         printname(stdout, t);
 366:         } else {
 367:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 368:         }
 369:         break;
 371:     case SCAL:
 372:         printEnumDecl(t, n);
 373:         break;
 375:     case SET:
 376:         printf("set of ");
 377:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 378:         break;
 380:     case FILET:
 381:         printf("file of ");
 382:         printtype(t, t->type, n);
 383:         break;
 385:     case TYPEREF:
 386:         break;
 388:     case FPROC:
 389:         printf("procedure");
 390:         break;
 392:     case FFUNC:
 393:         printf("function");
 394:         break;
 396:     default:
 397:         printf("(class %d)", t->class);
 398:         break;
 399:     }
 400: }
 402: /*
 403:  * Print out a record declaration.
 404:  */
 406: private printRecordDecl (t, n)
 407: Symbol t;
 408: int n;
 409: {
 410:     register Symbol f;
 412:     if (t->chain == nil) {
 413:     printf("record end");
 414:     } else {
 415:     printf("record\n");
 416:     for (f = t->chain; f != nil; f = f->chain) {
 417:         indent(n+4);
 418:         printf("%s : ", symname(f));
 419:         printtype(f->type, f->type, n+4);
 420:         printf(";\n");
 421:     }
 422:     indent(n);
 423:     printf("end");
 424:     }
 425: }
 427: /*
 428:  * Print out the declaration of a range type.
 429:  */
 431: private printRangeDecl (t)
 432: Symbol t;
 433: {
 434:     long r0, r1;
 436:     r0 = t->symvalue.rangev.lower;
 437:     r1 = t->symvalue.rangev.upper;
 438:     if (t == t_char or istypename(t, "char")) {
 439:     if (r0 < 0x20 or r0 > 0x7e) {
 440:         printf("%ld..", r0);
 441:     } else {
 442:         printf("'%c'..", (char) r0);
 443:     }
 444:     if (r1 < 0x20 or r1 > 0x7e) {
 445:         printf("\\%lo", r1);
 446:     } else {
 447:         printf("'%c'", (char) r1);
 448:     }
 449:     } else if (r0 > 0 and r1 == 0) {
 450:     printf("%ld byte real", r0);
 451:     } else if (r0 >= 0) {
 452:     printf("%lu..%lu", r0, r1);
 453:     } else {
 454:     printf("%ld..%ld", r0, r1);
 455:     }
 456: }
 458: /*
 459:  * Print out an enumeration declaration.
 460:  */
 462: private printEnumDecl (e, n)
 463: Symbol e;
 464: int n;
 465: {
 466:     Symbol t;
 468:     printf("(");
 469:     t = e->chain;
 470:     if (t != nil) {
 471:     printf("%s", symname(t));
 472:     t = t->chain;
 473:     while (t != nil) {
 474:         printf(", %s", symname(t));
 475:         t = t->chain;
 476:     }
 477:     }
 478:     printf(")");
 479: }
 481: /*
 482:  * List the parameters of a procedure or function.
 483:  * No attempt is made to combine like types.
 484:  */
 486: private listparams(s)
 487: Symbol s;
 488: {
 489:     Symbol t;
 491:     if (s->chain != nil) {
 492:     putchar('(');
 493:     for (t = s->chain; t != nil; t = t->chain) {
 494:         switch (t->class) {
 495:         case REF:
 496:             printf("var ");
 497:             break;
 499:         case VAR:
 500:             break;
 502:         default:
 503:             panic("unexpected class %d for parameter", t->class);
 504:         }
 505:         printf("%s : ", symname(t));
 506:         printtype(t, t->type);
 507:         if (t->chain != nil) {
 508:         printf("; ");
 509:         }
 510:     }
 511:     putchar(')');
 512:     }
 513: }
 515: /*
 516:  * Print out the value on the top of the expression stack
 517:  * in the format for the type of the given symbol.
