#print You can use pairs of addresses which involve searches. For example, to print all lines from the first line until the next line containing "stop", say 1,/stop/p In this directory is a file "list". Print all lines from the first line to a line containing "023". Then leave the editor and type "ready". #create list bio011 bio012 bio013 bio014 bio015 bio016 bio017 bio021 bio022 bio023 bio024 bio025 bio026 bio027 bio028 bio031 bio032 bio033 bio034 bio035 bio036 bio037 bio038 bio041 bio042 bio043 bio044 bio045 bio046 bio047 bio051 #create x2 :bio011 bio012 bio013 bio014 bio015 bio016 bio017 bio021 bio022 bio023 #copyout #user #uncopyout grep bio .ocopy >x1 #cmp x1 x2 #log #next 52.2b 5