(include-if (null (get 'chead 'version)) "../chead.l") (Liszt-file decl "$Header: decl.l,v 1.8 83/08/28 17:13:00 layer Exp $") ;;; ---- d e c l declaration handling ;;; ;;; -[Sat Aug 6 23:58:35 1983 by layer]- (setq original-readtable readtable) (setq raw-readtable (makereadtable t)) ;--- compile-fcn :: declare a open coded function ; name - name of the function ; fcnname - function to be funcall'ed to handle the open coding ; indicator - describes what the fcnname will do, one of ; fl-expr : will compile the expression and leave the ; result in r0. Will ignore g-cc and g-loc ; fl-exprcc: will compile the expression and leave the ; result in g-loc. Will handle g-cc ; fl-exprm: will just return another form to be d-exp'ed ; args - (optional) description of the arguments to this function. ; form: (min-args . max-args) . If max-args is nil, then there is ; no max. This is usually done in /usr/lib/lisp/fcninfo.l. ; (defmacro compile-fcn (name fcnname indicator &optional (args nil args-p)) `(progn (putprop ',name ',fcnname ',indicator) ;; don't do this here, done in fcn-info ,@(cond (args-p `((putprop ',name (list ',args) 'fcn-info)))))) ;--- special handlers (compile-fcn and cc-and fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn arg cc-arg fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn assq cm-assq fl-exprm) (compile-fcn atom cc-atom fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn bigp cc-bigp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn bcdcall c-bcdcall fl-expr) (compile-fcn Internal-bcdcall c-Internal-bcdcall fl-expr) (compile-fcn bcdp cc-bcdp fl-exprcc) #+for-vax (compile-fcn boole c-boole fl-expr) (compile-fcn *catch c-*catch fl-expr) (compile-fcn comment cc-ignore fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn cond c-cond fl-expr) (compile-fcn cons c-cons fl-expr) (compile-fcn cxr cc-cxr fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn declare c-declare fl-expr) (compile-fcn do c-do fl-expr) (compile-fcn liszt-internal-do c-do fl-expr) (compile-fcn dtpr cc-dtpr fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn eq cc-eq fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn equal cc-equal fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn errset c-errset fl-expr) (compile-fcn fixp cc-fixp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn floatp cc-floatp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn funcall c-funcall fl-expr) (compile-fcn function cc-function fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn get c-get fl-expr) (compile-fcn getaccess cm-getaccess fl-exprm) (compile-fcn getaux cm-getaux fl-exprm) (compile-fcn getd cm-getd fl-exprm) (compile-fcn getdata cm-getdata fl-exprm) (compile-fcn getdisc cm-getdisc fl-exprm) (compile-fcn go c-go fl-expr) (compile-fcn list c-list fl-expr) (compile-fcn map cm-map fl-exprm) (compile-fcn mapc cm-mapc fl-exprm) (compile-fcn mapcan cm-mapcan fl-exprm) (compile-fcn mapcar cm-mapcar fl-exprm) (compile-fcn mapcon cm-mapcon fl-exprm) (compile-fcn maplist cm-maplist fl-exprm) (compile-fcn memq cc-memq fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn ncons cm-ncons fl-exprm) (compile-fcn not cc-not fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn null cc-not fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn numberp cc-numberp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn or cc-or fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn prog c-prog fl-expr) (compile-fcn progn cm-progn fl-exprm) (compile-fcn prog1 cm-prog1 fl-exprm) (compile-fcn prog2 cm-prog2 fl-exprm) (compile-fcn progv c-progv fl-expr) (compile-fcn quote cc-quote fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn return c-return fl-expr) (compile-fcn rplaca c-rplaca fl-expr) (compile-fcn rplacd c-rplacd fl-expr) (compile-fcn rplacx c-rplacx fl-expr) (compile-fcn *rplacx c-rplacx fl-expr) (compile-fcn setarg c-setarg fl-expr) (compile-fcn setq cc-setq fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn stringp cc-stringp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn symbolp