 518:  */
 520: public pascal_printval (s)
 521: Symbol s;
 522: {
 523:     prval(s, size(s));
 524: }
 526: private prval (s, n)
 527: Symbol s;
 528: integer n;
 529: {
 530:     Symbol t;
 531:     Address a;
 532:     integer len;
 533:     double r;
 534:     integer i;
 536:     if (s->class == TYPEREF) {
 537:     resolveRef(s);
 538:     }
 539:     switch (s->class) {
 540:     case CONST:
 541:     case TYPE:
 542:     case REF:
 543:     case VAR:
 544:     case FVAR:
 545:     case TAG:
 546:         prval(s->type, n);
 547:         break;
 549:     case FIELD:
 550:         prval(s->type, n);
 551:         break;
 553:     case ARRAY:
 554:         t = rtype(s->type);
 555:         if (t == t_char->type or
 556:         (t->class == RANGE and istypename(t->type, "char"))
 557:         ) {
 558:         len = size(s);
 559:         sp -= len;
 560:         printf("'%.*s'", len, sp);
 561:         break;
 562:         } else {
 563:         printarray(s);
 564:         }
 565:         break;
 567:     case RECORD:
 568:         printrecord(s);
 569:         break;
 571:     case VARNT:
 572:         printf("[variant]");
 573:         break;
 575:     case RANGE:
 576:         printrange(s, n);
 577:         break;
 579:     case FILET:
 580:         a = pop(Address);
 581:         if (a == 0) {
 582:         printf("nil");
 583:         } else {
 584:         printf("0x%x", a);
 585:         }
 586:         break;
 588:     case PTR:
 589:         a = pop(Address);
 590:         if (a == 0) {
 591:         printf("nil");
 592:         } else {
 593:         printf("0x%x", a);
 594:         }
 595:         break;
 597:     case SCAL:
 598:         i = 0;
 599:         popn(n, &i);
 600:         if (s->symvalue.iconval < 256) {
 601:         i &= 0xff;
 602:         } else if (s->symvalue.iconval < 65536) {
 603:         i &= 0xffff;
 604:         }
 605:         printEnum(i, s);
 606:         break;
 608:     case FPROC:
 609:     case FFUNC:
 610:         a = pop(long);
 611:         t = whatblock(a);
 612:         if (t == nil) {
 613:         printf("(proc 0x%x)", a);
 614:         } else {
 615:         printf("%s", symname(t));
 616:         }
 617:         break;
 619:     case SET:
 620:         printSet(s);
 621:         break;
 623:     default:
 624:         if (ord(s->class) < ord(BADUSE) or ord(s->class) > ord(TYPEREF)) {
 625:         panic("printval: bad class %d", ord(s->class));
 626:         }
 627:         printf("[%s]", classname(s));
 628:         break;
 629:     }
 630: }
 632: /*
 633:  * Print out the value of a scalar (non-enumeration) type.
 634:  */
 636: private printrange (s, n)
 637: Symbol s;
 638: integer n;
 639: {
 640:     double d;
 641:     float f;
 642:     integer i;
 644:     if (s->symvalue.rangev.upper == 0 and s->symvalue.rangev.lower > 0) {
 645:     if (n == sizeof(float)) {
 646:         popn(n, &f);
 647:         d = f;
 648:     } else {
 649:         popn(n, &d);
 650:     }
 651:     prtreal(d);
 652:     } else {
 653:     i = 0;
 654:     popn(n, &i);
 655:     printRangeVal(i, s);
 656:     }
 657: }
 659: /*
 660:  * Print out a set.
 661:  */
 663: private printSet (s)
 664: Symbol s;
 665: {
 666:     Symbol t;
 667:     integer nbytes;
 669:     nbytes = size(s);
 670:     t = rtype(s->type);
 671:     printf("[");
 672:     sp -= nbytes;
 673:     if (t->class == SCAL) {
 674:     printSetOfEnum(t);
 675:     } else if (t->class == RANGE) {
 676:     printSetOfRange(t);
 677:     } else {
 678:     error("internal error: expected range or enumerated base type for set");
 679:     }
 680:     printf("]");
 681: }
 683: /*
 684:  * Print out a set of an enumeration.
