#print A particularly important editor command is 'w' (write). This writes whatever you are working on, including everything you have typed in or changed, into a file, so that you can work on it again later. If you try to quit from the editor without writing out your changes, the editor will complain. Generally it's wisest to leave the editor by typing w q rather than just 'q'. I'll put you in the editor; type those two commands to leave. Then type "ready". #create bpres Washington Adams Jefferson #create pres Washington Adams Jefferson #pipe ex +'set prompt noopt open' pres #user #unpipe #cmp pres bpres #succeed Note that the editor typed "pres" 1 line, 27 characters This is the number of characters and lines it wrote into the file. This is reassuring - it tells you the write was successful. It also lets you compare these numbers with those it typed just before it gave you a ':'. #log #next 4.1a 10 4.2a 5