cc-symbolp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn symeval cm-symeval fl-exprm) (compile-fcn *throw c-*throw fl-expr) (compile-fcn typep cc-typep fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vectorp cc-vectorp fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vectorip cc-vectorip fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vset cc-vset fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vseti-byte cc-vseti-byte fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vseti-word cc-vseti-word fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vseti-long cc-vseti-long fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vref cc-vref fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vrefi-byte cc-vrefi-byte fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vrefi-word cc-vrefi-word fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vrefi-long cc-vrefi-long fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn vsize c-vsize fl-expr) (compile-fcn vsize-byte c-vsize-byte fl-expr) (compile-fcn vsize-word c-vsize-word fl-expr) (compile-fcn zerop cm-zerop fl-exprm) ; functions which expect fixnum operands (compile-fcn + c-fixnumop fl-expr) #+for-vax (putprop '+ 'addl3 'fixop) #+for-68k (putprop '+ 'addl 'fixop) (compile-fcn - c-fixnumop fl-expr) #+for-vax (putprop '- 'subl3 'fixop) #+for-68k (putprop '- 'subl 'fixop) #+for-vax (progn 'compile (compile-fcn * c-fixnumop fl-expr) (putprop '* 'mull3 'fixop) (compile-fcn / c-fixnumop fl-expr) (putprop '/ 'divl3 'fixop)) ;-- boole's derivatives #+for-vax (progn 'compile (compile-fcn fixnum-BitOr c-fixnumop fl-expr) (putprop 'fixnum-BitOr 'bisl3 'fixop) (compile-fcn fixnum-BitAndNot c-fixnumop fl-expr) (putprop 'fixnum-BitAndNot 'bicl3 'fixop) (compile-fcn fixnum-BitXor c-fixnumop fl-expr) (putprop 'fixnum-BitXor 'xorl3 'fixop)) (compile-fcn 1+ cc-oneplus fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn 1- cc-oneminus fl-exprcc) #+for-vax (compile-fcn \\ c-\\ fl-expr) ; done in the old way, should be modified ; these have typically fixnum operands, but not always ; these without the & can be both fixnum or both flonum ; (compile-fcn < cm-< fl-exprm) (compile-fcn <& cc-<& fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn > cm-> fl-exprm) (compile-fcn >& cc->& fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn = cm-= fl-exprm) (compile-fcn =& cm-=& fl-exprm) ; functions which can only be compiled (compile-fcn assembler-code c-assembler-code fl-expr) (compile-fcn fixnum-cxr cm-fixnum-cxr fl-exprm) (compile-fcn internal-fixnum-box c-internal-fixnum-box fl-expr) (compile-fcn offset-cxr cc-offset-cxr fl-exprcc) (compile-fcn internal-bind-vars c-internal-bind-vars fl-expr) (compile-fcn internal-unbind-vars c-internal-unbind-vars fl-expr) ; functions which can be converted to fixnum functions if ; proper declarations are done (mapc '(lambda (arg) (putprop (car arg) (cdr arg) 'if-fixnum-args)) '((lessp . <&) (greaterp . >&) (= . =&) (equal . =&))) ;--- doevalwhen, process evalwhen directive. This is inadequate. ; (def doevalwhen (lambda (v-f) (prog (docom dolod) (setq docom (memq 'compile (cadr v-f)) dolod (memq 'load (cadr v-f))) (mapc '(lambda (frm) (cond (docom (eval frm))) (cond (dolod ((lambda (internal-macros) (liszt-form frm)) t)))) (cddr v-f))))) ;---- declare - the compiler version of the declare function ; process the declare forms given. We evaluate each arg ; (defun liszt-declare fexpr (forms) (cond ((status feature complr) (do ((i forms (cdr i))) ((null i)) (cond ((and (atom (caar i)) (getd (caar i))) (eval (car i))) ; if this is a function (t (comp-warn "Unknown declare attribute: " (car i)))))))) ;---> handlers for declare forms ; declaration information for declarations which occur outside of ; functions is stored on the property list for rapid access. ; The indicator to look under is the value of one of the symbols: ; g-functype, g-vartype, g-bindtype, or g-calltype ; The value of the property is the declared function, declaration, binding ; or call type for that variable. ; For local declarations, the information