 685:  */
 687: private printSetOfEnum (t)
 688: Symbol t;
 689: {
 690:     register Symbol e;
 691:     register integer i, j, *p;
 692:     boolean first;
 694:     p = (int *) sp;
 695:     i = *p;
 696:     j = 0;
 697:     e = t->chain;
 698:     first = true;
 699:     while (e != nil) {
 700:     if ((i&1) == 1) {
 701:         if (first) {
 702:         first = false;
 703:         printf("%s", symname(e));
 704:         } else {
 705:         printf(", %s", symname(e));
 706:         }
 707:     }
 708:     i >>= 1;
 709:     ++j;
 710:     if (j >= sizeof(integer)*BITSPERBYTE) {
 711:         j = 0;
 712:         ++p;
 713:         i = *p;
 714:     }
 715:     e = e->chain;
 716:     }
 717: }
 719: /*
 720:  * Print out a set of a subrange type.
 721:  */
 723: private printSetOfRange (t)
 724: Symbol t;
 725: {
 726:     register integer i, j, *p;
 727:     long v;
 728:     boolean first;
 730:     p = (int *) sp;
 731:     i = *p;
 732:     j = 0;
 733:     v = t->symvalue.rangev.lower;
 734:     first = true;
 735:     while (v <= t->symvalue.rangev.upper) {
 736:     if ((i&1) == 1) {
 737:         if (first) {
 738:         first = false;
 739:         printf("%ld", v);
 740:         } else {
 741:         printf(", %ld", v);
 742:         }
 743:     }
 744:     i >>= 1;
 745:     ++j;
 746:     if (j >= sizeof(integer)*BITSPERBYTE) {
 747:         j = 0;
 748:         ++p;
 749:         i = *p;
 750:     }
 751:     ++v;
 752:     }
 753: }
 755: /*
 756:  * Construct a node for subscripting.
 757:  */
 759: public Node pascal_buildaref (a, slist)
 760: Node a, slist;
 761: {
 762:     register Symbol t;
 763:     register Node p;
 764:     Symbol etype, atype, eltype;
 765:     Node esub, r;
 767:     t = rtype(a->nodetype);
 768:     if (t->class != ARRAY) {
 769:     beginerrmsg();
 770:     prtree(stderr, a);
 771:     fprintf(stderr, " is not an array");
 772:     enderrmsg();
 773:     } else {
 774:     r = a;
 775:     eltype = t->type;
 776:     p = slist;
 777:     t = t->chain;
 778:     for (; p != nil and t != nil; p = p->value.arg[1], t = t->chain) {
 779:         esub = p->value.arg[0];
 780:         etype = rtype(esub->nodetype);
 781:         atype = rtype(t);
 782:         if (not compatible(atype, etype)) {
 783:         beginerrmsg();
 784:         fprintf(stderr, "subscript ");
 785:         prtree(stderr, esub);
 786:         fprintf(stderr, " is the wrong type");
 787:         enderrmsg();
 788:         }
 789:         r = build(O_INDEX, r, esub);
 790:         r->nodetype = eltype;
 791:     }
 792:     if (p != nil or t != nil) {
 793:         beginerrmsg();
 794:         if (p != nil) {
 795:         fprintf(stderr, "too many subscripts for ");
 796:         } else {
 797:         fprintf(stderr, "not enough subscripts for ");
 798:         }
 799:         prtree(stderr, a);
 800:         enderrmsg();
 801:     }
 802:     }
 803:     return r;
 804: }
 806: /*
 807:  * Evaluate a subscript index.
