#print Now that you know how to delete lines, you may eventually delete some by mistake. If you just deleted some lines, you can always recover them with the 'u' command. For example, 1,5d u will delete the first 5 lines and then 'undo' that change. I will put you in the editor with a file called 'colors'. Print its contents, then delete the first 5 lines and issue the 'undo' command. Print the file again to make sure that it's all there, rewrite the file, quit, and type 'ready'. #create Ref red yellow blue green purple brown orange #create colors red yellow blue green purple brown orange #copyin #pipe ex +'set prompt noopt open' colors #user #unpipe #uncopyin (diff Ref colors || grep 1,5d .copy) > /dev/null #log #next 20.01b 10