#print Back early in this sequence we made clear that the shell (the normal command interpreter) and the editor were distinct and they didn't pay any attention to each other's commands. Sometimes you are in the editor and you really want to execute a shell command. You can do that by prefixing it with !. For example, !ls will list your directory. Remember that "date" is the shell command to find out what time it is. Try editing the file 'bridge'; print it out, then, without leaving the editor, ask for the time and then leave the editor and say "ready". #create bridge brooklyn manhattan williamsburg queensborough george washington triborough bronx whitestone throgs neck #copyout #user #uncopyout grep '[A-Z].. [A-Z].. .. [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] ' .ocopy >/dev/null #log #next 74.1a 10