is kept on the g-decls stack. ; It is an assq list, the car of which is the name of the variable or ; function name, the cdr of which is the particular type. To tell ; whether the particular type is a function type declaration, check the ; property list of the particular type for a 'functype' indicator. ; Likewise, to see if a particular type is a variable declaration, look ; for a 'vartype' indicator on the particular type's property list. ; (defmacro declare-handler (args name type toplevind) `(mapc '(lambda (var) (cond ((symbolp var) (cond (g-compfcn ; if compiling a function (Push g-decls (cons var ',name))) (t ; if at top level (putprop var ',name ,toplevind)))))) ,args)) (defun *fexpr fexpr (args) (declare-handler args nlambda functype g-functype)) (defun nlambda fexpr (args) (declare-handler args nlambda functype g-functype)) (defun *expr fexpr (args) (declare-handler args lambda functype g-functype)) (defun lambda fexpr (args) (declare-handler args lambda functype g-functype)) (defun *lexpr fexpr (args) (declare-handler args lexpr functype g-functype)) (defun special fexpr (args) (declare-handler args special bindtype g-bindtype)) (defun unspecial fexpr (args) (declare-handler args unspecial bindtype g-bindtype)) (defun fixnum fexpr (args) (declare-handler args fixnum vartype g-vartype)) (defun flonum fexpr (args) (declare-handler args flonum vartype g-vartype)) (defun notype fexpr (args) (declare-handler args notype vartype g-vartype)) ;--- special case, this is only allowed at top level. It will ; be removed when vectors are fully supported (def macarray (nlambda (v-l) (mapc '(lambda (x) (if (dtpr x) then (putprop (car x) (cdr x) g-arrayspecs) (putprop (car x) 'array g-functype) else (comp-err "Bad macerror form" x))) v-l))) (def macros (nlambda (args) (setq macros (car args)))) (def specials (nlambda (args) (setq special (car args)))) ;--- *args ; form is (declare (*args minargs maxargs)) ; this must occur within a function definition or it is an error ; (def *args (nlambda (args) (if (not g-compfcn) then (comp-err " *args declaration not given within a function definition " args)) (let (min max) (if (not (= (length args) 2)) then (comp-err " *args declaration must have two args: " args)) (setq min (car args) max (cadr args)) (if (not (and (or (null min) (fixp min)) (or (null max) (fixp max)))) then (comp-err " *args declaration has illegal values: " args)) (setq g-arginfo (cons min max)) (putprop g-fname (list g-arginfo) 'fcn-info)))) ;--- *arginfo ; designed to be used at top level, but can be used within function ; form: (declare (*arginfo (append 2 nil) (showstack 0 1))) ; (def *arginfo (nlambda (args) (do ((xx args (cdr xx)) (name) (min) (max)) ((null xx)) (if (and (dtpr (car xx)) (eq (length (car xx)) 3)) then (setq name (caar xx) min (cadar xx) max (caddar xx)) (if (not (and (symbolp name) (or (null min) (fixp min)) (or (null max) (fixp max)))) then (comp-err " *arginfo, illegal declaration " (car xx)) else (putprop name (list (cons min max)) 'fcn-info)))))) ;--- another top level only. ; (def localf (nlambda (args) (mapc '(lambda (ar) (if (null (get ar g-localf)) then (putprop ar (cons (d-genlab) -1) g-localf)) (if (get ar g-stdref) then (comp-err "function " ar " is being declared local" N " yet it has already been called in a non local way"))) args))) ; g-decls is a stack of forms like ; ((foo . special) (bar . fixnum) (pp . nlambda)) ; there are 4 types of cdr's: ; function types (lambda, nlambda, lexpr) ; variable types (fixnum, flonum, notype) ; call types (localf, ) ; bind types (special, unspecial) ; (mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'functype)) '(lambda nlambda lexpr)) (mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'vartype)) '(fixnum flonum notype)) (mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'calltype)) '(localf)) (mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'bindtype)) '(special unspecial)) ;---> end declare form handlers ;--- d-makespec :: declare a variable to be special ; (defun d-makespec (vrb) (putprop vrb 'special g-bindtype))