CHAPTER 8 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8.1. valid function objects There are many different objects which can occupy the function field of a symbol object. Table 8.1, on the following page, shows all of the possibilities, how to recognize them, and where to look for documen- tation. 8.2. functions The basic Lisp function is the lambda function. When a lambda function is called, the actual arguments are evaluated from left to right and are lambda-bound to the formal parameters of the lambda function. An nlambda function is usually used for functions which are invoked by the user at top level. Some built-in functions which evaluate their arguments in special ways are also nlambdas (e.g _c_o_n_d, _d_o, _o_r). When an nlambda function is called, the list of unevaluated arguments is lambda bound to the single formal parameter of the nlambda function. Some programmers will use an nlambda function when they are not sure how many arguments will be passed. Then, the first thing the nlambda function does is map _e_v_a_l over the list of unevaluated argu- ments it has been passed. This is usually the wrong thing to do, as it will not work compiled if any of the arguments are local variables. The solution is to use a lexpr. When a lexpr function is called, the arguments are evaluated and a fixnum whose value is the number of arguments is lambda-bound to the single formal parameter of the lexpr function. The lexpr can then access the arguments using the _a_r_g function. When a function is compiled, _s_p_e_c_i_a_l declarations may be needed to preserve its behavior. An argument is not lambda-bound to the name of the corresponding formal parameter unless that formal parameter has been declared _s_p_e_c_i_a_l (see Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-1 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-2 8_________________________________________________________________ informal name object type documentation 8__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ interpreted list with _c_a_r 8.2 lambda function _e_q to lambda 8_________________________________________________________________ interpreted list with _c_a_r 8.2 nlambda function _e_q to nlambda 8_________________________________________________________________ interpreted list with _c_a_r 8.2 lexpr function _e_q to lexpr 8_________________________________________________________________ interpreted list with _c_a_r 8.3 macro _e_q to macro 8_________________________________________________________________ fclosure vector with _v_p_r_o_p 8.4 _e_q to fclosure 8_________________________________________________________________ compiled binary with discipline 8.2 lambda or lexpr _e_q to lambda function 8_________________________________________________________________ compiled binary with discipline 8.2 nlambda function _e_q to nlambda 8_________________________________________________________________ compiled binary with discipline 8.3 macro _e_q to macro 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 subroutine of "subroutine"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 function of "function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 integer function of "integer-function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 real function of "real-function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 C function of "c-function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 double function of "double-c-function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ foreign binary with discipline 8.5 structure function of "vector-c-function"[|-] 8_________________________________________________________________ array array object 9 8_________________________________________________________________ 7|8|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 |8|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 |8|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 |8|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| 9 Table 8.1 ____________________ 9 [|-]Only the first character of the string is significant (i.e "s" is ok for "subroutine") 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-3 Lambda and lexpr functions both compile into a binary object with a discipline of lambda. However, a compiled lexpr still acts like an interpreted lexpr. 