.TH PEARL 1 "29 March 1983" .UC 4 .SH NAME pearl \- P\s-2EARL\s0 AI programming language .SH SYNOPSIS .B pearl .SH DESCRIPTION .I Pearl is an AI programming language built on top of F\s-2RANZ\s0\ L\s-2ISP\s0. P\s-2EARL\s0 (Package for Efficient Access to Representations in Lisp) was developed with space and time efficiencies in mind. In addition to providing the usual AI facilities such as slot-filler objects, demons and associative data bases, P\s-2EARL\s0 introduces stronger typing on slots, user-assisted hashing mechanisms, and a forest of data bases. .LP There are too many functions to list here; one should refer to the reports listed below. .SH AUTHORS P\s-2EARL\s0 was implemented at Berkeley by Joseph Faletti and Michael Deering under the direction of Robert Wilensky. P\s-2EARL\s0 was originally implemented under UCILisp on a DEC 2040, moved without modification to a PDP 10 under TOPS 10, and then (with significant modification) to a VAX 11/780 under F\s-2RANZ\s0\ L\s-2ISP\s0. .SH SEE ALSO Deering, M., Faletti, J., and Wilensky, R. 1981. P\s-2EARL\s0: An Efficient Language for Artificial Intelligence Programming. In the .I Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. .R Vancouver, British Columbia. August, 1981. .br .sp 1 Deering, M., Faletti, J., and Wilensky, R. 1982. .I The P\s-2EARL\s0 Users Manual. .R Berkeley Electronic Research Laboratory Memorandum No. UCB/ERL/M82/19. March, 1982.