/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)nextaddr.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85"; #endif not lint /* * Calculate the next address that will be executed from the current one. * * If the next address depends on runtime data (e.g. a conditional * branch will depend on the value on top of the stack), * we must execute up to the given address with "stepto". * * If the second argument is TRUE, we treat a CALL instruction as * straight line rather than following it as a branch. */ #include "defs.h" #include "machine.h" #include "process.h" #include "breakpoint.h" #include "sym.h" #include "pxops.h" #include "optab.h" #include "mappings.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "process/pxinfo.h" #include "process/process.rep" LOCAL ADDRESS docase(), dofor(); ADDRESS nextaddr(beginaddr, isnext) ADDRESS beginaddr; BOOLEAN isnext; { register PXOP op; ADDRESS addr; short offset; int nextbyte; SYM *s; union { short word; char byte[2]; } o; addr = beginaddr; iread(&o.word, addr, sizeof(o.word)); op = (PXOP) o.byte[0]; nextbyte = o.byte[1]; addr += sizeof(short); switch(op) { # if (isvaxpx) /* * The version of px on the VAX assumes that the instruction * at the entry point of a function is a TRA4 to the beginning * of the block. */ # endif case O_CALL: { ADDRESS eaddr; if (isnext) { addr += sizeof(int); } else { # if (isvaxpx) iread(&eaddr, addr, sizeof(eaddr)); addr = eaddr + sizeof(short); iread(&addr, addr, sizeof(addr)); # else iread(&offset, addr, sizeof(offset)); addr += offset; # endif stepto(addr); if (linelookup(addr) == 0) { bpact(); addr = pc; } if (ss_lines && trcond()) { s = whatblock(addr); if (s == NIL) { panic("bad call addr"); } printentry(s); } } break; } # if (isvaxpx) case O_FCALL: { ADDRESS eaddr; ADDRESS *fparam; if (!isnext) { stepto(addr - sizeof(short)); dread(&fparam, process->sp + sizeof(ADDRESS), sizeof(fparam)); dread(&eaddr, fparam, sizeof(eaddr)); addr = eaddr - ENDOFF; stepto(addr); if (linelookup(addr) == 0) { bpact(); addr = pc; } if (ss_lines && trcond()) { s = whatblock(addr); if (s == NIL) { panic("bad call addr"); } printentry(s); } } break; } # endif case O_END: if ((addr - sizeof(short)) == lastaddr()) { stepto(addr - sizeof(short)); endprogram(); } else { addr = return_addr(); s = whatblock(pc); stepto(addr); if (ss_lines && trcond()) { printexit(s); } if (linelookup(addr) == 0) { bpact(); addr = pc; } } break; # if (isvaxpx) case O_TRA4: case O_GOTO: iread(&addr, addr, sizeof(addr)); break; # endif case O_TRA: iread(&offset, addr, sizeof(offset)); addr += offset; break; case O_CON: { short consize; if (nextbyte == 0) { iread(&consize, addr, sizeof(consize)); addr += sizeof(consize); } else { consize = nextbyte; } addr += consize; break; } case O_CASE1OP: addr = docase(nextbyte, 1, addr); break; case O_CASE2OP: addr = docase(nextbyte, 2, addr); break; case O_CASE4OP: addr = docase(nextbyte, 4, addr); break; case O_FOR1U: addr = dofor(2, addr, nextbyte, 1); break; case O_FOR2U: addr = dofor(2, addr, nextbyte, 1); break; case O_FOR4U: addr = dofor(4, addr, nextbyte, 1); break; case O_FOR1D: addr = dofor(2, addr, nextbyte, -1); break; case O_FOR2D: addr = dofor(2, addr, nextbyte, -1); break; case O_FOR4D: addr = dofor(4, addr, nextbyte, -1); break; case O_IF: stepto(addr - sizeof(short)); dread(&offset, process->sp, sizeof(offset)); if (offset == 0) { iread(&offset, addr, sizeof(offset)); addr += offset; } else { addr += sizeof(offset); } break; default: { # if (isvaxpx) int i; for (i = 0; optab[op].argtype[i] != 0; i++) { switch(optab[op].argtype[i]) { case ADDR4: case LWORD: addr += 4; break; case SUBOP: break; case ADDR2: case HWORD: case PSUBOP: case DISP: case VLEN: if (i != 0 || nextbyte == 0) { addr += sizeof(short); } break; case STRING: { char c; while (nextbyte > 0) { iread(&c, addr, 1); if (c == '\0') { break; } nextbyte--; addr++; } addr++; if ((addr&1) != 0) { addr++; } break; } default: panic("bad argtype"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } # else int oplen; oplen = optab[op].nargs; if (oplen < 0) { oplen = (-oplen) - 1; } else if (oplen > 0 && nextbyte != 0) { oplen--; } oplen *= sizeof(int); switch (op) { case O_BEG: case O_NODUMP: oplen += 10; break; case O_CON: oplen += ((nextbyte + 1)&~1); break; } addr += oplen; # endif break; } } return addr; } /* * Find the next address that will be executed after the * case statement at the given address. */ LOCAL ADDRESS docase(ncases, size, addr) int ncases; int size; ADDRESS addr; { register ADDRESS i; ADDRESS firstval, lastval, jmptable; short offset; long swtval, caseval; stepto(addr - 2); if (ncases == 0) { iread(&ncases, addr, sizeof(ncases)); addr += sizeof(short); } jmptable = addr; firstval = jmptable + ncases*sizeof(short); lastval = firstval + ncases*size; if (size <= 2) { dread(&swtval, process->sp, 2); } else { dread(&swtval, process->sp, size); } for (i = firstval; i < lastval; i += size) { iread(&caseval, i, size); if (cmp(&swtval, &caseval, size) == 0) { i = ((i - firstval) / size) * sizeof(offset); iread(&offset, jmptable + i, sizeof(offset)); addr = jmptable + offset; return addr; } } return((lastval+1)&~1); } LOCAL ADDRESS dofor(size, addr, subop, incr) int size; ADDRESS addr; short subop; int incr; { register PROCESS *p; long i, limit, lower; ADDRESS valaddr; short offset; stepto(addr - sizeof(short)); p = process; i = limit = 0; if (subop == 0) { addr += size; } dread(&valaddr, p->sp, sizeof(valaddr)); dread(&i, valaddr, size); dread(&limit, p->sp + sizeof(valaddr), size); i += (incr << (8*(sizeof(i) - size))); addr += size; /* * It is very slow to go through the loop again and again. * If it is desired to just skip to the end, the next 4 lines * should be skipped. */ if ((incr > 0 && i < limit) || (incr < 0 && i > limit)) { iread(&offset, addr, sizeof(offset)); return(addr + offset); } else { return(addr + sizeof(short)); } } /* * Determine whether or not the given address corresponds to the * end of a procedure. */ BOOLEAN isendofproc(addr) ADDRESS addr; { PXOP op; iread(&op, addr, sizeof(op)); return (op == O_END); }