8.3. macros An important feature of Lisp is its ability to manipulate programs as data. As a result of this, most Lisp implementations have very powerful macro facilities. The Lisp language's macro facility can be used to incorporate popular features of the other languages into Lisp. For example, there are macro packages which allow one to create records (ala Pas- cal) and refer to elements of those records by the field names. The _s_t_r_u_c_t package imported from Maclisp does this. Another popular use for macros is to create more readable control structures which expand into _c_o_n_d, _o_r and _a_n_d. One such example is the If macro. It allows you to write (_I_f (_e_q_u_a_l _n_u_m_b _0) _t_h_e_n (_p_r_i_n_t '_z_e_r_o) (_t_e_r_p_r) _e_l_s_e_i_f (_e_q_u_a_l _n_u_m_b _1) _t_h_e_n (_p_r_i_n_t '_o_n_e) (_t_e_r_p_r) _e_l_s_e (_p_r_i_n_t '|_I _g_i_v_e _u_p|)) which expands to (_c_o_n_d ((_e_q_u_a_l _n_u_m_b _0) (_p_r_i_n_t '_z_e_r_o) (_t_e_r_p_r)) ((_e_q_u_a_l _n_u_m_b _1) (_p_r_i_n_t '_o_n_e) (_t_e_r_p_r)) (_t (_p_r_i_n_t '|_I _g_i_v_e _u_p|))) 8.3.1. macro forms A macro is a function which accepts a Lisp expression as input and returns another Lisp expression. The action the macro takes is called macro expansion. Here is a simple example: -> (_d_e_f _f_i_r_s_t (_m_a_c_r_o (_x) (_c_o_n_s '_c_a_r (_c_d_r _x)))) first -> (_f_i_r_s_t '(_a _b _c)) a -> (_a_p_p_l_y '_f_i_r_s_t '(_f_i_r_s_t '(_a _b _c))) (car '(a b c)) The first input line defines a macro called _f_i_r_s_t. Notice that the macro has one formal parameter, _x. On the second input line, we ask the interpreter to Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-4 evaluate (_f_i_r_s_t '(_a _b _c)). _E_v_a_l sees that _f_i_r_s_t has a function definition of type macro, so it evaluates _f_i_r_s_t's definition, passing to _f_i_r_s_t, as an argument, the form _e_v_a_l itself was trying to evaluate: (_f_i_r_s_t '(_a _b _c)). The _f_i_r_s_t macro chops off the car of the argument with _c_d_r, cons' a _c_a_r at the beginning of the list and returns (_c_a_r '(_a _b _c)), which _e_v_a_l evaluates. The value _a is returned as the value of (_f_i_r_s_t '(_a _b _c)). Thus whenever _e_v_a_l tries to evaluate a list whose car has a macro definition it ends up doing (at least) two operations, the first of which is a call to the macro to let it macro expand the form, and the other is the evaluation of the result of the macro. The result of the macro may be yet another call to a macro, so _e_v_a_l may have to do even more evalua- tions until it can finally determine the value of an expression. One way to see how a macro will expand is to use _a_p_p_l_y as shown on the third input line above. 8.3.2. defmacro The macro _d_e_f_m_a_c_r_o makes it easier to define macros because it allows you to name the arguments to the macro call. For example, suppose we find ourselves often writing code like (_s_e_t_q _s_t_a_c_k (_c_o_n_s _n_e_w_e_l_t _s_t_a_c_k). We could define a macro named _p_u_s_h to do this for us. One way to define it is: -> (_d_e_f _p_u_s_h (_m_a_c_r_o (_x) (_l_i_s_t '_s_e_t_q (_c_a_d_d_r _x) (_l_i_s_t '_c_o_n_s (_c_a_d_r _x) (_c_a_d_d_r _x))))) push then (_p_u_s_h _n_e_w_e_l_t _s_t_a_c_k) will expand to the form mentioned above. The same macro written using def- macro would be: -> (_d_e_f_m_a_c_r_o _p_u_s_h (_v_a_l_u_e _s_t_a_c_k) (_l_i_s_t '_s_e_t_q ,_s_t_a_c_k (_l_i_s_t '_c_o_n_s ,_v_a_l_u_e ,_s_t_a_c_k))) push Defmacro allows you to name the arguments of the macro call, and makes the macro definition look more like a function definition. 