 808:  */
 810: public pascal_evalaref (s, base, i)
 811: Symbol s;
 812: Address base;
 813: long i;
 814: {
 815:     Symbol t;
 816:     long lb, ub;
 818:     t = rtype(s);
 819:     s = rtype(t->chain);
 820:     findbounds(s, &lb, &ub);
 821:     if (i < lb or i > ub) {
 822:     error("subscript %d out of range [%d..%d]", i, lb, ub);
 823:     }
 824:     push(long, base + (i - lb) * size(t->type));
 825: }
 827: /*
 828:  * Initial Pascal type information.
 829:  */
 831: #define NTYPES 4
 833: private Symbol inittype[NTYPES + 1];
 835: private addType (n, s, lower, upper)
 836: integer n;
 837: String s;
 838: long lower, upper;
 839: {
 840:     register Symbol t;
 842:     if (n > NTYPES) {
 843:     panic("initial Pascal type number too large for '%s'", s);
 844:     }
 845:     t = insert(identname(s, true));
 846:     t->language = pasc;
 847:     t->class = TYPE;
 848:     t->type = newSymbol(nil, 0, RANGE, t, nil);
 849:     t->type->symvalue.rangev.lower = lower;
 850:     t->type->symvalue.rangev.upper = upper;
 851:     t->type->language = pasc;
 852:     inittype[n] = t;
 853: }
 855: private initTypes ()
 856: {
 857:     addType(1, "boolean", 0L, 1L);
 858:     addType(2, "char", 0L, 255L);
 859:     addType(3, "integer", 0x80000000L, 0x7fffffffL);
 860:     addType(4, "real", 8L, 0L);
 861:     initialized = true;
 862: }
 864: /*
 865:  * Initialize typetable.
 866:  */
 868: public pascal_modinit (typetable)
 869: Symbol typetable[];
 870: {
 871:     register integer i;
 873:     if (not initialized) {
 874:     initTypes();
 875:     initialized = true;
 876:     }
 877:     for (i = 1; i <= NTYPES; i++) {
 878:     typetable[i] = inittype[i];
 879:     }
 880: }
 882: public boolean pascal_hasmodules ()
 883: {
 884:     return false;
 885: }
 887: public boolean pascal_passaddr (param, exprtype)
 888: Symbol param, exprtype;
 889: {
 890:     return false;
 891: }

Defined functions

addType defined in line 835; used 4 times
builtinmatch defined in line 58; used 1 times
enumMatch defined in line 109; used 1 times
indent defined in line 180; used 2 times
initTypes defined in line 855; used 1 times
isConstString defined in line 121; used 2 times
listparams defined in line 486; used 3 times
nilMatch defined in line 97; used 1 times
pascal_buildaref defined in line 759; used 1 times
  • in line 44
pascal_evalaref defined in line 810; used 1 times
  • in line 45
pascal_hasmodules defined in line 882; used 1 times
  • in line 47
pascal_init defined in line 38; used 1 times
pascal_modinit defined in line 868; used 1 times
  • in line 46
pascal_passaddr defined in line 887; used 1 times
  • in line 48
pascal_printdecl defined in line 188; used 1 times
  • in line 41
pascal_printval defined in line 520; used 3 times
pascal_typematch defined in line 149; used 1 times
  • in line 43
printEnumDecl defined in line 462; used 1 times
printRangeDecl defined in line 431; used 1 times
printRecordDecl defined in line 406; used 1 times
printSet defined in line 663; used 1 times
printSetOfEnum defined in line 687; used 1 times
printSetOfRange defined in line 723; used 1 times
printrange defined in line 636; used 1 times
printtype defined in line 306; used 17 times
prval defined in line 526; used 3 times
rangematch defined in line 81; used 1 times
stringArrayMatch defined in line 132; used 1 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 11; never used
sccsid defined in line 8; never used

Defined macros

NTYPES defined in line 831; used 3 times
Last modified: 1985-05-31
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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