#print You can now change a line of a file, using only the commands already taught, by deleting the old line and inserting a new one. This is not a very convenient way to do that, so there is a command 'c' (change) which combines those operations. 5c input text here. . will delete line 5 and replace it by the lines input text here. Note that the text following 'c', just like the text after 'i' and 'a', must end with a line containing just one '.' and nothing else. This directory contains a file named 'short' with six lines in it. Change the last line to read new version of last line and rewrite the file; then end with "ready". #create Ref This is a short file which contains exactly six lines of text of which you are to change the last line new version of last line #create short This is a short file which contains exactly six lines of text of which you are to change the last line this is the last line. #user #cmp Ref short #log #next 21.1a 10