9 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-5 8.3.3. the backquote character macro The default syntax for FRANZ LISP has four characters with associated character macros. One is semicolon for comments. Two others are the backquote and comma which are used by the backquote character macro. The fourth is the sharp sign macro described in the next section. The backquote macro is used to create lists where many of the elements are fixed (quoted). This makes it very useful for creating macro defini- tions. In the simplest case, a backquote acts just like a single quote: ->`(_a _b _c _d _e) (a b c d e) If a comma precedes an element of a backquoted list then that element is evaluated and its value is put in the list. ->(_s_e_t_q _d '(_x _y _z)) (x y z) ->`(_a _b _c ,_d _e) (a b c (x y z) e) If a comma followed by an at sign precedes an ele- ment in a backquoted list, then that element is evaluated and spliced into the list with _a_p_p_e_n_d. ->`(_a _b _c ,@_d _e) (a b c x y z e) Once a list begins with a backquote, the commas may appear anywhere in the list as this example shows: ->`(_a _b (_c _d ,(_c_d_r _d)) (_e _f (_g _h ,@(_c_d_d_r _d) ,@_d))) (a b (c d (y z)) (e f (g h z x y z))) It is also possible and sometimes even useful to use the backquote macro within itself. As a final demonstration of the backquote macro, we shall define the first and push macros using all the power at our disposal: defmacro and the backquote macro. ->(_d_e_f_m_a_c_r_o _f_i_r_s_t (_l_i_s_t) `(_c_a_r ,_l_i_s_t)) first ->(_d_e_f_m_a_c_r_o _p_u_s_h (_v_a_l_u_e _s_t_a_c_k) `(_s_e_t_q ,_s_t_a_c_k (_c_o_n_s ,_v_a_l_u_e ,_s_t_a_c_k))) stack 9 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-6 8.3.4. sharp sign character macro The sharp sign macro can perform a number of different functions at read time. The character directly following the sharp sign determines which function will be done, and following Lisp s- expressions may serve as arguments. conditional inclusion If you plan to run one source file in more than one environment then you may want to some pieces of code to be included or not included depend- ing on the environment. The C language uses "#ifdef" and "#ifndef" for this purpose, and Lisp uses "#+" and "#-". The environment that the sharp sign macro checks is the (_s_t_a_t_u_s _f_e_a_t_u_r_e_s) list which is initialized when the Lisp system is built and which may be altered by (_s_s_t_a_t_u_s _f_e_a_t_u_r_e _f_o_o) and (_s_s_t_a_t_u_s _n_o_f_e_a_t_u_r_e _b_a_r) The form of conditional inclusion is _#_+_w_h_e_n _w_h_a_t where _w_h_e_n is either a symbol or an expression involving symbols and the functions _a_n_d, _o_r, and _n_o_t. The meaning is that _w_h_a_t will only be read in if _w_h_e_n is true. A symbol in _w_h_e_n is true only if it appears in the (_s_t_a_t_u_s _f_e_a_t_u_r_e_s) list. ____________________________________________________ ; suppose we want to write a program which references a file ; and which can run at ucb, ucsd and cmu where the file naming conventions ; are different. ; -> (_d_e_f_u_n _h_o_w_o_l_d (_n_a_m_e) (_t_e_r_p_r) (_l_o_a_d #+(_o_r _u_c_b _u_c_s_d) "/_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_l_i_s_p/_a_g_e_s._l" #+_c_m_u "/_u_s_r/_l_i_s_p/_d_o_c/_a_g_e_s._l") (_p_a_t_o_m _n_a_m_e) (_p_a_t_o_m " _i_s ") (_p_r_i_n_t (_c_d_r (_a_s_s_o_c _n_a_m_e _a_g_e_f_i_l_e))) (_p_a_t_o_m "_y_e_a_r_s _o_l_d") (_t_e_r_p_r)) ____________________________________________________ The form Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-7 _#_-_w_h_e_n _w_h_a_t is equivalent to _#_+_(_n_o_t _w_h_e_n_) _w_h_a_t fixnum character equivalents When working with fixnum equivalents of charac- ters, it is often hard to remember the number corresponding to a character. The form _#_/_c is equivalent to the fixnum representation of character c. ____________________________________________________ ; a function which returns t if the user types y else it returns nil. ; -> (_d_e_f_u_n _y_e_s_o_r_n_o _n_i_l (_p_r_o_g_n (_a_n_s) (_s_e_t_q _a_n_s (_t_y_i)) (_c_o_n_d ((_e_q_u_a_l _a_n_s #/_y) _t) (_t _n_i_l)))) ____________________________________________________ read time evaluation Occasionally you want to express a constant as a Lisp expression, yet you don't want to pay the penalty of evaluating this expression each time it is referenced. The form _#_._e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n evaluates the expression at read time and returns its value. 9 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-8 ____________________________________________________ ; a function to test if any of bits 1 3 or 12 are set in a fixnum. ; -> (_d_e_f_u_n _t_e_s_t_i_t (_n_u_m) (_c_o_n_d ((_z_e_r_o_p (_b_o_o_l_e _1 _n_u_m #.