#print To move around, you can use simple arithmetic when specifying what to print. For example, 3+1p is the same as 4p as an editor command. Now that's not very interesting; but if the '.' current line pointer is line 3, then using .+1p instead of 4p is helpful. For example, print the 3rd and 4th lines of the familiar file using first "3p" to get to line 3 and then ".+1p" to print the next line. End as usual with w, q, and ready. #create Ref :thomas jefferson :james madison :"file" 6 lines, 91 characters #create file george washington john adams thomas jefferson james madison james monroe john quincy adams #copyout #pipe ex +'set prompt noopt open' file #user #unpipe #uncopyout tail -3 .ocopy >X1 #cmp Ref X1 3 #log #next 9.1a 10 8.1b 7