#print Suppose you wanted to combine two files? No editor command you have learned so far will do that. The command 'r' is just what the doctor ordered. It reads in a file, without throwing away the existing buffer. So, for example, ex para1 r para2 w both q will edit "para1"; then read in "para2" at the end; and then write the combined stuff on "both". Try that, with those names, in this directory. Then type "ready". #create Ref We say that matter is anything which occupies space and has weight. Matter possesses inertia, which is a resistance to change of position or motion. It may be acted on by forces which may set it in motion, or change its motion. While all these statements are descriptive of matter, they do not provide us with a completely satisfactory definition. Scientists, with their great knowledge of the properties and behavior of matter, are not yet able to define it precisely. Nature still holds many secrets to challenge the minds of men. The quantity of matter which a body possesses is known as its mass. When one end of a long glass tube that is open at both ends is placed in water, forces cause the water to rise in the tube to a certain height. The finer the bore of the tube, the higher the water rises. A tube with a hairlike bore is called a capillary tube and the liquid rise in it is called capillarity. How could you show that this rise is not due to atmospheric pressure? Seemingly, water rises in capillary tubes because the adhesive forces between glass and water molecules are greater than the cohesive forces between water molecules. #create para1 We say that matter is anything which occupies space and has weight. Matter possesses inertia, which is a resistance to change of position or motion. It may be acted on by forces which may set it in motion, or change its motion. While all these statements are descriptive of matter, they do not provide us with a completely satisfactory definition. Scientists, with their great knowledge of the properties and behavior of matter, are not yet able to define it precisely. Nature still holds many secrets to challenge the minds of men. The quantity of matter which a body possesses is known as its mass. #create para2 When one end of a long glass tube that is open at both ends is placed in water, forces cause the water to rise in the tube to a certain height. The finer the bore of the tube, the higher the water rises. A tube with a hairlike bore is called a capillary tube and the liquid rise in it is called capillarity. How could you show that this rise is not due to atmospheric pressure? Seemingly, water rises in capillary tubes because the adhesive forces between glass and water molecules are greater than the cohesive forces between water molecules. #user #cmp both Ref #log #next 60.2b 5