(+ (_l_s_h _1 _1) (_l_s_h _1 _3) (_l_s_h _1 _1_2)))) _n_i_l) (_t _t))) ____________________________________________________ 8.4. fclosures Fclosures are a type of functional object. The purpose is to remember the values of some variables between invocations of the functional object and to protect this data from being inadvertently overwritten by other Lisp functions. Fortran programs usually exhibit this behavior for their variables. (In fact, some versions of Fortran would require the variables to be in COMMON). Thus it is easy to write a linear congruent random number generator in Fortran, merely by keeping the seed as a variable in the function. It is much more risky to do so in Lisp, since any special variable you picked, might be used by some other func- tion. Fclosures are an attempt to provide most of the same functionality as closures in Lisp Machine Lisp, to users of FRANZ LISP. Fclosures are related to clo- sures in this way: (fclosure '(a b) 'foo) <==> (let ((a a) (b b)) (closure '(a b) 'foo)) 8.4.1. an example ____________________________________________________________ % lisp Franz Lisp, Opus 38.60 ->(defun code (me count) (print (list 'in x)) (setq x (+ 1 x)) (cond ((greaterp count 1) (funcall me me (sub1 count)))) (print (list 'out x))) code ->(defun tester (object count) (funcall object object count) (terpri)) Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-9 tester ->(setq x 0) 0 ->(setq z (fclosure '(x) 'code)) fclosure[8] -> (tester z 3) (in 0)(in 1)(in 2)(out 3)(out 3)(out 3) nil ->x 0 ____________________________________________________________ The function _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e creates a new object that we will call an fclosure, (although it is actually a vector). The fclosure contains a func- tional object, and a set of symbols and values for the symbols. In the above example, the fclosure functional object is the function code. The set of symbols and values just contains the symbol `x' and zero, the value of `x' when the fclosure was created. When an fclosure is funcall'ed: 1) The Lisp system lambda binds the symbols in the fclosure to their values in the fclosure. 2) It continues the funcall on the functional object of the fclosure. 3) Finally, it un-lambda binds the symbols in the fclosure and at the same time stores the current values of the symbols in the fclosure. Notice that the fclosure is saving the value of the symbol `x'. Each time a fclosure is created, new space is allocated for saving the values of the symbols. Thus if we execute fclosure again, over the same function, we can have two independent counters: ____________________________________________________________ -> (setq zz (fclosure '(x) 'code)) fclosure[1] -> (tester zz 2) (in 0)(in 1)(out 2)(out 2) -> (tester zz 2) Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-10 (in 2)(in 3)(out 4)(out 4) -> (tester z 3) (in 3)(in 4)(in 5)(out 6)(out 6)(out 6) ____________________________________________________________ 8.4.2. useful functions Here are some quick some summaries of func- tions dealing with closures. They are more for- mally defined in 2.8.4. To recap, fclosures are made by (_f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e '_l__v_a_r_s '_g__f_u_n_c_o_b_j). l_vars is a list of symbols (not containing nil), g_funcobj is any object that can be funcalled. (Objects which can be funcalled, include compiled Lisp functions, lambda expressions, symbols, foreign functions, etc.) In general, if you want a compiled function to be closed over a variable, you must declare the variable to be special within the function. Another example would be: (fclosure '(a b) #'(lambda (x) (plus x a))) Here, the #' construction will make the compiler compile the lambda expression. There are times when you want to share vari- ables between fclosures. This can be done if the fclosures are created at the same time using _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e-_l_i_s_t. The function _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e-_a_l_i_s_t returns an assoc list giving the symbols and values in the fclosure. The predicate _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e_p returns t iff its argument is a fclosure. Other functions imported from Lisp Machine Lisp are _s_y_m_e_v_a_l-_i_n- _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e, _l_e_t-_f_c_l_o_s_e_d, and _s_e_t-_i_n-_f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e. Lastly, the function _f_c_l_o_s_u_r_e-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n returns the function argument. 