#print You may well ask how the editor knows which line to print. The editor keeps track of the 'current line', which is usually the last line you touched in any way. When you begin editing a file, for example, the current line is the last line. If you want to print any particular line, however, that is easy. For example, to print the 3rd line you say 3p To print the first line 1p (That's a one, no matter how much it looks like the letter "l".) Here is a file: I'll put you into the editor with that file as the 'current file' - print the 4th line, then type 'w', 'q', and "ready" as usual. #create Ref :james madison #create file george washington john adams thomas jefferson james madison james monroe john quincy adams #print file #copyout #pipe ex +'set prompt noopt open' file #user #unpipe #uncopyout grep madison .ocopy >X2 #cmp Ref X2 #log #next 7.1a 10