8.4.3. internal structure Currently, closures are implemented as vec- tors, with property being the symbol fclosure. The functional object is the first entry. The remain- ing entries are structures which point to the sym- bols and values for the closure, (with a reference count to determine if a recursive closure is Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-11 active). 8.5. foreign subroutines and functions FRANZ LISP has the ability to dynamically load object files produced by other compilers and to call functions defined in those files. These functions are called _f_o_r_e_i_g_n functions.* There are seven types of foreign functions. They are characterized by the type of result they return, and by differences in the interpretation of their arguments. They come from two families: a group suited for languages which pass arguments by reference (e.g. Fortran), and a group suited for languages which pass arguments by value (e.g. C). There are four types in the first group: subroutine This does not return anything. The Lisp system always returns t after calling a subroutine. function This returns whatever the function returns. This must be a valid Lisp object or it may cause the Lisp system to fail. integer-function This returns an integer which the Lisp system makes into a fixnum and returns. real-function This returns a double precision real number which the Lisp system makes into a flonum and returns. There are three types in the second group: c-function This is like an integer function, except for its different interpretation of arguments. ____________________ 9 *This topic is also discussed in Report PAM-124 of the Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCB, entitled ``Parlez-Vous Franz? An Informal Introduction to Interfac- ing Foreign Functions to Franz LISP'', by James R. Larus 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-12 double-c-function This is like a real-function. vector-c-function This is for C functions which return a structure. The first argument to such functions must be a vector (of type vectori), into which the result is stored. The second Lisp argument becomes the first argument to the C function, and so on A foreign function is accessed through a binary object just like a compiled Lisp function. The difference is that the discipline field of a binary object for a foreign function is a string whose first character is given in the following table: 8 ____________________________ letter type 8 ________________________________________________________ s subroutine 8 ____________________________ f function 8 ____________________________ i integer-function 8 ____________________________ r real-function. 8 ____________________________ c c-function 8 ____________________________ v vector-c-function 8 ____________________________ d double-c-function 8 ____________________________ 7 |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| Two functions are provided for setting-up foreign functions. _C_f_a_s_l loads an object file into the Lisp system and sets up one foreign function binary object. If there are more than one function in an object file, _g_e_t_a_d_d_r_e_s_s can be used to set up additional foreign function objects. Foreign functions are called just like other functions, e.g (_f_u_n_n_a_m_e _a_r_g_1 _a_r_g_2). When a function in the Fortran group is called, the arguments are evaluated and then examined. List, hunk and symbol arguments are passed unchanged to the foreign func- tion. Fixnum and flonum arguments are copied into a temporary location and a pointer to the value is passed (this is because Fortran uses call by reference and it is dangerous to modify the contents of a fixnum or flonum which something else might point to). If the argument is an array object, the data field of the array object is passed to the foreign function (This is the easiest way to send large amounts of data to and receive large amounts of data from a foreign func- tion). If a binary object is an argument, the entry 9 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-13 field of that object is passed to the foreign function (the entry field is the address of a function, so this amounts to passing a function as an argument). When a function in the C group is called, fixnum and flownum arguments are passed by value. For almost all other arguments, the address is merely provided to the C routine. The only exception arises when you want to invoke a C routine which expects a ``struc- ture'' argument. Recall that a (rarely used) feature of the C language is the ability to pass structures by value. This copies the structure onto the stack. Since the Franz's nearest equivalent to a C structure is a vector, we provide an escape clause to copy the contents of an immediate-type vector by value. If the property field of a vectori argument, is the symbol "value-structure-argument", then the binary data of this immediate-type vector is copied into the argument list of the C routine. The method a foreign function uses to access the arguments provided by Lisp is dependent on the language of the foreign function. The following scripts demonstrate how how Lisp can interact with three languages: C, Pascal and Fortran. C and Pascal have pointer types and the first script shows how to use pointers to extract information from Lisp objects. There are two functions defined for each language. The first (cfoo in C, pfoo in Pascal) is given four arguments, a fixnum, a flonum-block array, a hunk of at least two fixnums and a list of at least two fix- nums. To demonstrate that the values were passed, each ?foo function prints its arguments (or parts of them). The ?foo function then modifies the second element of the flonum-block array and returns a 3 to Lisp. The second function (cmemq in C, pmemq in Pas- cal) acts just like the Lisp _m_e_m_q function (except it won't work for fixnums whereas the lisp _m_e_m_q will work for small fixnums). In the script, typed input is in bold, computer output is in roman and comments are in _i_t_a_l_i_c. ____________________________________________________________ _T_h_e_s_e _a_r_e _t_h_e _C _c_o_d_e_d _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s % cat ch8auxc.c /* demonstration of c coded foreign integer-function */ /* the following will be used to extract fixnums out of a list of fixnums */ struct listoffixnumscell { struct listoffixnumscell *cdr; int *fixnum; Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-14 }; struct listcell { struct listcell *cdr; int car; }; cfoo(a,b,c,d) int *a; double b[]; int *c[]; struct listoffixnumscell *d; { printf("a: %d, b[0]: %f, b[1]: %f0, *a, b[0], b[1]); printf(" c (first): %d c (second): %d0, *c[0],*c[1]); printf(" ( %d %d ... ) ", *(d->fixnum), *(d->cdr->fixnum)); b[1] = 3.1415926; return(3); } struct listcell * cmemq(element,list) int element; struct listcell *list; { for( ; list && element != list->car ; list = list->cdr); return(list); } _T_h_e_s_e _a_r_e _t_h_e _P_a_s_c_a_l _c_o_d_e_d _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s % cat ch8auxp.p type pinteger = ^integer; realarray = array[0..10] of real; pintarray = array[0..10] of pinteger; listoffixnumscell = record cdr : ^listoffixnumscell; fixnum : pinteger; end; plistcell = ^listcell; listcell = record cdr : plistcell; car : integer; end; function pfoo ( var a : integer ; var b : realarray; var c : pintarray; var d : listoffixnumscell) : integer; begin writeln(' a:',a, ' b[0]:', b[0], ' b[1]:', b[1]); writeln(' c (first):', c[0]^,' c (second):', c[1]^); Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-15 writeln(' ( ', d.fixnum^, d.cdr^.fixnum^, ' ...) '); b[1] := 3.1415926; pfoo := 3 end ; { the function pmemq looks for the Lisp pointer given as the first argument in the list pointed to by the second argument. Note that we declare " a : integer " instead of " var a : integer " since we are interested in the pointer value instead of what it points to (which could be any Lisp object) } function pmemq( a : integer; list : plistcell) : plistcell; begin while (list <> nil) and (list^.car <> a) do list := list^.cdr; pmemq := list; end ; _T_h_e _f_i_l_e_s _a_r_e _c_o_m_p_i_l_e_d % cc -c ch8auxc.c 1.0u 1.2s 0:15 14% 30+39k 33+20io 147pf+0w % pc -c ch8auxp.p 3.0u 1.7s 0:37 12% 27+32k 53+32io 143pf+0w % lisp Franz Lisp, Opus 38.60 _F_i_r_s_t _t_h_e _f_i_l_e_s _a_r_e _l_o_a_d_e_d _a_n_d _w_e _s_e_t _u_p _o_n_e _f_o_r_e_i_g_n _f_u_n_c_- _t_i_o_n _b_i_n_a_r_y. _W_e _h_a_v_e _t_w_o _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s _i_n _e_a_c_h _f_i_l_e _s_o _w_e _m_u_s_t _c_h_o_o_s_e _o_n_e _t_o _t_e_l_l _c_f_a_s_l _a_b_o_u_t. _T_h_e _c_h_o_i_c_e _i_s _a_r_b_i_t_r_a_r_y. -> (cfasl 'ch8auxc.o '_cfoo 'cfoo "integer-function") /usr/lib/lisp/nld -N -A /usr/local/lisp -T 63000 ch8auxc.o -e _cfoo -o /tmp/Li7055.0 -lc #63000-"integer-function" -> (cfasl 'ch8auxp.o '_pfoo 'pfoo "integer-function" "-lpc") /usr/lib/lisp/nld -N -A /tmp/Li7055.0 -T 63200 ch8auxp.o -e _pfoo -o /tmp/Li7055.1 -lpc -lc #63200-"integer-function" _H_e_r_e _w_e _s_e_t _u_p _t_h_e _o_t_h_e_r _f_o_r_e_i_g_n _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _b_i_n_a_r_y _o_b_j_e_c_t_s -> (getaddress '_cmemq 'cmemq "function" '_pmemq 'pmemq "function") #6306c-"function" _W_e _w_a_n_t _t_o _c_r_e_a_t_e _a_n_d _i_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_e _a_n _a_r_r_a_y _t_o _p_a_s_s _t_o _t_h_e _c_f_o_o _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n. _I_n _t_h_i_s _c_a_s_e _w_e _c_r_e_a_t_e _a_n _u_n_n_a_m_e_d _a_r_r_a_y _a_n_d _s_t_o_r_e _i_t _i_n _t_h_e _v_a_l_u_e _c_e_l_l _o_f _t_e_s_t_a_r_r. _W_h_e_n _w_e _c_r_e_a_t_e _a_n _a_r_r_a_y _t_o _p_a_s_s _t_o _t_h_e _P_a_s_c_a_l _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _w_e _w_i_l_l _u_s_e _a _n_a_m_e_d _a_r_r_a_y _j_u_s_t _t_o _d_e_m_o_n_s_t_r_a_t_e _t_h_e _d_i_f_f_e_r_e_n_t _w_a_y _t_h_a_t _n_a_m_e_d _a_n_d _u_n_n_a_m_e_d _a_r_r_a_y_s _a_r_e _c_r_e_a_t_e_d _a_n_d _a_c_c_e_s_s_e_d. -> (setq testarr (array nil flonum-block 2)) array[2] -> (store (funcall testarr 0) 1.234) 1.234 -> (store (funcall testarr 1) 5.678) 5.678 -> (cfoo 385 testarr (hunk 10 11 13 14) '(15 16 17)) a: 385, b[0]: 1.234000, b[1]: 5.678000 Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-16 c (first): 10 c (second): 11 ( 15 16 ... ) 3 _N_o_t_e _t_h_a_t _c_f_o_o _h_a_s _r_e_t_u_r_n_e_d _3 _a_s _i_t _s_h_o_u_l_d. _I_t _a_l_s_o _h_a_d _t_h_e _s_i_d_e _e_f_f_e_c_t _o_f _c_h_a_n_g_i_n_g _t_h_e _s_e_c_o_n_d _v_a_l_u_e _o_f _t_h_e _a_r_r_a_y _t_o _3._1_4_1_5_9_2_6 _w_h_i_c_h _c_h_e_c_k _n_e_x_t. -> (funcall testarr 1) 3.1415926 _I_n _p_r_e_p_a_r_a_t_i_o_n _f_o_r _c_a_l_l_i_n_g _p_f_o_o _w_e _c_r_e_a_t_e _a_n _a_r_r_a_y. -> (array test flonum-block 2) array[2] -> (store (test 0) 1.234) 1.234 -> (store (test 1) 5.678) 5.678 -> (pfoo 385 (getd 'test) (hunk 10 11 13 14) '(15 16 17)) a: 385 b[0]: 1.23400000000000E+00 b[1]: 5.67800000000000E+00 c (first): 10 c (second): 11 ( 15 16 ...) 3 -> (test 1) 3.1415926 _N_o_w _t_o _t_e_s_t _o_u_t _t_h_e _m_e_m_q'_s -> (cmemq 'a '(b c a d e f)) (_a _d _e _f) -> (pmemq 'e '(a d f g a x)) _n_i_l ____________________________________________________________ The Fortran example will be much shorter since in Fortran you can't follow pointers as you can in other languages. The Fortran function ffoo is given three arguments: a fixnum, a fixnum-block array and a flo- num. These arguments are printed out to verify that they made it and then the first value of the array is modified. The function returns a double precision value which is converted to a flonum by lisp and printed. Note that the entry point corresponding to the Fortran function ffoo is _ffoo_ as opposed to the C and Pascal convention of preceding the name with an underscore. ____________________________________________________________ % cat ch8auxf.f Printed: January 31, 1984 Functions, Fclosures, and Macros 8-17 double precision function ffoo(a,b,c) integer a,b(10) double precision c print 2,a,b(1),b(2),c 2 format(' a=',i4,', b(1)=',i5,', b(2)=',i5,' c=',f6.4) b(1) = 22 ffoo = 1.23456 return end % f77 -c ch8auxf.f ch8auxf.f: ffoo: 0.9u 1.8s 0:12 22% 20+22k 54+48io 158pf+0w % lisp Franz Lisp, Opus 38.60 -> (cfasl 'ch8auxf.o '_ffoo_ 'ffoo "real-function" "-lF77 -lI77") /usr/lib/lisp/nld -N -A /usr/local/lisp -T 63000 ch8auxf.o -e _ffoo_ -o /tmp/Li11066.0 -lF77 -lI77 -lc #6307c-"real-function" -> (array test fixnum-block 2) array[2] -> (store (test 0) 10) 10 -> (store (test 1) 11) 11 -> (ffoo 385 (getd 'test) 5.678) a= 385, b(1)= 10, b(2)= 11 c=5.6780 1.234559893608093 -> (test 0) 22 ____________________________________________________________ 9 9 Printed: January 31, 1984